Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 428

But Netra firmed her resolve and gave a shallow nod. “...I understand what you’re saying. But, still, I must apologize for being unable to accept.”

The prefecture lords didn’t know what to say or how to react. None of them were ready for Netra’s constant denial. Treeda already knew what Netra was going to say and it still shocked her to the core witnessing it happen before her eyes.

“... Very well. Then I’ll no longer pursue the matter.” Kartzal sighed with a light smile that wasn’t a smile. “That being the case, I still wish you the very best in your endeavors with the territory, region, and prefecture. May your loyalty prove worth it in the end... Now back in line.”

Netra bowed and complied. She returned to the line, startling her fellow top four candidates.

God Toseko moved things along while maintaining his masking smile. “I hereby declare this exhibition to be over! All results have been resolved, and I thank the prefectures and your candidates for their participation!”

Suddenly, a cyclone fell from the sky. Everyone was in shock as they braced for the incoming disaster but the tempest quickly faded after falling onto the lord’s view’s platform. By the time everyone was brave enough to open their eyes, God Toseko was nowhere to be seen or sensed.


“I’ll be taking my leave,” barked Isaac, quickly motioning for his kings to bring the contestants along. “And, please, don’t sever Nova’s connection to Iron Town’s teleportation circle until after we’ve gathered the magicite...”

Treeda politely nodded. “Agreed.”

Isla sighed and followed her brother. “Draco Prefecture will also be leaving.”

“As will Thunder Prefecture,” Peimar chimed in. “I’m glad you’ve gotten much closer to Toxic-shadow, Warak...”

“See you later, friend,” replied Warak, bowing to Peimar.

“... Until next time.”

Very quickly, three prefecture lords had left with their kings and candidates. At the same time, the crowd was still unruly while everyone was being guided out of the colosseum.

‘Young Master Hathal, it’s time we returned,’ Slazza’s voice rang out in Hathal’s mind.

Hathal sighed and nodded, “Well, I should get back. Considering how mad God Toseko is, it’s better to get back and rest before he lashes out at us private candidates...”

“What do you mean?”

Blinking, Hathal chuckled, “Netra, you’re crazy talented. Why wouldn’t he be mad to get turned down not once, not twice, but three times? And by a measly elder? Oh... God Toseko must be fuming with anger. Anyway, good luck. I’ll see you in the finals!”

A sense of fear washed over Netra as Hathal exited the arena with Slazza and Narja.

“Netra, Vant.” The two dumbstruck pupils looked back to see Vloz walking up to them. “First, I must congratulate you both. Vant, I wasn’t expecting you to pull that off, but you read the situation and took the risk most everyone would never even think about. You knew you’d get healed, so a near-death blow wouldn’t be fatal, turning a suicidal attack into a narrow victory. Amazingly done!

“And Netra... Calm down. You’ve done spectacular and even got a god to notice you. So, please, take some deep breaths and calm your mind.”

Puula approached as well, embracing her daughter with her tails. “You’re amazing! If I didn’t have divine essence, you’d get the best of me too!”

“Mom...” Sighing, Netra leaned into her mother’s soft fur, “... Thank you, Mom.”

“Let’s hurry to the other contestants. I’m sure our new prefecture lord wants to speak with us,” Vloz added, chuckling warmly at the mother and daughter.

Up on the lord’s platform there were only three people left and one more got up, only with a much friendlier tone. “Well, I think it’s about time we head back. I’m glad we were able to finally resolve the issues between our prefectures, Treeda.

“Inka, it’s been a pleasure working with you. I only wish that fool you call husband would never get out of house arrest...” sighed Treeda, getting a laugh from Inka and Warak.

Inka bowed to Treeda and then to Warak. “Lord Warak, it’s been a pleasure. Seeing you again reminds me that the Razor-hide Dragons aren’t merely short-sighted, overconfident fools. Please, forgive my language, but that is how it feels with... him.”

“I understand. My brat is... a handful. BRAT! Get up here and say goodbye to your father!”

Right away, the flinching Brak rushed up to the balcony. “... Goodbye, Father.”

