Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 624 - 624 One More Job

Finally, the Prodson troops physically and mentally forfeited. They had nothing left to cling to, aside from hope to survive.


Hurdo abruptly leaped off the cliff to land in front of the Prodson troops. The Forell army cleared his landing spot and gave the gorilla some room. With a cocky grin, Hurdo said, “If a single one of you dares to harm the soldiers cuffing you, I’ll slaughter you all and use the culprit as my personal flail.”

The Prodson morale plummeted even further from that verbal blow. But the pressure oozing from the gorilla was more than enough to back up that claim. It also confirmed the rumors of how a huge gorilla had slaughtered the assassins of Blood Moon.

Forell was quick to take out chains and cuffs to restrain their captives.

And just when the Prodson troops were feeling some sort of comfort and relief, being claimed as prisoners instead of facing executioners, the gorilla’s booming voice echoed between the cliff walls.

“Now keep in mind, we don’t take prisoners! We only accept new allies, like the Archer & Spear Corps. So, if you’re against working alongside beasts or hold any prejudice, now’s your chance to act! Either take a moment to question those beliefs, or stand up and fight to the death!”

Oeleron chimed in from above, saying, “The beasts of Iron aren’t savages! It was my father, Mayor Jarkon Neilor that asked for Iron’s support under the unjust governance of Prodson. For that reason, Iron sent a small band to silently infiltrate Iccad City and peacefully claim the city under Iron’s jurisdiction! Joining Iron isn’t a matter of cowardice and fear. It’s a matter of upholding your pride, and joining a more just cause!”


No one dared to stand against Hurdo. And everyone was pierced by Commander Oeleron’s words in some way.

All the while, three people were rushing to climb over the collapsed, sunken hill.

Marsel, Opal, and Ceela hurried to the other battlefield. No one was surprised to see the battle over, though. Their thoughts were more concerned with the circumstances of Lambier’s personal battle.

“Over here!”

Just as the trio reached the beast army, a cry rang out from the other side of those beasts. And it immediately attracted the trio’s attention. Also, it brought a tear to Ceela’s eye and a smile to her face.

Lambier was slowly walking back to rejoin those of the beast army. But he was tackled to the ground right before he reached his goal. “Hey, that hurts!”

Ceela slapped Lambier’s chest without thinking twice, coating her hand in light essence to begin the healing process. “What were you… Lam, you kept your cool?”

“Of course I did! That was part of the job this time,” Lambier yelled with a soft smile. “And that’s what I promised you… But I did get the confession I was after.”

Marsel sighed, “Well… It’s what we suspected, after all these years. So it shouldn’t be surprising.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt your reunion, but I already have Lambier’s next order.”

The trio stood or kneeled over Lambier, who was now laying down, and they all turned toward the female gorilla approaching them.

Ania smiled and bowed her head. “Thank you for all your help so far. If all goes as planned, you three won’t need to do anything more than be present in our military march. But there’s one last job we have for Lambier, and he’s needed ASAP.”

“But his injuries–”

“There’s no need to worry, Ceela,” Ania stated. “Lambier’s job doesn’t involve combat. So, after you’ve finished a heavy but fast healing session, we need him to leave immediately.”

Ceela blinked, staring back into Ania’s caring eyes.

“I’ve lost my husband, Ceela. And I have no plans to make you a widow like me. If anything, we devised this step of the plan with that in mind. So, please, don’t worry too much,” Ania remarked while laying a hand on Ceela’s shoulder.

Seeing his wife’s stress ease up, Lambier spoke up, “I’ll take the job. What is it?”

In response, Ania walked closer to Lambier. Then, Ania activated a silent formation around her and Lambier’s head. The formation only lasted a few moments, just long enough for the others to feel excluded by the time the formation dispersed and Ania walked away.

“... Mind sharing, Lam?” Marsel asked.

But Lambier shook his head, beginning to laugh. “Sorry, no can do Mar. But rest assured, I’ll be doing what I do best, and direct combat isn’t anywhere in my orders.”

Lambier also rested his hand over Ceelas, adding, “I’ll be fine. Just get me to the point where I can move unhindered. For this job, I’ll need my speed instead of my strength.”

Ceela gave her husband a half-smile. “... Okay. I can do that.”

An abundance of light essence flowed out of Ceela’s hands and into Lambier. It coursed into his body but also spread to his various limbs, targeting the cuts and wounds specifically. With light chatting and only smiles, the family chuckled together while Ceela rushed the healing process at the cost of expending more essence.

But that was okay. In fact, Ceela preferred it that way. Because, if she wouldn’t likely be facing battle Ceela at least wanted to give her husband as much support as possible.

In a few minutes, Ceela eventually stopped when her essence was running low. And Lambier was back on his feet with all minor injuries fully healed and major injuries as mostly-healed, future scars. However, Lambier could move around as if he was in peak form.

“Thank you, Cee!”

Lambier quickly pulled his wife in for a kiss before racing off into the beast army.

With Ceela silent, Marsel took that moment to laugh, “Looks like Lam will be fine!”


“Ow!” Marsel cried, “What was that for?”

Opal, with a frost-covered hand, slapped Marsel’s back again. “Ceela wasn’t the only person worried, you know! I just didn’t have a chance to express that until now…”

Marsel instantly lightened up, embracing his tall wife with a kiss on her cheek. “I’m sorry to worry you. I’m glad you’re safe too, Opal.”

“Darn right!” Opal shouted before picking Marsel up to kiss him back.

Ceela laughed lightly at the scene. And she quickly glanced back at the beast army, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of Lambier before he completely disappeared for the next job.

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