Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 564 - 564 Meeting Herman Again

Vloz was lying down only a few krin away, still awake. The leopard was lightly laughing while marveling over Oli’s new drake form.

Their night of training went exactly as Oli had expected. Vloz only attacked and defended with essence as strong as a peak-elder. However, that didn’t magically make it possible for Oli to fight a huge, invisible leopard. Oli still struggled, at best, to defend himself or evade Vloz entirely.

In the end, Oli was starting to emit his dark-death essence in a way similar to Kraz, making it more threatening for anyone to get too close to him.

And whenever Oli successfully detected Vloz, his hopes were always dashed for it to be a fake while either a body double or the true Vloz landed a blow. It was both humbling and educational. At least, that’s how Vloz described it before knocking Oli out to get a few hours of rest.

Vloz waited till daybreak passed and the third and final sun was beginning its morning climb.

“Alright, Vero! It’s time we get to work!” the leopard shouted while jostling Oli awake. “Time to bring you to the Practors and get their opinion of your work. If they disapprove, then consider your contract terminated. Got that”

“I got it, I got it…” Oli sighed, getting to his feet. He checked his body for wounds but was startled to see none. “Did you heal me?”

“Yes. With some salves I applied hours ago,” Vloz answered. “As an expert, I made sure all of your injuries were merely superficial and easy to heal. I didn’t even need to waste a single elder mortal elixir on you.”


Doing some quick stretching, Oli was a bit surprised to feel grateful. “... Thank you. After endlessly trying to evade and get away from you, I feel more in tune with this form. And it was a great reminder of how broken dark essence can be.”

“Broken? By that, do you mean that dark essence is strong or weak?” Vloz asked genuinely, somewhat confused by Oli’s choice of words.

Shaking his head, Oli replied, “The former. That dark essence can almost be too powerful at times.”

“Any essence type can be powerful. It’s just a matter of how you wield it. How else did you defeat little Burt back when it was Trighton City? Because even though you had fewer essence types, you had better mastery over the two essence types you wielded compared to Burt’s decent mastery of his four individual essence types,” stated Vloz. “Though I will admit, your soul art also played a part in that.”

Smiling while thinking back to that memory, Oli asked, “What happened to Burt, anyway?”

“We were training him night and day up until a few moons ago,” Vloz answered. “That’s when Rhyner picked him up again, claiming ‘He’s finally ready to be the man he should be’, or something like that.”

“So you don’t know where Burt is or what he’s doing?”

“Not a clue.”

Curious, Oli asked, “But Rhyner would know?”

“If Rhyner doesn’t know, then I wouldn’t know who else to ask,” Vloz remarked. “If you get the chance to ask Rhyner, then go ahead. But I’m not sure you’ll have such an opportunity for quite some time. For now, it’s time to go see your old friend Herman, Vero.”

Nodding to hear his new name, Oli smiled and brought his attention back to the situation at hand. “You said we leave either tonight or tomorrow morning. So what will I be doing until then?”

“Officially meeting the Practor Family, those in charge of leading the attack of Prodson City. As well as being tested and possibly selected for the job.”

Glancing at Vloz, Oli asked, “What do you mean? I thought I already had the job?”

“No. You’re applying for the job under my and Zelsh’s recommendation as a mercenary,” Vloz stated. “If you were already a perennial, then the test would be simpler and easier to pass. But you’re not. Since you’ll be filling in the ranks of elders, Herman and his family will make sure you’re up to par before making it official.”

“In other words, they’re going to either spar or fight me too?”

Vloz nodded. “I’m glad you’re a quick learner.”

“Well… Then let’s get this over with. Do you know who will be testing me?” Oli asked.

“Not entirely. They’re sure to select a few people until you eventually lose,” chuckled Oli.

“... I see,” Oli sighed and started walking toward the stairs. “Then let’s get moving. I hope I’ll have enough time for a proper nap before we head out.”

