Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 489

“That’s how my whole family is, so you’ll have to forgive me if I offended you,” Replied Oli, nodding and chuckling instead of bowing.

Rykard eyed the youth and started laughing harder, “... Nah. It’s a fair question since you might be a client.”

“In that case, can’t I just make the request interesting?” Oli asked again. “If you were given free rein, how would you make a long-pole axe interesting, so long as it’s ice-based and peak-perennial grade? And budget isn’t an issue.”

Finally, Rykard’s shell of boredom cracked apart and crumbled away. “... Budget’s not an issue? Do you realize what it is you’re saying right now?”

“Maybe not,” laughed Oli, shrugging, “but I can guarantee that it’s not. Also, I have a question regarding smithing. Does the smith need to wield the same affinity as the crafted weapon, or can a smith make a weapon with any essence type so long as the required cores are provided?”

“Any type. But it won’t just require different cores. The smith would need to have a set of tools for each essence type. Also, cores would need to be supplied to power those tools, not including the core used as the basis for the weapon,” explained Rykard, suddenly dropping his casual tone as he got serious for a moment. “And creating dual essence weapons are even more resource heavy, even though they can be very interesting to make.”


“So if I asked for a dual essence axe, that would change things?”

Rykard nodded right away while smiling with his eyes. “Yeah, that would do it.”

“... I’m curious and I’ve got to ask...” sighed Oli, shaking his head as if about to say something he would regret, further intriguing Rykard. “... Are you bored of Avalanche City?”

“Ha!” Rykard laughed and slapped the arm of the sofa as his eyes got more and more curious about the youth in front of him. “I’ve been asked to go elsewhere plenty of times, but never like this. Where are you trying to send me? Nightscape City? Or is it a region capital?”

Oli simply shook his head. “Who said that’s what I’m after? It was just a question. If I wanted to offer you a new place to live, I’d save that for after learning whether it’s worth asking.”

“... Yeah. I feel that way at times,” Rykard answered honestly. “So, what’s your offer? I’ll tell you now, you’ve got stiff competition with various regions so make it good.”

Getting that reply, Oli leaned back again, acting casual as Rykard leaned forward. “... Want to come to Iron Town?”

“Iron Town? That’s... I was gonna say it sounds worthless, but it actually sounds... somewhat familiar. What’s special about that place?” asked Rykard.

“It’s interesting,” Oli answered with a shrug, “the most interesting place in the entire prefecture, possibly among all nearby prefectures.”

“... That’s quite the statement. I’m afraid you can’t make such a claim without proof, otherwise, our conversation ends here,” claimed Rykard, showing a hint of frustration in his grin.

But Oli wasn’t fazed. “I’m not lying. Haven’t you heard about the interprefectural exhibition from a couple of years ago? The one that Toxic-shadow dominated?”


“Don’t you remember where it was held?”

An inkling of interest returned to Rykard’s gaze. “... Go on.”

“Aren’t you curious why Lord Treeda was adamant to reclaim Rhyner Region for the prefecture, abandoning plenty of magicite ore in the process?” Oli continued. “... And what if I told you, between just you and me, that Iron Territory is ruled by a king, not a perennial?”

Phrase by phrase, Rykard showed more and more interest.

“I can tell you right now, it’s far more interesting than just that. On the surface, it’s one of the most interesting places around, about to become an official city after just a few years of existence. Under the surface, there are too many interesting facts, more than the public can handle... Shall I keep going?”

Rykard took a deep breath, exhaling before asking, “... Apart from being an interesting place, why would I ever want to go there? Even if there’s a king, I’d get bored after making them a fun piece.”

“Who said anything about only making one interesting piece?” laughed Oli, catching Rykard off guard. “Going there would mean you’d become a private smith full-time, and you’d be gifted your own estate as well. And every weapon you create would be interesting, with no budget. You’d find yourself working with more kings than you’d expect, especially a few years from now. As a king, you can live for a couple thousand years, easily. What’s waiting a decade until Iron City is swarming with kings, each wanting a masterpiece made by your hands? And, again, with an unlimited budget and full control of your creations. You don’t even need to be known to the public.”

“... You would send me there and not even announce me?” scoffed Rykard.

“Yeah. Because you prefer a more secluded lifestyle, one where you work purely for interesting people... Would you like to meet one of those people?” asked Oli, waiting for Rykard to budge. “Actually, you’re already speaking with one, technically.”

“You? ... What sort of interesting weapon would you want?”

“For now, I need a peak-elder weapon with both earth and death essence. It wouldn’t need to be done before the Provincial Qualifier, but I would want it before the prefecture round,” clarified Oli, noticing the immediate widening of Rykard’s eyes. “Oh? Is that not interesting enough? Should I sweeten it even more?”

Blinking, Rykard had to ask, “How would you do that?”

“Well... after I become a perennial, I’m gonna need a very... unique weapon. Since you haven’t agreed to the offer, I can’t tell you much about that order just yet. But I guarantee that it’s a weapon unique across all four quadrants.”

Rykard swallowed the saliva that had lodged itself in his throat, taking a moment to breathe. “I see... And what other sort of weapons would be needed?”

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