Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 393

The doormen nodded in silence, opening the double doors for the two guests.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon, Narja. And, Treeda, to what do I owe your visit?”

Bowing and dropping to a knee, Treeda replied, “God Toseko, I’ve come to present a motion involving the resolution of the mine and the resolution of Toxic-shadow’s delayed recompense. May I speak?”

Nodding, the bored man motioned for Treeda to stand. “You may.”

“Thank you, your omnipotence.” Treeda got back up and explained, “We were unable to reach a unanimous decision regarding both the magicite mine and the recompense I’m owed. Lord Draco, in particular, was against all offers and refused to give any counteroffers, of this Slazza and Narja are witnesses.”

Toseko saw Narja nod, then asked, “Then, I take it you’ve come with a combined resolution of some sort? A proposal that received Slazza’s and Narja’s approval?”


“That’s correct, your omnipotence,” Treeda answered. “We ask to hold an exhibition between our three prefectures, held in Iron Territory’s colosseum on the next new sun. The winner of the exhibition will be permitted to claim one thing. Lord Draco seeks the peaceful extraction of the remaining twenty-five percent of the magicite reserve. I seek the return of Rhyner Region into Toxic-shadow’s custody, in place of receiving the magicite deposit. And Tempest Prefecture has offered to pass their claim to Toxic-shadow should they win, as their recompense.”

“Ohhh... Is that so?” A hint of intrigue washed away God Toseko’s bored expression. “A sudden interprefectural exhibition? But would it be an even match? You have no perfect candidates, isn’t that right, Treeda?”

Shaking her head, Treeda replied, “That’s correct. Sadly, Toxic-shadow has no perfect candidates at this time. However, I’m confident that between Tempest’s and Toxic-shadow’s candidates I’ll win the right to reclaim Rhyner Region. All while facing Lord Draco’s newly found perfect candidate, it should be quite an event.”

Toseko glanced at Narja. His cheeks held the tinge of a grin. “Narja, what of the fox girl? Is she truly a candidate?”

“I haven’t seen her for myself, however, there are mixed reports,” answered Narja.

“Mixed reports? Please, explain.”

Narja promptly nodded. “Your omnipotence, there are two drastically differing reports, though one seems to become more and more credible. Lord Draco insists that the fox girl will struggle to pass the prefecture qualifier. Yet Lord Treeda and her subordinate, King Zelsh, insist that she’s a perfect candidate, based on Zelsh’s first-hand experience.”

“Is that so? ... Treeda, explain further,” the god ordered, now half smiling.

“Your omnipotence, before Lord Draco ever met that fox girl, she had already visited King Zelsh’s capital city and fought his personal pupils.”

“And what were the results of those matches? I believe it was Zelsh’s Tundra Tiger that came in second during your recent exhibition, second only to Tempest’s perfect candidate,” Toseko stated, making sure everything was clearer than the noonday sky with no clouds obstructing the three suns.

Nodding, Treeda continued, “That’s correct, your omnipotence. However, despite that, the young fox defeated all three of Zelsh’s strongest pupils, back to back. And, if she would’ve wanted, she could’ve killed each of them. She has perfect dark affinity, tested personally by King Zelsh. Also, the fox girl was only an early-elder at the time.”

“An early-elder?!”

Finally, Toseko’s boredom from minutes ago was entirely nonexistent. For once in a long while, the god began to lean into the edge of his seat. “This fox girl, does she have a divine bloodline?”

“No. Her clan has never had anyone stronger than a low-perennial.”

“Ha... Ha, ha, HA!” Toseko slapped the arms of his throne, reeling back in eager anticipation. “So, either you, Zelsh, and those in Zelsh’s palace are lying about something they’d experienced before the investigation began, or Isaac is trying to keep things a little too close to his chest? An interesting dilemma...”

Knock, knock! “Your omnipotence! Sir Slazza is here to offer an immediate report!”

“Come in!” boomed Toseko, startling Slazza with Toseko’s beaming grin. “Come, give me the report. I hope it has something to do with that fox girl.”

“Yes, your omnipotence.” Slazza nodded and regained his usual demeanor before his next breath.

As Slazza approached Toseko, a silent formation covered them both. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to stretch Toseko’s grin even wider.

“This is great!” Toseko cackled, dropping the formation while Slazza stood beside Narja. “I permit your exhibition! However, there are some changes to be made.”

Narja and Slazza both saw the crazed excitement in their master’s stare. The last time they saw him like that was during the mortal championship more than fifty years ago, the year a dark horse candidate appeared and conquered the entire tournament.

Treeda felt the same way. But she didn’t hide her swelling excitement. From the god’s stare alone, Treeda knew that stakes of the exhibition were about to get even crazier.

That conversation in a faraway palace was unknown to the public. But it wouldn’t stay that way for long.

The following morning, four days before the appointed date of the sudden exhibition, Slazza, Narja, and Treeda returned to Iron Territory. They immediately gathered the prefecture lords, kings, and territory leaders in the council building. And the moment they were inside and the building’s silent formation was activated, Slazza’s poker face cracked apart.

Treeda was unable to keep a straight face. But no one could tell whether she was overwhelmed with excitement or with fear.

Nonetheless, everyone was anxious to hear the report.

“Thank you for gathering again,” stated Slazza, sighing and chuckling to himself. “I’ve got unexpected news to relay to you all. It’s in regards to the motion that Treeda presented to God Toseko yesterday evening... Her motion to host an immediate exhibition between Nova, Toxic-shadow, and Tempest Prefectures has been rejected.”

“Wonderful!” Lord Draco beamed, clapping along.

“However,” Slazza continued and offered Isaac a guilty grin, “God Toseko has declared that the quadrant will host an exhibition between your three prefectures with a new set of rules in place, better suited for the current circumstances.”

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