Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 423

“Well?” Frost asked gingerly, his fingers were crossed as he hoped his hypothesis was correct because if it wasn’t he’d truly be stumped.

Findlay repeatedly opened and closed his fist, sensing any changes in his body no matter how minute.

“There’s definitely an additional stream of energy within my body. it’s small and inert but it’s there.” Findlay could feel this foreign energy settling down in his body, different from the mana he naturally absorbed while present within the dungeon. With time he’d likely be able to meld this stream into his flesh, organs, blood and even his mana veins, gradually saturating them to the point that he’d be forced to either explode or evolve, with latter obviously being the aim in such an endeavour.

“Master I believe your theory is correct. As long as I continue to absorb the energy from these magic crystals I’ll be able to build up enough power to qualify for evolution.” Findlay’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke, the path, which was nothing, but darkness now had a powerful light beckoning him towards it. He would reach B-rank of this he was sure.

Frost let out a sigh of relief and a wide grin adorned his lips.

‘That’s one requirement done and dusted then.’ As long as he kept Findlay and his other monsters supplied with the magic crystals of the deceased invaders they should be able to evolve into their higher archetypes.

“Now we just need to achieve the other parameters. Honing your skills to the point that they reach the criteria for B-rank.” Frost had a good idea about this avenue as well given his own entry into B-rank.

“You’ll likely need to bring your axe mastery to the advanced level and know an advanced level weapon skill or bring your magic capabilities to 4th circle.....” Frost frowned before continuing.


“The weapon mastery route will be our best option given that your magic capabilities are far less developed. Do you think you can achieve this?”

For monsters like Findlay advancing through weapon mastery and magic circles without evolving is a very tall ask. Their species archetypes are far more restricting in terms of development when compared to sapient races and monsters such as Daki and Druakai. The orcs themselves were already quite a varied race with a fair level of leeway in regards to personal development but when a member of that race has been born through generations of natural sexual reproduction, the line between sapient and monster blur even if said monster is of low rank.

Findlay was a monster created by Frost and the dungeon, summoned through the use of DP, similar to those created within monster lairs. Their talents and abilities were usually set in stone and only by evolving would they be able to utilise higher orders of magic and or hold a higher level of weapon mastery. Findlay was gifted with a powerful body, knowledge and inherent skills from the onset instead of being born and growing day by day thus he like many other monsters suffered from these limitations. Bridging this gap wouldn’t be any easier than containing the energy required to break through Dark’s evolution protection.

Findlay frowned and looked down at his hands in silence, contemplating Frost’s question. He more than anyone knew the capabilities of his own body. His axe mastery was at adept rank and after he reached level 49 it showed very little signs of improvement but even, so it was far better than his magic talents.

Frost was correct in that regard. His capabilities as a magic user were pretty abysmal. Consisting of the [ice bolt] spell and nothing else, a means to attack at range, nothing more. Bringing that up to 4th circle capabilities was a definite no go. In fact Findlay even doubted that it’d improve much once he achieved his evolution. He was not a magic based monster.

His chakra use was a little better especially after seeing his master put in such devotion into his cold flame development and the capabilities of the ronsos, but he was still a long way off. Weapon mastery was his only option.

“It’s not as though I have much of a choice, I need to improve my weapon mastery to the advanced level otherwise I’ll remain C-rank forever.” Findlay responded with a self-mocking smile, but his fists were clenched tight.

“I’ll start training immediately.” Findlay rose from his seat, his body expressing both determination and a slight lack of confidence. His task was monumental especially given his narrow timeframe. Frost needed him to reach B-rank soon. The stampede was growing more and more deadly, and the late stages were just around the corner.

“Findlay” Frost called out once he stood up.

“Yes master.”

“Head to the training space and prepare yourself. I’ll be sparring with you personally and I will not go easy on you. If we want you to quickly improve we’ll need to really put the pressure on so when we’re not training your in the thick of the battlefield relying solely on your axe and no weapon skills. Father said you needed to show a power that is beyond your current rank so having you face off against high level opponents that may even be stronger than you will be the best method to push you over the edge.” Frost stood up from his seat as he spoke and placed both his hands on Findlay’s shoulders before looking him dead in the eyes.

“This method will be risky, dangerous and oh so brutal.” A sadistic smirk grew of Frost’s lips making him look like a certain someone. “Last chance, do you want to embark upon this path?” Frost knew he needed strength to effectively deal with the ever growing monster waves but if Findlay wasn’t up for taking such a risk he wouldn’t force it. Some things just weren’t worth the cost.

Findlay’s eyes shook as he felt his master’s powerful gaze. He could feel Frost’s care for his safety but more than that he could feel the trust he had for him. The trust that he would never betray him and the trust that if he chose to embark on this dangerous path that he’d make it through to the other side.

Findlay’s contradiction of both determination and a lack of confidence broke apart leaving only determination.

Findlay grabbed onto the hands on his shoulders and replied with an eager and confident tone.

“Without hesitation master, even if my path is littered with fire and a road of blades I’ll still walk through it.” Findlay then moved into a full military salute, banging his fist against his chest with an audible thump before vanishing into a space warp. He teleported to the training space instead of back into the dungeon.

“.....You can come out now.” Frost watched Findlay leave with a smile before turning his head towards the bathroom and calling out.

A moment later Nanna and Loki appeared from the doorway with slightly embarrassed expressions. The two of them had woke up before Frost and had been in the bath, preparing for the heavy work schedule Frost had promised them.

When they were done and set to come out they noticed Frost speaking with Findlay and that the topic was quite serious, so they didn’t interrupt, staying silent in wait until it was over. They didn’t think however that Frost had already noticed them, now it looked like they were purposefully eavesdropping.

“Have you two eaten yet or did you both head straight for a bath once you woke up?” Frost beckoned them over; he wasn’t mad in slightest. He knew the two of them were in the bathroom when he got up since unlike his bedroom the bathroom wasn’t soundproof.

“No we haven’t eaten yet master.” Loki answered honestly as usual before taking a seat next Frost.

“Do you want me to prepare breakfast again?” Nanna asked with an expectant smile, her eyes darting to the kitchen and towards the cupboard were her apron was hanging in particular.

“That would be lovely but how about we cook together.” Frost hadn’t had much opportunity to do any cooking since he separated from Sam and Lola and to be honest he missed it.

Nanna responded with slightly uncontrollable squeal of glee before dashing to the kitchen to remove her apron as well as one for Frost. She’d cooked several times with Maya but not with Frost her master and saviour, her emotions were hiked up to eleven.

Frost smiled and shook his head before he, Nanna and even Loki worked together to quickly prepare a light breakfast that would fill their stomachs.

With Frost present Nanna was allowed to try a more difficult dish, the three of them worked hard to prepare four portions of salmon with avocado and a simple rice congee. Simple ingredients but very appetising when prepared well.

For the group of three with very little cooking experience however it was a little ambitious. The salmon was overcooked and the rice in the congee was very soggy, but the avocado was nice (the one thing that didn’t need cooking). But even so it was quite tasty, none of them left a single morsel on the plate feeling that they were duty bound to finish their own creation.

Once they were all done Frost asked the kids to deliver Maya’s portion to her in bed since she was incapable of leaving it in her current state. He highlighted the fact that they should knock and let her know that it was them entering and not him before he teleported to the medical centre on the sixth floor.

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