Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 124

“Is it that obvious?” Oliver chuckled with a heavy sigh as he sidestepped the next swing of Jonon’s sword.

Laughing, Jonon asked, “If not by a sword, then how have you protected yourself all this time?”

“I thought I was getting a lesson in swordplay?”

“Well class is in session, so either start taking notes or get rebellious!”

Jonon took things up a notch, gathering water essence around his blade. It retained its liquid state but was now swirling around the blade’s edge with great force. Some particles of ice became visible, exiting only on the outside edge. To Oliver’s surprise, Jonon had effectively turned his shortsword into a water chainsaw with razor-sharp, micro blades.

Oliver’s outlook of the fight changed immediately. No more did he accept it as merely a lesson but as a duel for his life.


The swirling water blade whipped past Oliver, nearly connecting with his sword. But Oliver didn’t bother blocking the attack, not yet. First, Oliver had to pour out his own earth essence around the elegant but common shortsword he was given. Compacted tightly, Oliver’s earth essence offered a significant means to defend when clashing against the rotating, icy blade.

Bits of ice broke away as Jonon’s strike first collided with Oliver’s upgraded defenses. “That’s much better... too bad your form isn’t as profound as your essence control.”

The swordsman sped up his attacks, throwing one after the other with free-flowing strikes continually leading to his next attack. Jonon wasted little to no effort as each strike utilized his momentum to the fullest. This began to create kinks in Oliver’s essence covered sword. But not cracks.

“Can you only defend?” mocked Jonon. “A swordsman without the ability to attack is a bladeless weakling with no hope of victory.”

“When did I ever claim to be a swordsman?!” Oliver shouted in reply.

“And when did I ever claim this was a test of your sword skills?”

“HUH?!” Oliver eyed Jonon in confusion. Though he was broader and slightly taller than the well-aging man, Oliver didn’t dare overestimate his skills. “Then what’s up with the sword?! And why say you’ll show me swordsmanship?!”

“I am showing you swordsmanship! And how could I justify attacking an unarmed man?!” laughed Jonon, increasing the output of his water essence. “Remember, I’m merely a swordsman seeking a challenge!”

Gliding over the ground carefully, Jonon’s blade narrowly avoided carving through the floor. His upward strike then extended as the swirling water extended the reach of the blade and lashed out against the back-stepping young man. Blood trickled down the side of Oliver’s right shoulder from the clean gash left on his broad frame.

“You’re too large of a target, so you’re too easy to hit.”

“Then how about we change that!”

Oliver suddenly changed strategies. Taking the offensive, Oliver lunged forward with his shortsword. Jonon thought little of the poorly guided strike, easily preparing to parry, but he noticed something from the corner of his eye. While Oliver swung his essence-hardened blade downward, his other arm was arching forward horizontally. It didn’t seem like anything until earth essence began to take shape and form into a materialized war hammer.

The swordsman shifted strategies as well, evading the poor sword strike to better prepare for the powerful swing of the earthen hammer coming his way. His free hand gathered earth essence to match Oliver. This allowed Jonon to barely tap the hammer head’s side, somewhat parrying the blow as Jonon created more space.

“War hammers... A fitting weapon for a man of your size,” chuckling, Jonon reevaluated his opponent. “Physical manifestation... I wasn’t expecting such a display from someone so young...”

“If only you knew...” Oliver laughed as well, hurling the sword with all of his strength. It caught Jonon off-guard, coming in too fast to directly dodge. While Jonon forcibly blocked and swatted the sword turned projectile, Oliver charged immediately behind the incoming blade. His hammer increased in size as it came flying down with the intent to kill.

“That’s enough!”

Recognizing that voice, Oliver halted his attack. The hammer’s head was directly over Jonon, who was close enough to breathe on the hammer. But the swordsman was all smiles as he too paused his lunging strike, which was even closer to Oliver’s unguarded chest.

Both men stepped back and rescinded their essence as the sliding double doors opened. They watched Hurman step in, pass his hand over a now-lit-up formation carved into the wall, and take his time approaching them.

“Mind filling me in on what just happened?”

“Oliver, you’re a spectacular fighter and your essence control is superb for a man your age. Though your skills with a sword are lacking significantly, that doesn’t affect your strength or the level of threat you are as an opponent. I assume you specialize with hammers and not just a plethora of weapons, correct?” Hurman commented, wanting to learn more about the strong young man.

“How about we discuss the purpose of the little fight?” asked Oliver, glancing at Jonon. “I appreciate him taking it easy on me but that doesn’t mean I’m not offended by the sudden attack.

“Come on, don’t tell me you weren’t enjoying it?” laughed Jonon. “It’s been quite some time since someone has shown me so much backbone. Rather than cower to someone who is clearly stronger, you put up a decent defense. You even used your poor sword skills as a faint to create an opening to strike with your hammer.”

“And what if Hurman hadn’t stopped us? How should I have felt from being cut through by your sword?”

“Enough...” Sighing, Hurman shook his head. “Jonon may have taken things a bit too far, but you proved more capable than either of us anticipated. Oliver, are you an early-adept or a low-adept?”

“What’s it matter to you?”

“As strange as it would sound, I believe you’re an early-adept,” stated Hurman, startling Jonon. “Yet your essence control is nearly at Jonon’s level, allowing you to at least defend yourself against someone so strong. For that, I think Jonon was right to test you.”

“And why was he testing me?” Oliver questioned, looking at Jonon with a cheeky half-grin.

“You already know about the herbs from Leon and Keldon, so aren’t you curious about their purpose?”

