Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 37 Fairies!

Author\'s note: Thank you LtFish for sending a Massage chair, as I mentioned before I will be posting extra chapters next month for all the gifts because I am busy this month.

all of you keep giving your power stones and golden tickets to this novel.

Thank you all for the support, enjoy the chapter.


Oh, I found a skeleton.

[don\'t you fucking change the topic]

Shut the fuck up, for a second I can sense something from inside the bones.

I looked at the skeleton form atop the branch of a tree, but I resolved to jump down and see what the little life signature that I sensed was, as I neared the skeleton, I finally saw it to an excessive degree, it looked aged as there was mushroom growing around it, it was leaning against a tree. There was some moss that was growing on it, and its legs had a covering of soil around it that had built up,

It\'s quite old, I thought as I observed it.

Now that I am near it I can sense two life signatures inside, is it perhaps an undead of some sort, if it is then it might be a Lich or just a normal skeleton undead.

As I came closer, I touched it with my paw to see if I would get any reaction but there was nothing, should I use Appraisal on it, ya let\'s do it and see what this thing is



An exoskeleton of a dead humanoid being.


Well that confirmed it then, it\'s just a dead, elf or human who knows the sole thing I can tell is that it\'s dead.

Hmm, so what is the energy signature coming off it, and it\'s coming from inside the skull?

I approached, it and jumped onto the bonny lap of the skeleton and then slowly climbed up the ribs and sleight touched the skull, as soon my paw touched the skull, its jaw fell off,

Hmm, nothing huh? I thought as I looked down at the jaw that had bounced off its rips and fallen to the side.

As I looked at it I heard a voice from the skull,


What the fuck\'s that noise??

I thought as I looked back up at the skull just to see that the hollow and dark eye sockets had a pair of glowing eyes,

T-the fuck is that? I asked myself as I got ready to battle it out with anything, that could attack me. My hair stood up and my two tails also stood up as I hissed,


As I did, a little hand came out of the eye socket, as if pulling something out and soon I could see it there were two tiny girls that right came forth,

\'H-hello, little one\' I spoke to them, my hair went back to normal and my tail relaxed.

However I got no answers, they just looked at me with curiosity, one of them looked to have black eyes, with tiny bluish pupils, her skin was grayish in color, her hair black, and she had horns that looked like a spine of a creature coming out of her head with a pair of the sharp needle-like bones coming out the form right beside the spine like horns, she had no lips, apart from fangs that looked sharp and dangerous her face didn\'t have much skin it looked like as if it was made out of facial muscles with a thin layer of skin on top. Truly out of a nightmare,

The second one looked to be like a normal fairy, with bail white skin, wings that looked like that of a ferry, and a pretty face, the only thing that was disturbing was that she was holding a tooth in her hand and constantly taking bites out of it. That\'s where the noise I heard was coming out.

As I inspected them they inspected me, however, something changed the hideous little thing that had bones on her body grew up to the size of a normal human, now that she was human sized I could see that the small bones that she was wearing were big bones, there were spines and few bones that were hanging off her back just like trophies of war.

She looked truly like a creature you would see in a nightmare, as for the small fairy she sat down on a skull in the shoulder of the nightmare, and calmly ate her tooth with delight.

[Author\'s note: reference in the comments]

I should Appraisal them.


Bone Fairy

A creature who loves to feed on the bones of the dead, they don\'t attack any living creature unless they are provoked. They are said to be beings that clean the wild by feeding on the bones of the dead, they love to turn small and feed on the bones of the dead little by little. If provoked they eat the bones of their victims while they are still alive.

Tooth Fairy

A creature who is said to come at night and take the teeth of the children from under their pillow, they also eat the teeth of the dead, they love to feast on the teeth and even collect them to eat them later, they don\'t attack any living beings unless provoked, if provoked they eat their teeth while they are alive, most people die to from the pain but if they survive then they would be devoured by the bone fairy as they move around in a pair.


Truly horrid, now that I am reading their description it\'s finally sinking in that I am In a different world filled with dangerous beings.

Well good thing is that they don\'t attack living things unless provoked, and well to be honest I am afraid to provoke them, just imagine your bones and teeth being eaten while you are still alive, it\'s something that can terrify someone so much that they will have nightmares about them every night.

\'Ahem, can you understand me?\' I asked the pair. As I looked at them I was still in my kitten form so it looked like a small kitten was facing something that it is not supposed to face.

"W..ho…AR.e..y..on?" the bone fairy said as it looked at me with those small, scary eyes.

\'M-me? I am Nova\', I interduced myself to with both of them.

\'Who are you two?\' I asked them, and they looked to be on guard at the very least bone fairy was, as for the tooth fairy she was still eating the tooth, she just took another bite from the end of a tooth, and then a small nerve came out and she slurped it like noodles.

Damn, I can feel the pain that someone would feel if that thing started to eat their teeth while they were still alive.

\'W..e….have…no…na…me" the bone fairy said, well I guess so, they are living in the wild so I guess they don\'t have any names just like the four kings, now that I think about I should give them names when I meet them next time it\'s pretty weird to just call them fox, lion, wolf, and tiger.

\'If it\'s ok with you I would like to ask some questions to you two, you see some beasts have been going missing, and the land is a bit red, while the trees are not like they are in the middle where the elves live.\'

"…we…hav..e….note…Ced…this…too" the bone fairy said. Her fangs opened with her mouth.

Fucking terrifying.

\'Any information would work.\' I said,

"B..u.t…what…w.ou.l..d..we..g..e……re.t.urn.?" she asked.

It takes a lot of time for her to speak, I guess it is because she doesn\'t speak to others often or it might because of her mouth, now that I think about it if I get fairies to come to my side it would be really good, they can be considered most dangerous and terrifying things that can guard the world tree.

Hmm, it would be best if I can get them as my guard dogs that can stop anyone from approaching the world tree.

\'Well, I can give you anything just ask, I rule this jungle so you just have to ask,\' as I raised my kitten chin high in pride.

"Ahahahahahh" she started laughing. The fuck? Well, she can at the very least laugh without stopping I guess good for her but why the fuck is she laughing. As I was thinking this, the small tooth fairy that had been sitting on the shoulder flew toward me, stopped right in front of my nose, gave it a strong flick, and shook her head as if disappointed in me.

\'Ouch, what was that for?\' I asked, but she just flew back to the shoulder and sat down, as she picked up her unfinished peace of tooth and started eating it.

"Yo.u…AR..e…wee." The bone fairy said.

\'AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH\' this time it was my turn to laugh.

\'You think I am WEEK huh?\' I asked as I looked at both of them my eyes glowing a little. \'I can kill you any moment fairy, so mind what you say or this might be the last day you will live little one\' I said as I went back to my full size.

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