“Come here already!” Warak threw his arms around Brak, making sure to pound on the weakened bones. “Brat, you’d better stop causing trouble and dragging our clan through the mud! Try something like that again, and I’ll seek permission from Kartzal to correct your behavior personally!”

“Y-yes, Father...” Brak groaned through the annoying pain of his aching bones.

Without another word, Inka led her subordinates out of the colosseum and toward the teleportation circle.

“... What about you Warak? You don’t seem to be in a hurry.”

Looking back at Treeda, he chuckled, “Of course not! I want to celebrate! We need to celebrate your collection of a new region, a new quadrant finalist, a new perfect candidate, and a new loyal subordinate!”

“Loyal subordinate?”

“That fox girl! She turned down Kartzal for you!!” bellowed Warak, reeling in second-hand shock from just mentioning it. “So long as you play your cards right, you’ll have a spectacular subordinate that makes Kartzal envious! The last time I saw that was over fifty years ago with that gorilla... Wait. Gorilla? And this territory is ruled by Iron-body gorillas. Is this where Dioro is hiding?!”

Sighing, Treeda slammed her palm against her forehead. “... Warak, if you’d like to join, I’m about to order a feast from the new, greatest chefs of Toxic-shadow. How does that sound?”

“I, and my people, would be honored!”

Right away, the prefecture lords joined their subordinates below. They each personally congratulated their candidates while waiting for the last three to join them.

“Everyone,” Treeda spoke up, “to celebrate, we shall have a great feast! We must celebrate our victory and the rise of Iron Territory, for their great power and potential regardless of their territory’s size. Lord Warak has kindly agreed to join us, so I have a special request. Can we have the area floor filled with tables and a temporary kitchen, to best accommodate us all?”

“Of course, Lord Treeda,” Vloz replied with a humble bow and proud grin.

Warak kept quiet for a moment but his mind was whirring and humming as it pondered Treeda’s words. “... In the area? But there’s sufficient space in the hotel’s banquet hall. Unless you have other reasons for choosing the area...”

“We won’t cover the entire arena. We’ll just gather everyone against one of the walls. And who knows, we might have some people that dare fight to test themselves while we eat...” Treeda added, not saying anything more on the matter. “Now, Vloz, please go and inform Bradok and Ania of the feast.”

“So you’re the great leopard?” Warak asked, already knowing the answer. “What’s your cultivation? Did you just reach the peak or have you been there a while?”

Laughing, Vloz replied, “Lord Warak, I’ve barely become a peak-perennial. I don’t know how many years it will be until I actually break through to the king realm.”

“Well, if you want, I’ll trade for that king core. In my clan, having a king-grade earth core is too valuable to turn away,” Warak offered, pointing at the core still in Vloz’s tail. “What do you want? I might even offer a king-grade cultivation technique if Treeda’s willing to add to the deal.”

“I’ve already got your technique, Warak,” Treeda sighed.

“And we’ve also got a king-grade technique,” another voice rang out, catching Warak off guard from the words alone. Two gorillas walked up and, from their cultivations, Warak could sense that they were the leaders of the clan. “I’m Bradok, the clan chief and territory leader, and this is Ania, my daughter.”

“Oh... You’ve been at the peak for a long time...” Warak sighed, sensing Bradok’s earth essence. “No wonder this little territory is so promising. With a territory leader like you and this leopard teaching the new generation, that’s kind of terrifying... Treeda, you’ve done well to acquire this place.”

Bowing in respect, Bradok continued, “Lord Warak, we’re glad to have you join us for a feast. But first, we must clear the air. Ania, shall I say it or will you?”

“I will,” Ania replied, feeling much better and more confident after getting to hammer away at Brak. She took a deep breath and bowed once more to the dragon lord. “Lord Warak, it’s an honor to stand before you as a low-perennial. But, and I believe Lord Treeda understands why we’ve come to greet you like this, there’s actually a lot of bad blood between your Razor-hide Clan and our Iron-body Clan. And we wish to resolve that matter today, if at all possible.”

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