Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 69 TEMPLE!

As I ran to catch up with my sister, they treated me with the same deference, although I have no idea how they were able to determine who my sister and I were despite the fact that we were both wearing robes .

As I entered, my eyes widened as I looked at the large statue of the Nova that was inside the clearing that was inside of the wall of trees, the leaves of the various trees, making a net through which the sunlight got filtered and reached the ground, and as I walked behind my sister, I saw many people in the area, some simply sitting on the grass and meditating, some practicing with spears or swords, while some children played around.

As for some of them, they bowed down in front of the large Statue, and there was a slight wind that they kept running from an unknown source, giving the impression that this place was the definition of freshness and relaxation. In addition, there was a small river that somehow got through the wall of wood that the trees created.

 While looking around the area and at the people who were in the clearing, my sister questioned, "Isn\'t it  beautiful?"

It was hard to believe that there was a place like this outside of the castle, it was just so beautiful, and I said "Y-yes" in a distracted manner as I muttered the words. I wanted to take a moment to relax and take in the breathtaking scene that was in front of me.

I noticed that the grass had stopped growing in some places, and it was in a pattern of sorts. When I looked at it closely, I noticed that these places were shaped exactly like the paw of a large cat, and they were large enough to fit three heads side by side. This was something that I noticed as we were getting closer to the statue.

"What kind of process did they use to create this?" When I saw the grass growing in such a specific pattern, I asked my sister how they could possibly stop it from growing in that pattern. After taking a closer look at it, I reached out to touch it.

My hand, which was about to touch the ground, was stopped as she said, "We never did, they were created when Nova fought the dragon," and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Shouldn\'t grass grow, considering how many years have passed since the battle took place?" When i asked her this, I had a look of confusion on my face because there was no way in hell that marks from a battle that occurred even before I was born could be preserved in such a way.

My sister chuckled when she heard my question,

When my sister heard my question, she laughed and said, "My little brother, I think you are forgetting the fact that battles like this are considered rare myths. They are powerful enough to kill everyone in this country if they wanted to so do you think their battle won\'t leave any scars?" While she was saying this, she glanced in the direction of the spot where the statue was located.

"Are these paw prints the result of them fighting with one another? "My question was motivated by my interest in the potential outcome of a battle between two powerful creatures and the manner in which it might have been fought.

"No," she said as she laughed once more and looked at me with a teasing smile before saying, "These are the marks of him simply walking before the battle." As soon as I heard this, my face turned white in the realization that I had just experienced.

"Now you should get an idea of how powerful creatures like this are right," she said as I nodded in agreement. "If the mere walking of a creature can make the soil infertile and black like this, how would a fight between two such creatures go?" she asked.

The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine. Unconsciously, my eyes were drawn to the statue that was located in the centre of the clearing.

It was a really beautiful wooden statue that gave the impression that it could move at any moment however, in comparison to the statues that I have seen so far, it appeared somewhat lifeless, as if there was something missing from this statue.

During this time that I was thinking about this, my sister, who had been walking in front of me the entire time, stopped in front of the statue, bowed her head, and closed her eyes. Her momentum was flawless, as if it had been practiced thousands of times, and I followed her lead. However, my momentum was a poor imitation of hers.

As I bowed down near her, I heard her mutter a few words under her breath, "Wake up soon" I heard or so I thought with no way to confirm it I too closed my eyes, not knowing what to do I just remained silent only thinking about the things I had learned so far, all this about a Cat who was worshiped like a god, and stuff about him fighting a dragon, I couldn\'t really believe all of it however the paw prints made it so that I couldn\'t deny his existence.

Nevertheless, none of these things were particularly relevant because the thing that I was most curious about was who had crafted those Torri gates. There was no way that the inhabitants of this world could have been responsible for the creation of Torri gates. Someone who was similar to me or who experienced rebirth in a manner similar to mine must have been the culprit.

As I was thinking this, I became aware of my sister\'s movement, and I saw that she had stood back up. I followed her lead and opened my eyes before standing up myself.

"Are you hungry let\'s get something to eat," she asked me, as she pointed at a stall at every corner of the opening, they were grilling some kind of meeting with some stew,

"How is that even allowed here?" I asked my sister as I looked at the stall.

There is no way someone had the audacity to set up a stall at a temple right?

"People come here to enjoy and relax, why there won\'t be food stalls here?"

She asked me, as she tilted her head, not knowing what was wrong with the idea.

"But it\'s a TEMPLE!" I said as I forced the word temple too hard for her,

"So," she asked me back, as though there was no problem with that,

"People are not allowed to eat in Temples usually," I said,

the arms out to wiggle my way through the arms, just to feel something hard,


\'Holy shit\' I thought as I looked at my sister who looked like a cute and sweet big sis, "are you hitting "Usually? You speak as if you have been in other temples before" she said as she tried to hold her laugh in, "it\'s your first time here and you  already have problems?" she asked,

"N-no it\'s not like that, it just feels wrong" I said as I tried to keep up a normal face, and show my reaction to the last line.

"Whatever let go get some food to eat shell we?" she said as she picked me up in her arms and then carried me to the food stall, I tried to escape from her grip but I couldn\'t even move, I tried to push the arms out to wiggle my way through the arms, just to feel something hard,

\'Holy shit\' I thought as I looked at my sister who looked like a cute and sweet big sis, "are you hitting the Gym or what?" I blurted out,


"A-ah nothing" he said, as he touched his sister\'s arms it felt as if she was made up of metal, she didn\'t look it but she was definitely strong, stronger than most people that were in the capital.

She can crush me to death with just a friendly hug, he thought as he imagined his sister hugging him and his spine breaking with an audible crack,

This was a Terrifying thought to have, he thought looking at his Cute big sister.

As he was thinking this, Eve reached the food stall, ordered some food for them, and then sat down in the grass, it was quite refreshing.

As Elyon looked at his sister he asked,

"How are you so strong?" it was more out of curiosity than fear,

"Oh and why do you think that I am strong?" she asked him a grin plastered on her face,

"Your muscles are really hard, it might be even harder than the castle guards," he said, as he pointed toward the muscles,

"Oh now you think that your sister is a brute huh? That\'s what you trying to say?" she asked, as she punched the top of his head,

"AHhh" Elyon cried in pain, as he looked at his sister who was ready to deliver a few more,

"Wait, wait t-that\'s not what I meant, it\'s a-" he was cut mid-sentence by a powerful punch to his forehead,

"Baam" with an audible noise,

{Authors note: I couldn\'t edit it fully my internet got exhausted half was, Anyhow i am thinking about doing regular chapter updates, it might cause some issues with my college and personal life but i want to shape the story asap so the main plot can start.}


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