Chuckling, Vloz led Oli down the library stairs while locking all the doors and passages behind them. Soon, they were back outside under the light of three suns.

The warmth was pleasant to Oli’s scales. Strangely enough, there was very little shine or luster visible to Oli’s scaled body. Instead, Oli’s scales had a strange, anti-luster quality that reduced glare and reflection. But Vloz quickly reminded Oli that it was a common trait of Toxic-shadow dragons and a sign that Oli’s bloodline was strong. So it wasn’t as unusual as Oli had anticipated.

The Practor Residence was incredibly close to the academy. In just a few minutes, the leopard-drake duo walked out of the academy gates and were approaching the gates of the Practor Estate.

Manning the gate was a human hired by Iron Town itself. Since the Practor Family was still small, the town made up for its lack of personnel where it counted most. At least, until the Practor Family was larger and could staff its own clan members for such tasks.

“Dean Vloz!” The guard shouted while giving a bow. “I’m sorry to be surprised, but I wasn’t expecting you till later in the day.”

“It just ended up being the best time for me. Since the teachers can handle the academy for a little while, I’ll be leaving shortly. But only after bringing my recommended mercenary-for-hire to Herman,” Vloz said.

“Y-yes, sir, Dean Vloz,” the guard respectfully bowed and replied. “Give me just a moment. I’ll be right back with Master Herman.”

Unlocking the small door to the side of the gate, the guard rushed into the Practor Residence. Just as the guard said, he was back only a minute later with Herman in tow. Before Herman could officially give the order, the guard was already opening the gate to welcome the Practor Family’s guests.

“Vloz, it’s been a few days. Anything new to share?” Herman asked with a pleasant smile.

Herman still had his white hair and beard, but his wrinkles were practically nonexistent now. Also, his entire body was brimming with energy and life. Oli had never seen Herman with such a glow about him.

“Not much,” Vloz answered. “But I do have someone to introduce you to, as I explained before. Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”

Herman eyed Oli and smiled wide. The pride and gratitude in Herman’s stare left Oli speechless.

Nodding and pointing toward a small, closed courtyard ahead, Herman replied, “Of course! We’ll chat in there before we handle any tests we feel are necessary.”

Once inside the closed courtyard, Herman locked the doors and activated a silent formation engraved into the courtyard walls. “Finally… After years of asking, I finally get to see you again. Yet you leave me surprised every time! Don’t you, Oli?”

Surprised to hear that, Oli laughed, “What’s so special about seeing me? I saw you not too long ago in Forell with the Libarn Family.”

“That’s not the same as being able to privately meet and speak with the true you, Oli, not just one of your personas. It’s thanks to you that not only have I become a perennial and extended my lifespan, but my entire family prospers in a way we had never thought possible. Without you, the life we currently enjoy wouldn’t have even been a dream,” Herman reasoned, dropping to one knee.

“Oli, you have my gratitude and eternal service. Just as you and your clan have done everything possible to support my family, I will offer everything I am as a man to support you in all you wish to accomplish. I can’t say my family will always do the same, not without asking the younger generation in the years to come. But for now and always, until the day my husk can no longer swing my swords, I wish to serve you, Oli. Will you allow me to do so?”

Taken aback, Oli hadn’t the slightest clue on how to respond.

‘Eeole! EEOLE!!’ Oli tried to mentally call out for help but to no avail.

Looking to Vloz for some kind of answer, Oli glanced at the leopard. But all Oli saw was Vloz sitting up with eyes overflowing with pride.

Vloz noticed Oli’s internal panic and telepathically chuckled, ‘What’s wrong? Do you think Herman is incapable or unworthy of serving you?’

‘But I–’

‘You’ll encounter problems and situations in the future that Eeole and others won’t be able to settle for you,’ Vloz telepathically reminded Oli. ‘Having someone as powerful, grateful, and dedicated as Herman pledge their loyalty to you is incredible. And since Herman has been asking for this since the moment one of his sons became a perennial, Eeole had plenty of time to prepare a contract.’

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