Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 31

This fact caused both Oli and Ania to reassess the crystals in front of their eyes.

“You mean that there are that many? Rathe is this true?” Ania couldn’t believe it and sent her aura out to confirm it for herself. Rathe smiled as he enjoyed Ania’s doubting face turned to a smile as her aura couldn’t reach any further.

“Also, this magicite ore is known for its ability to test a cultivator’s affinity and potential,” continued Vloz, getting Oli’s ears to perk up. “By extending your aura directly into a crystal, it will glow according to the strength of essence affinity and sensitivity, as well as give off a certain colored glow to indicate what essence type you are. Keep in mind that this test is mostly for young cultivators to help them understand their potential, not for divine class cultivators like ourselves.”

“Can I try and test myself?” Oli didn’t want to wait and tried to break off a piece. He got a good grip on one and pulled with all his might, not getting it to budge at all.

“Ha! You don’t know anything, do you? You’ve got to strike it at the base, or you’ll never get it out,” Rathe easily flicked a small piece of magicite at Oli, who caught it and smiled.

Oli poured his aura into the magicite generously, wanting to give it everything he had and closed his eyes to concentrate. He controlled his breathing and allowed himself to feel isolated from the outside world as if it was just him and this piece of magicite ore. His heart stilled as the magicite ore began to glow an earthy, dark yellow.

Those gathered around Oli smiled, glad to see his almost perfect affinity for earth essence but they were shocked when a second color emerged.


The crystal flickered between yellow and black until finally they merged into one and the magicite seemed to contain a black and yellow flame inside of it. The final thing that caught their attention was a silver glow that glazed over the crystal, slowly surrounding the black and yellow flame and calming it, as if this strange energy claimed superiority over the other two.

Just as Ania, Rathe, and Vloz were mesmerized by this phenomenon, the crystal began to splinter and shattered before their eyes. Once the crystal was no longer in his hand, Oli realized that he hadn’t looked to see the crystal because he was so focused on his aura.

“So, how was it?” Oli scratched his head and asked them for their evaluation.

All three of them continued to stare where the magicite once was and drew a blank. Ania and Rathe both turned to Vloz, hoping that he could muster an explanation of some kind. Vloz thought for a moment and said, “Honestly, I have never witnessed something quite like what just happened. One thing I’m certain of is the fact that your essence affinity is the highest I’ve ever seen. And, according to the magicite, you also have a dark affinity, is that true?”

“Uh…” Oli sheepishly smiled, “I do... It’s something I forgot to mention after I formed my mortal core.”

“Did Trada’s help have anything to do with this?” Vloz questioned.

“Yes, she did. While I was forming my core, she let me drink some of her blood which mutated my core and bloodline to become a dual essence cultivator. That was part of her gift to—”

“You what!?” Ania shouted, “You mutated your bloodline and didn’t even tell me!? Is that why I wasn’t allowed to interfere with your training!?”

Oli hid his face behind his hands, trying to protect himself. “It’s okay Mom, can’t you see it worked. I’m a dual essence cultivator now and will get way stronger.”

“Oli, you must not tell anyone about this,” Vloz intervened.

“But, Vloz why can’t I—”

“No one can know that you’re a dual essence cultivator. Such a thing is beyond rare and our clan may not be able to protect you if a powerful cultivator came to recruit you for himself. I’m not saying you can’t train both essences, I’m saying not to make it public knowledge. Do I make myself clear?” Vloz’s piercing eyes stopped Oli from objecting further. “Also, there’s one more thing I need to ask you Oli. What was that silver energy that you used?”

“Silver energy? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Oli began thinking back on his training.

“Oli when your aura entered the magicite it glowed black and yellow uncontrollably. But some sort of silver energy covered and subdued the earth and dark essence. Do you have any idea what this might be?” Vloz was a loss for words.

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