Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 524

The following day went by without any issues whatsoever. There were no fights to be had. No beasts dared to appear and target the team. And the beacon finally seemed to be slightly larger, proving that they were in fact getting closer. This helped everyone relax at night and sleep through the howling winds.

“... Watch out!”

Grrr... Rawr! Rawr!

Fulkar’s cry rang out to alert the sleeping team. Paired with the sudden growls, the party rushed to their feet all the faster.

Surrounding them were seven wolves barely visible in the dim light due to their white fur coats. Though Fulkar’s shout kept the wolves from immediately pouncing, it wasn’t enough to cause the beasts to back away.

“Do you understand us?” Oli asked straight away. “... Either you’re ignoring me or you don’t care about your lives. Do you understand us!?”



From all sides, the wolves growled and took a step closer to the team. That put them only two krin away from reaching anyone and upped the pressure of the situation.

Without any more delays, Oli retrieved his mace and gripped it through his gauntlets. “They’re at least mid and high-elders, so don’t hold back. And make sure we keep a visual on each other!”

“Yes, sir!” the team shouted while gearing up.

Rawr! RAWR!

There was no need to delay the fight any longer, from either side’s perspective. So the wolves lunged into action, making sure Fulkar and Oli were both up against a tag team of wolves.

Freele was kept at the center of the team’s formation, guarded on all sides by her teammates. This allowed her to create a ball of light for the party to see more clearly in the dark of night. Trenk also challenged two wolves to keep Freele from being targeted, but it was Yeter that was double-teamed instead.


The first attacks were all thrown. There was a slew of frost-covered claws thrown at the team. Flaming swords, icy blades, and more were hurled at the wolves. But neither side budged from the exchange. There was, however, a few things that were successfully damaged. Yeter’s and Freele’s mantles.

Yeter was unharmed, but he wasn’t as dexterous as the two wolves flanking him. And Freele was caught somewhat off guard by a barrage of icicles that had been thrown from a wolf’s claw. Both of them were able to defend themselves, but they couldn’t keep their mantles from receiving a few holes in the process.

“If you can, fight without a mantle!” Oli declared immediately, storing his mantle with haste.

Fulkar and Trenk did the same, with Yeter being a split second behind due to his frustration. Freele also stored her mantle but stayed as close to the fire as possible since, out of everyone, she was the most susceptible to the weather.

Seeing the mantles vanish, the wolves showed their newfound confidence in their next batch of attacks.

However, Oli reacted completely differently this time. He allowed both wolves to land on his essence armor without fail. In the process, Oli stored his mace and gripped one wolf by the paw.

C-crack. Howl!

Blood trickled and started to freeze on Oli’s sides. But he wasn’t disappointed at all.

The wolf’s paw and icy essence were crushed under’s Oli’s grip, aided by the nature of Oli’s earth essence. At the same time, sickly black essence leaked out of Oli’s hand and into the injured paw, causing the wolf to become manic. But would Oli let go? No. Instead, Oli pivoted his feet and pulled the large wolf along, exposing the wolf’s side to Oli’s free fist.

C-CRACK! H-Howwwl...

A decisive punch from Oli’s gauntlet drilled into the wolf’s lower ribs and side, pulverizing any organs in the way of its wrath. Also, a flash of ethereal energy pulsed out of Oli’s fist and into the wolf, claiming the wolf’s life even faster than its grave injuries.

The other wolf targeting Oli quickly lunged in to strike, but Oli had slain his target before the second wolf could get another free hit. Regrettably, the wolf struck its packmate’s carcass that Oli had whipped around in defense.

On Fulkar’s side, the clash of ice claws and icy blade were inevitable. Fulkar did have wind to help him act quickly and boost his strength, but that advantage was nearly neutralized when facing both wolves at the same time. It was going to take Fulkar a little bit more time to adjust to the wolves’ rhythm before he could make a decisive strike.

The same was true for Yeter, who managed to injure a wolf while trading blows. Yet the wolves reacted by going on the defensive and being more selective about which opportunities they would take against the stallion.

Facing Trenk, the lone wolf was mostly just keeping his space to avoid the flames. It would also throw icicles at Freele in tandem with the wolves attacking Yeter to keep Freele at bay.


One of the wolves around Fulkar suddenly leaped backward and howled loudly. Altogether, the wolves darted back and fled into the woods.

However, the team was adamant to let nothing escape.

The injured wolf by Yeter was too slow to evade Yeter’s new all-out charge. Yeter wasn’t able to maneuver well enough in the snow to attack the other one, but he eagerly leered at the fleeing wolf.

Trenk also gave his all to slay a target. An orb of dark essence was thrown into the wolf, causing it to stagger in shock and giving Trenk a quick opening to go for the kill. His fiery sword was plunged into the wolf’s neck, searing its internals and breaking its shoulder bone, also leaving it unable to flee.

Fulkar’s two opponents dared to weave in order to confuse Fulkar and escape unscathed. However, that made it all the easier for him. A sudden gust of wind carried Fulkar to where the wolves crossed paths, allowing Fulkar to have at least one guaranteed kill. A spray of blood hit the fresh snow as Fulkar’s broadsword skewered one wolf and stabbed into the second one. Though the second wolf kept running, blood continued to fall with every step it took.

Freele wasn’t slacking either. She kept her eyes on the wolves in search of the easiest one to pick off. When she saw the injured wolf run away from Fulkar, she threw a tiny tempest of wind blades at the unguarded wolf, targeting its open wound and dropping it to the ground in howling pain.

As for the last wolf facing Oli, its life had been claimed before it could even react to the call for retreat. Oli’s mace had been thrown to stop the wolf in its tracks, forcing it to duck and change course. That moment was all the time Oli needed to grab the wolf by the tail and nearly rip it off from pulling it so harshly. The wolf yelped but was dead in an instant as Oli’s second fist crashed down on the wolf’s upper spine.

“Yeter, stop!” Oli shouted without pause, getting the stallion to stop his charge and slide into the snow. “We have to stay together!”

“But it’s getting away!” cried Yeter. “We can’t have it warn others-”

“It’s faster than we are in the snow. Maybe Fulkar can keep up with it, but the team can’t. At most, you and Fulkar could give chase and leave the rest of us behind. But is that what we want?” Oli reasoned, “If it’s heading back to the rest of its pack, then you two breaking away would be an even worse idea. And there’s no telling how you would find your way back, or face other dangers while away from the rest of the team. While in this place, being a group of five has warded off plenty of unnecessary fights. Split up and we change that real quick. Stay together, no matter what!”

Kicking up snow and whinnying in the direction of the disappearing wolf, Yeter trotted back to everyone else. “Okay, Oli-ver. I’ll stay put.”

“Thank you, Yeter.” Ignoring Yeter fumbling his name, Oli sighed and looked at all the carcasses in the snow. “We should collect these and wait till dawn. Even though the wolves know where we camped, they’re probably able to track us down if we left anyway. So we might as well get what little rest is available... Fulkar, are you okay keeping watch till first light?”

“You got it, Oliver,” Fulkar agreed with an able grin.

Without pause, Oli then turned to Freele and retrieved his mantle. “Trade me. I can handle the cold better, so let me have the one with holes.”

“What about mine?” asked Yeter.

“It’s your fault for barreling into the wolves while the mantle was flapping in the wind,” jested Oli. “Besides, I thought you were proud of your thick skin. Or do you not do your clan name any justice?”

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