“It’s for Leon’s father, right?”

“That’s true, but you don’t know what herbs they are or anything more about the meaning of our family’s declining reputation. Doesn’t that make you curious?” asked Jonon.

“Sure, but that doesn’t mean I’ll pry into any business that’s not my own. Why should I worry too much about a family I’ve met only days ago?” argued Oliver.

“True... But what if that family was willing to hire you?”

Blinking and somewhat catching on, Oli relaxed a bit more. “For what exactly?”

“You’ve just spent nine months in the Taltin Mountains, the same place where the herb we’re after is found. If you’ve been able to survive alone for so long, then you either know the mountain unusually well, are more than capable of defending yourself, or both. That or you’ve been lying about your origin.”

“And why does that matter? So what if I wanted to lie?”

“It would be understandable, but we’re looking at what’s the best option for retrieving that herb and wanted to know if you’re the best choice.”

Nodding, Oliver sighed lightly, “I see... And what would such a job entail?”

“Does that mean you’re accepting?”

“Why should I accept when terms haven’t yet been presented.”

“Enough toying with the boy, Jonon. He’s clearly about to defend himself in an argument, likely more than you.”


“Anyway, Oliver, as the patriarch of the Practor family, I wish to hire your services,” Hurman began to explain the offer. “This would entail leading a hired herbalist to the location of our desired herb.”

Jonon added, “Leon and Johan will be tagging along. You may have needed to defend Leon from bandits, but the kid isn’t too bad when he’s not outnumbered. Physically, he’s weaker than Johan, but he’s more technically sound with the blade.”

“So I’m babysitting your two young masters while escorting an herbalist to do his job. Basically, you want me as hired muscle?” Oliver summed up the offer.

“Yes, that’s one way of putting it. But the question is how you will be paid in the end. We–”

“I’ll be honest, I don’t care for gold or money,” stated Oliver, somewhat surprising the two older men.

“Then how about some free lessons from yours truly?” asked Jonon.

“Would that included the battle arts you use?”

“Oh... you’re a greedy one,” Jonon chuckled, avoiding the answer.”

“Hmmm... How about a deal...” Hurman mentioned, grabbing their attention. “I’m willing to exchange a battle art for your hammer battle art.”

“I thought this was you hiring me? Why should I agree to that?”

“Because I’ll offer you three battle arts for you lone battle art,” replied Hurman, putting a small frown on Jonon’s face.

“Pops, you can’t–”

“You’re the one who wanted to hire him, so why are you stopping me?” Hurman questioned, leaving Jonon without means to reply. “The exchange will happen upon your return. Is that alright?”

“I’d like to receive one now as a down payment.”


“Jonon, you would do the same,” Hurman stated, controlling his son’s temper. “Oliver, are you compatible with water and earth essence?”

“No... Honestly, I’m a bit surprised that you’re not afraid of wielding two essence types so freely.”

“Ah... Right, you’re new here...” Hurman took a moment to think before explaining, “The Trighton Territory is more reputable than most, being headed by a man at the very peak of the perennial class. He holds a lot of influence throughout the Shade Region and is a close friend of the region’s king. For that reason, the Trighton Territory is a well-known gathering place for strong cultivators wishing for less pressure from the higher-ups of the region. Then again, this also makes it difficult to become well-known due to the increased competition.”

“And that’s why your failure to ascend has led to the family failing?” Oliver deduced.

“Yes... That’s correct... But there’s still hope so long as we can have both Jonon and Lyle ascend in my place.”

“I assume Lyle is Leon’s father...”

“You’re correct,” Jonon replied. “I’m not entirely against trading battle arts but only within reason. I think training with a sword will do you good, adding variety to your arsenal of skills.”

“Then why are you after my hammer art specifically? Do you mind answering me that?”


“You know about Pauller not having water essence, right?” Jonon answered for Hurman, “We don’t have many all-around skills for earth essence. Most of our techniques work by combining water and earth essence techniques and arts. While we have defensive arts, your hammer battle art would add a lot of power to our own arsenals.”

“In effect, you want the skill to tweak it and make swords instead.”

“That’s right because condensing earth energy is more difficult than manipulating ice. While I’m able to make an earthen blade,” a shortsword of yellow essence took shape in Jonon’s free hand, “notice how it’s not quite as rigid as your hammer, which would be strong enough to deflect my actual sword with minor damage received. Your battle art could help the younger generation surpass us if they’re patient enough to learn and adjust it to themselves.”

As Jonon’s essence blade faded, Oliver tilted his head in thought. “I like the sound of having some sword lessons and I’m willing to trade my Earthen Hammer battle art if the trade is fair, but there’s one more thing I’d like to have...”

“What? Information?”

Oliver nodded. “Yup.”

Agreeing with a shrug, Hurman asked, “Then what would you like to know? So long as you agree to the terms of the deal, I’m willing to share the general insight I’ve gained of the territory.”


“Is it better to wield two essence types or one, generally speaking?”

“Hmm... Are you curious whether it’s worth revealing a powerful secret like a concealed essence type? As if you’re already concealing a second essence type?”

“You mean to tell me that you were going easy on me?!” Jonon laughed, staring curiously at Oliver.

“That’s not what I’m saying, but I’m curious. I was told that having dual essence was a curse during the early stages of cultivation. Am I wrong in thinking that?”

“Ahh, a common belief that’s been proven both correct and incorrect within the Trighton Territory...” Hurman blinked, containing a soft but abrupt cough. “Shall we sit?”

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