Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 597 - 597 Forell, Vassal of Iron

Tranton shouted again, bringing the crowd back into the moment of the announcement, “From this day forward, Forell Territory will bear the banner of Iron as a vassal territory!”

The final verbal blow had been dealt and the audience was reeling back in a mental daze.

But Tranton only gave the crowd a single moment to breathe, continuing, “In our few years of doing business together, has Iron Territory ever wronged us? Has Iron Territory ever taken advantage of you or this city? …

“While Iron Territory has only boosted our economy and strengthened ties in our short history together, ever since Former Leader Rhyner formed a trade deal with them. Yet, after decades and nearly a century of business together, what has Prodson ever offered us? Aside from basic business at ever-increasing prices, what has Prodson given to you and this city?”

The crowd got uniquely quiet once again as the people reviewed their own experiences with people and products from Prodson.

“There is only one thing that Prodson shares with us that Iron does not,” added Leader Tranton. “That they are ruled by a human. However, there are many things that Iron continues to offer Forell that Prodson has either refused to give or revoked entirely. Humanity. Candidness. Shared prosperity…

“And security!” Tranton belted that last point with emphasis. “Whilst fighting and invading Prodson, Iron has not held back on their promises of security!

“Under the leadership of Hurman Practor, who is currently a mid-perennial capable of killing me with a single attack, Iron has sent three additional mid-perennials along with three low-perennials!”


That news shattered all inklings of despair still lingering in the crowd’s hearts.

Of course, the patriarchs of noble families were present after receiving an early notice regarding today’s announcement. And among everyone present in the square, the spectating patriarchs were the most baffled and awed by that statement.

And Tranton never stopped speaking, motioning toward the people seated alongside Hurman. “These are just a few members of Iron Territory’s special task force! Three other members of that task force have already set up a military camp on the other side of the Taltin Mountains, placing them between Prodson’s invading forces and all of Forell Territory!

“And those three members are some of the most fearsome beasts I’ve ever met! The Thunder Jaguar is as tall as me standing on all fours and could fight me to a draw despite being a low-perennial.”

Plenty of people felt a blend of emotions hearing that. Since most human societies didn’t thrive alongside beasts, there was a lot of generational prejudice.

However, Forell City was built a little more than two centuries ago by the leader before Rhyner. Their natural prejudice mostly came from fear of the unknown and childhood stories.

But there were also stories of the great creator being a wise, considerate dragon. And after spending a couple of years as trade partners with Iron, it was impossible for the people of Forell to have a solely-horrifying depiction of the beast-ruled territory.

Also, in just a couple of years as trade partners, Iron’s well-priced and high-quality exports easily replaced most of Prodson’s expensive exports, which had been passed off as pricey, foreign delicacies. In fact, Jrabda wine, Iron’s exclusive export, had already become the number one best-seller across Forell City and even the few small towns in the northern reaches of Forell Territory.

With the best wine around and promises of more food exports to come from Iron’s merchants, there were plenty of people already sold on allying with Iron. But to become a vassal territory of a powerful, beast-ruled territory… That was a much harder sell for the human populace to agree with.

Picturing the mighty jaguar filled many citizens with hope for more security and protection. On the contrary, many people also imagined having such a fearsome beast watching their every move, governing in a stricter, blood-spilling manner

“One of the beasts is a mid-perennial Iron-body Gorilla, nearly twice my height! And he was strong enough to not only defeat the assassins during their secret invasion, but that gorilla took on half a dozen perennials by himself and even captured one of the assassin bosses. Of course, I’m sure you’ve all heard stories about these assassins we speak of.”

Leader Tranton held out both hands. Suddenly, two corpses appeared in his grasp with their backs to the audience. Though the bodies had been cleaned to make them presentable to the public, audible gasps still filled the crowd.

But all spectating eyes hastily found their way to the exposed, matching tattoos that the corpses shared.

Each body had a half moon on their backs. With the glint of white moonlight, the red surface of the half moons was clear to everyone there, as were the drops of blood hanging off the bottom corner of each half. And, side by side, the tattoos would create a single, whole, blood moon.

“The men sent to destroy peace and prosperity in Forell belonged to none other than the Blood Moon Order!” Tranton announced, verifying the thoughts of most adult onlookers.

“Without the interference of Iron Territory and that mighty Iron-body Gorilla, I wouldn’t be standing here today! I would be either lying in a coffin or bleeding out into the floor, somewhere inside the city. And there’s no telling how many of you would be left alive either.”

Thump, thump! Thump, thump. Thump, thump…

Without warning, Tranton dropped the two corpses. The crowd directly in front of the territory leader shuttered and stepped back, letting the bodies hit the paved stones instead of themselves.

And, replacing those corpses, Tranton pulled out two others. This time, it was a tattoo on the shoulder displayed to the audience.

It was a crescent moon dripping with blood, as if the fine tip had been used to impale someone.

After a couple seconds of holding those bodies up, Leader Tranton dropped them too. And Tranton quickly replaced them with two more corpses, again showing off the identical crescent moon tattoos.

That went on over and over until more than twenty bodies had piled up on the ground. The pile was a bit taller than the platform, allowing most of the inner crowd to physically see how great the threat to the city truly was.

Continuing with his hands empty, Tranton said, “Each of those men was a perennial assassin from Blood Moon, sent to destroy peace and prosperity across the entire city and our entire territory! This isn’t just a declaration of war… It’s how you end a war before the war is even made public in the first place! And without Iron Territory, without that Iron-body Gorilla and the support of the Iron-body Clan, Forell City might’ve become nothing more than a canvas covered in blood!

“... That is why I made my decision! That is why I acted to protect my family. To protect all of our families!

“... I’m not Rhyner Trighton,” Tranton admitted to the crowd. “Rhyner Trighton was a high-perennial when he took over this city and territory. And he quickly became a peak-perennial soon after that. Along with his many subordinates and powerful family, he was able to not only help us prosper but to offer complete protection for everyone.

“I, on the other hand, lost my own brother during an attempt on my own life… I failed to protect my family. This time, it’s not only my family that’s being threatened. Right now, all of Forell is in danger!

“And the only way for our city to keep the peace and to continue in prosperity is by bearing Iron’s banner!”

Talking and murmuring came from all sides as the people shared their immediate thoughts. From the varied expressions alone, Tranton could tell he hadn’t done enough quite yet.

With a long, loud sigh, Tranton suddenly asked a question that left the entire city flabbergasted.

“Then… Are any of you strong enough? … Is there anyone here strong enough to take my place and do a better job than I can do?”

Many wandering eyes landed on the patriarchs in the crowd. But not a single patriarch dared to speak up… They had already sparred and battled with Tranton while selecting the next territory leader. And each of them had lost, which led to renaming their home as Forell City.

“... If there is anyone present that think’s they’re capable of doing a better job, then please step forward. I’ll secede from my position here and now if that’s true…”

A minute passed… Still, not a single voice replied. The square waited in complete silence. Only hesitant, shuffling feet were heard every few seconds.

Looking over the crowd, Tranton spoke again, “If there is no one present more capable than I, how about any plans for security and defenses? Are there any ideas you have on how to prevent two dozen perennial assassins from invading without the need of having stronger people on our side first?”

Again… More silence…

“If there is no one else more capable, and there is no plan more practical than mine, then I will continue to represent you and your families to the best of my abilities for as long as I live!”

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