Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 185

“Why would I ever consider that?! There’s no way that we could afford two payments!” Hurman shouted. “That would only sink us faster.”

But Oli squinted at Keldon and asked, “Are you thinking of consolidating the loan?”

“It’s not technically consolidation given it’s only for a single loan, but getting a new loan with better interest would be ideal,” reasoned Keldon, agreeing with Oli’s thoughts. “That would help make things more stable. However... I’m not sure who would be willing to lend you ten thousand gold considering your family’s circumstances.”

“That’s... true. A good idea but I doubt we can execute on it.”

‘Oli, how much gold did that dragon leave you?’

Hearing Vloz’s question, Oli immediately began to understand what Vloz was thinking. ‘I’ll admit that I have enough to cover the loan...’


‘Then can you get Shadur out of the room?’ Vloz asked.

‘But what about my money? That’s mine, not the territory’s,’ replied Oli. ‘Even if you were to offer to pay me back, how could that be possible when I don’t think you have that much leftover after we gave away thousands to each patrician clan?’

‘Can you think of a better solution?’


Groaning in thought, Oli rubbed his forehead while the others were still carrying on the conversation.

“Do you think the Ikuun Guild would offer a loan to spite Libarn?” Hurman asked a desperate question.

But Keldon promptly shook his head. “Given the current loan, anyone would research your loan with Libarn and learn of your terrible deferment period. Unless you’ve got some outstanding assets hidden inside your void ring, I can’t see you being able to get a loan so easily.”

Hurman’s shoulders shrunk down in depression. “I’ve got nothing but my swords and cultivation technique... How much do you think that would sell for, by chance?”

Everyone around Hurman was floored yet again. Each person eyed Hurman as if they were looking at a ghost or unnatural phenomenon.

“Hurman... You’ve never accepted my offers in the past yet you’re so willing to sell it now?”

“What else can I do? As patriarch, I must do everything I can. And if selling that offers some respite or it opens the chance of receiving a better loan... then perhaps that’s what must be done.”

Seeing the conversation winding down, Oli finally spoke up, “Patriarch Hurman, can we ask that Shadur step out for a moment.”

Surprised by the strange comment, Shadur blinked. “But... What’s wrong with me being here? I’ve done nothing–”

“I ask the same,” Keldon suddenly added, leaving his nephew further dumbfounded. As the sharp-witted merchant, he was the first to realize the intentions behind Oli’s request.

Hurman nodded in agreement. “Shadur, may I ask you to please go check on Lyle and inform Sisslia of his condition. I believe her heart would be more at ease with you sharing our information thus far than if I would do the same later.”

“I... Of course, Patriarch Hurman.”

Shadur bowed his head and got up from his cushion. He glanced at both Oli and Keldon, curious to know what they were thinking and planning to say without him present. But he couldn’t make a fuss to his employer, especially given the heavy circumstances surrounding the discussion at hand.

As the door shut behind Shadur, Jonon hurried to lock it. With the utmost privacy behind locked doors and a silencing formation, Vloz retreated from Oli’s shadow and made his appearance.

“So, you’re wanting to consolidate your loan and find better rates. What if I offered the loan as a representative of Iron Territory?”

“You can do that?” Hurman asked desperately.

The leopard nodded and glanced at both Hurman and Jonon. “I can afford to pay your debt in full. However, I’m not sure what sort of repayment I’m interested in.”

“You wouldn’t want money?” asked Keldon.

“Perhaps...” Vloz shrugged, keeping his straight face. “You’ve already agreed to relocate to Iron Territory and assist with the academy there, but perhaps there are other services you’d be able to offer as repayment...”


‘I’ve got six thousand gold on me, so I would only need four thousand from you,’ Vloz quickly replied to Oli’s thoughts. ‘Is that alright with you?’

Oli sighed and nodded slightly. ‘I guess that’s fine...’

“What sort of services did you have in mind?” Hurman asked with a sliver of hope appearing in his eyes.

“Our territory has a military but no humans are involved in that. If your family will manage and train a human branch for our military, then I’m sure we’d be able to figure something out.”

“I’m not much of a tactician, and neither is Jonon,” admitted Hurman. “We specialize in individual combat, not group tactics. Training shouldn’t be an issue, but I’m not sure we’d be able to provide the quality of military direction that you’d require.”

But Keldon grinned and abruptly asked, “Aren’t you forgetting Lyle?”

“Oh? Is Lyle any good at military strategy?” Vloz turned and asked Keldon.

“He’s no prodigy but Lyle took both the mystic and warrior courses and graduated near the top of both classes. Lyle’s always been good at testing and understanding opponents. That’s the reason Lylye taught the advanced sword classes more often than Hurman in the past, because he’s better at understanding his student’s needs and how to best interact with them. Applying his methods as a military leader shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“But wouldn’t he be best suited as a teacher, in that case?” Vloz asked.

“If you want a perennial to teach, then that would be me,” Hurman added, trying to sway the massive leopard. “Lyle was on the cusp of being an elder before his coma, so he wouldn’t meet your qualifications as an instructor for your advanced classes. And Jonon would more than qualify as the instructor for the other classes, so why not let Lyle focus on building your military?”

“And I’m way better at formations than Lyle,” mentioned Jonon. “He understands the basics but never committed to learning them in full. After abandoning the formations course, Lyle went all-in on learning the mystic and warriors courses. Expecting to get Father’s technique, Lyle did everything possible to make both his warrior and mystic cultivations as deep as possible.”

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