Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 8 Status????

Author\'s Note: Please write review and and give power stones if you enjoy the novel so far.

that\'s all i want to say.

Enjoy the Chapter :D


At the entrance of the Cave,

I don\'t really know how long it has been, I am currently killing the slimes and soaking in the Mana Infused Water or Mana Water as I call it.

My level has been going up, however I have stopped checking it a while ago, all I am doing is sitting here and killing slime\'s.

I made a Slime generator as I call it. It is same as the generator that people in use in M***craft just instead of lava and water it has slime\'s that are being cut by my Cat claw skill on one hand, and then killed at the other side with my Mana Claw skill, I haven\'t really absorbed any of these mana cores as of yet but I soon will. There is a small pile of mana cores right beside me.

As for my food, well I found out that Drinking Mana water is same as eating, it gives my me the nutrition that I need to live.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I can\'t stop laughing, after I absorbs all these Mana skills I will finally be able to get new abilities, and there is a rare chance of getting a unique skill too.

Well, I should keep grinding for now, but the thing is that I am getting bored here and well there is not much to do here anyways, I have been in these water\'s for I don\'t even know how long.

All I know is that it has been a long time. Just looking at the pile one could tell that I have been here for a long time.

While I was killing slime\'s I had a idea. A crazy one at that, how about I fill the whole cave with just Mana stone\'s and absorb all of them at once, I know what everyone must think if they find out about what I am doing, every single person form this world would call it Madness, but what ever.

If we look at it form my point of view I am a Immortal Kitten, I know that this might take a long time but its not like I am going to die of old age so why not. And at the same time I am getting mana infinity from the Mana water anyways so I don\'t really need to Anything. the level of my skills would go up form just sitting and doing nothing.

As for my idea about collecting the mana stone\'s until I fill the cave, now that I think about it I shouldn\'t absorb all the mana stone\'s I am going to check the pile of mana stone\'s from time to time too see if there are any skills I want and then I will absorb them as for the other\'s they will be thrown into the back of the cave.

Yes this is a really nice Idea, I am leveling up, getting skills and I have a pile of mana stone that I can use later I might even get money just form selling it all. And the amount of money that I would get would be sew much that I might be able to buy my own country one day.


The skills will level up on their own with the Mana water, I wonder if my luck is really good or is it something else.

Well anyways lets keep doing this, I have been doing this for a while and my skills have also leveled up a lot. My Cat claw and Mana Claw, have jumped a few levels and when I am done they might as well be at max, I haven\'t even distributive my status points yet either, I will just keep them piling and get strong on my own first before I use them.

I have a feeling that the I am getting too lucky and it might back fire on me. So lets work hard just a little.

As I did all this days went by then weeks then months and at some point I just lost count, I just know a new notification that made me snap out if my work, and I had to stop my work stop my work.

[First evolution available]

[host has reached the level required to evolve] as soon as I saw this I finally and after a long time looked at my status bar.



Name: ?


Race: Two-Tail Cat (Kitten)

Title: Reincarnated, Cat of the Cave, Ruler of Demon Forest, Hard worker, Blessed by god\'s, Enemy of all Slime\'s, Mana stone collector, Loved by Nature, Child of Nature, Dumb Fuck.

Status: -

Vitality: 10,00,000/10,00,000

Mana: ∞

Strength: 10,00,00,000/10,0000,000

Stamina: 10,00,00,000/10,0000,000

Defense: 10,00,00,000/10,00,00,000

Dexterity: 10,00,000/10,00,000


Unique Skill: Immortality

Unique Skill: Absorb

Unique Skill: Infinite Mana

Unique Skill: System

Unique Skill: Infinite Dimensional Storage (Inventory)

Unique Skill: Combat Arts

Unique Skill: Mathematics


Appraisal (LV80 ), Cat Claw (LV 70 ), Mana Claws(LV 70), Nature\'s Voice (LV 80), Cat Eyes (LV 79), Fire Magic(LV 60), \'Magic(LV 50), Ground magic(LV 66), Wind Magic(LV 72), Darkness magic (LV 50), Light magic(LV 40), Gravity Magic(LV 62), Ice Magic(LV 55), Telepathy(LV 55), SpaceMagic(LV 70), Multi-tasking(LV 74), Cloaking (LV 68), Double-Ganger(LV 72), Telekinesis (LV 78), Barrier Magic (LV 57), Regeneration(LV 76)


Blessing of the Cat goddess

Blessing of God of War

Blessing of God of Wealth

Blessing of Mother Nature

Status points: 1200


Am I watching things???

I rubbed my eyes a few times as I looked at my status.

I expected my status to have high level then before but what the fuck am I looking at right now?

New unique skills???

Why do I have so many titles? And what\'s with my stats? Why is my strength at 10,00,00,000/10,00,00,000 and WHEN THE FUCK DID I EVEN GET A STAMINA AND DEFENSE BER?????

What the fuck is going on, why do I have so many blessing\'s

God of war? God of wealth? Mother Nature? What the Fuck did I even do to get their attention??????

….brah what the absolute fuck…..

As I looked at my status bar my brain just went kaboom, the only question is how?

Nah its just too much I give up. Lets just use Appraisal.


Blessing of god of war

The God of war is impressed by your willingness to do anything to get powerful.

He has given you his blessing

Strength, Stamina, Defense X100

Blessing of God of Wealth

The God of Wealth is impressed by the amount of wealth you have, and your willingness

to do anything to get wealthy , he approves of your greed for wealth that is equal to that

of Dragons

Blessing of Mother Nature

Mother Nature has seen impressed by the mastery of Nature magic skills, she has given

you her blessing

Your Affinity with Nature has increased.


Are they retarded???

This was the first question that came to my mind when I read the description. I want power but why are you impressed by it, I am just doing this because I can\'t die of old age anyway.

And why are they even getting impressed anyway? I asked myself as i thought about the god of wealth, is my tresses trove that big or good that it revels Dragon\'s. I looked at the cave and found that the cave was half fulled with mana cores.

(Author\'s note: Fuck, I think I have been calling Mana crystals, Mana stone\'s the whole time, I just realized it. Can anyone go through the last chapter\'s and point where I have used the word mana stone\'s, And should I change it or not?)

Well I think he was right about it but anyways even so?

And what\'s up with mother Nature? I learned all these skills form all the mana core anyways, I didn\'t even lift a finger to learn them, Actually I don\'t even have fingers to begin with but that\'s not the point.

Well lets check out the 2 new Unique skills next.


Unique Skill: Combat Arts

A Unique Skill given by the God of war, you can use any and all types of weapon with the

precision of a Master, you have mastery over all Comber Art\'s form hand to hand or any


Unique Skill: Mathematics

A Unique skill given by the God of wealth, you can solve any Mathematic problem in

seconds and you can even predict the value of object\'s just by looking at them.


As I said before… are they FUCKING RETARDED???

I don\'t even have hands to use a fucking weapon or any hand to hand FUCKING arts.

As for you God of Wealth, I apologize for getting mad at you, you have given me a useful


I thanked the god of wealth, Unique Skill: Mathematics is a really helpful skill, that might come in handy down in line.

But God of War, I am disappointed, this is what you give me. I am offended. I know you can hear me, are you disrespecting me??? I will smack you if we ever meet, I promise you that you hear me!

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