The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 91 - A Glass Of Wine

Chapter 91 - A Glass Of Wine

Jennifer stepped inside the room to see some darkness but at the same time, there was a large cabinet on the side of the wall.

It was huge, to begin with, and made her wonder when it was made.

Moreover, the entire cabinet was littered with glittering lights which were going with something shimmering inside. \'What is there? Is there something valuable?\'

From a far distance, Jennifer considered that it must be precious jade or any antique architecture. To her surprise when she moved forward, her eyes averted to find the guns!

"Why has he kept the guns here?" She can\'t help but mumble in between her breaths. It was an extensive sight to view.

All the guns were there in the cabinets, looking extraordinary. Probably if he has kept them in such a stylish way to showcase they must be of high value.

As she stepped closer, Jennifer carried the glass outside when she wasn\'t able to tear her gaze from the gun.

It was beautiful. One gun that captured her interest was the one, which was sleek yet seemed destructive.

She doesn\'t know the exact name or other details of the same.

\'He has a big collection... Obviously, he is a mafia man. How can I forget that he is fond of such things?\' Jennifer thought wandered when he earlier gave her a pistol earlier when they escaped through the island.

That wasn\'t the first time she saw a gun yet it made her remember that it was too expensive of top high quality.

At the same time, Jennifer\'s eyes by chance peeked behind her to see a minibar. With one side covered with the large cabin filled with guns, another corner was covered with a minibar.

Having the brand of wine, beer, she was surprised if he was the one who loves alcohol?

"But I have never seen him drinking till yet.." she was puzzled yet something it intruding and fascinating to watch. Jennifer didn\'t realize it herself but her eyes were breaching in the glow.

She found the elite room setup top glass, making her feel as if she landed in a different world. How can this room omit some cold and dangerous vibes but at the same time give her a loss of satisfaction in her heart?

Jennifer was speechless. Subconsciously, her hand moved towards her shoulders and rubbed them slightly to feel the drop in the room itself. "Such a cold and threatening place it is.."

As she made her way to the mini bar, her eyes roamed through all the wines kept in the wine cellular and read each name.

Not being fond of the wines in such a way, she always kept a distance from them.

But..Today was an exceptional day.

Jennifer stepped inside her bar to take out a large wine bottle labeling in bold letters. Reading the names she wasn\'t able to figure out whether it was alcohol or not.

\'Trying might help me with it.\' With this thought, Jennifer opened it in one go and pilled one of the glasses present on the desk.

As she filled the glass half, Jennifer quietly kept the same wine bottle in the clear without being caught.

At least Javier won\'t be able to find out that she took a few glasses of drink, right?

Biting her lower lip, Jennifer brought it in front of her eyes, scamming thoroughly to recognize if she has seen it ever.

"It is… of golden color… That Doesn\'t look like any poison either.. hmm." Jennifer smiled a little bit and found the weird smell.

Her face twisted with the smell, and she kept it at a distance of a hand.

"Gosh… it isn\'t good either. But maybe it\'ll taste better.." At last, she brought the glass near her lips and gulped it one go without taking a breath.

Her lips were all red because of what she tasted just now and can feel some sensation in her stomach. Moreover, it was making her feel a little dizzy. Wondering what exactly is happening to her?

\'Wait! Is that the new sensation building up just.. normal?\' Without any ideas, Jennifer kept the glass under the minibar to hide it from anyone\'s straight gaze.

Jennifer decided to wash it tomorrow, under Javier\'s nose but for now, she has to amaze to feel sentiments and her turmoil behavior.

The sensation and feelings kept inside her entire body, shaking her lungs feeling sore.

As if, her whole body was in the wire pit and burning alive

"I shouldn\'t have tried it either.." but who knew the consequences will make her feel some like she doesn\'t wish to?

Jennifer sat on the ground with her head almost on the verge of bruising. It is becoming heavy with the passing seconds, almost making it unapplicable for her to feel her fingers.

For now, she closed her eyes and simply waited for the feeling to vanish at once.

God knows for how she waited, at last Jennifer can feel the effect coming down. Her breathe that was getting back to normal, though the sensation remained the same.

\'Hm…. trying anything new can be dangerous here..\' as she thought, Jennifer decided to find any medicine available for the headache.

Her eyes fell on the large wooden drawer when she somehow managed to stand on her toes with the support of the wall behind.

Her legs are painting a lot but she gained the courage to walk over the drawer and open it slightly.

To her astonishment, there was no medicine but two pictures in one frame. The pictures were different, of two different people but she was lost in her mind when it was difficult to recognize the person.

\'A photo frame? Here?\' She had no idea that she would find something here. Because of the dizziness, the image in front of her was unclear.

Standing on the toes was itself very difficult, seeing the photographs was too far already. Rubbing her eyes, Jennifer tried once again to see what was currently in her hand.

Unfortunately, her luck didn\'t favor her as she felt the hair on her back rising at the husky voice from behind.

"What are you doing in this room, Jennifer?"

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