Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 22

At first thought, Marcel thought it was Samson and sat up with a startle, intending to give that beast a piece of his mind, however, he was treated to a cute-looking chihuahua staring back at with adorable eyes.

“God,” He groaned, what kind of assault was it this early morning?

His face was filled with drool and it pissed Marcel off. He had not a single idea about a dog’s normal social behavior. At three years old, while other kids were getting dolls and toys, Marcel was already practicing how to disassemble and assemble guns.

In one word, he has no pet aside from the lion who was still lying lazily on the ground and watching that new intruder with bad intention. To Marcel, Samson was more of a companion and guide than a pet.

If there was anything Marcel loved so much, that was his sleep and the chihuahua had disrupted that. So without thinking, he grabbed the chihuahua off his bed and hurled him to the ground, and tucked himself in, going back to sleep.

At the sight of the chihuahua, a malevolent glint flashed in Samson’s eyes and he ran his long, rough tongue across its mouth. The little chihuahua didn’t need a prophet to tell him that its life was in danger and he jumped at once at the duvet but it was slippery and he couldn’t get a firm hold. So it began to bark fiercely and in dog language, begged Marcel for help.


Marcel sighed as he heard the constant barking, what he had put himself into? He had no choice but to reach out, grabbing onto the scared chihuahua all to Samson’s dissatisfaction and bringing it back to the bed.

The instant the chihuahua found itself on the bed once again, he walked over to Marcel’s and laid next to him such that their sides were touching.

At that action, Marcel didn’t know whether to laugh. When he wished for someone on his bed, it was a human and a sexy woman at that, not a dog. Well, he would have to make do with this one.

The chihuahua must be a fast learner because it didn’t bother him until Marcel had about an hour more of rest before he rose for the day.

The chihuahua was on his tail and Marcel couldn’t take a step without the little creature by his side. Marcel knew he was scared of Samson and couldn’t send the beast away because lions were territorial creatures and this has been his home since its birth. Unless Marcel commanded him, Samson was a boss of his own.

Marcel went into his large bathroom where he lathered the tub filled to the brim with water while the chihuahua stared.

“You do know if you were human, you’d be called a pervert for looking at me that way,” Marcel said to the dog who barked in response.

“Yeah, I know I’m handsome,” Marcel winked at him, running his wet hand through his blonde hair.

The chihuahua barked once more as if he understood him.

“And I must be going crazy,” He added under his breath, “I’m now speaking to a dog of all things,”

Marcel took a mouthful of breath and ducked into the water with his eyes closed. He stayed there for about five minutes and while he was underwater, the dog kept barking as if he knew he was endangering his life.

But Marcel resurfaced with a gasp of life. This was something he did every day and wasn’t scared of drowning. Each time he was underwater and close to death, he felt peaceful and at rest. But then, it wasn’t time to rest forever so he had to surface each time.

Marcel finished the rest of his shower and came out only to realize a part of the chihuahua’s fur was wet and it hit him, the dog has not been bathed yet.

He frowned at once, would he need to bathe that thing? No, there was no way on earth he was wasting his time bathing that burdensome creature. He would rather get rid of it than do that.

Three minutes later...

Marcel was seen lathering the shampoo into the fur coat of the chihuahua using his hands. Contrary to what he thought, the annoying creature wasn’t standoffish nor anxious about getting bathed, making the whole work all easier.

If only his men could see the scene of Marcel bathing the chihuahua while following instructions from his phone, they would have probably laughed at him till their belly hurt and tears escaped from their eyes.

Marcel only cared about himself, In fact, he wasn’t the one who washed Samson and had a special team for that. But then, Samson was as proud as Marcel and tended to make things difficult for the team except Marcel was beside him.

Once the Chihuahua was fresh and clean, Marcel took it out of the tub and wrapped him up in a dry towel. According to instructions from his phone, he gently rubbed the towel against its body to speed up the drying process.

So while Marcel blew dry his hair, there was a chihuahua by his side to attend to as well and all this while, Samson watched their interaction.

The big cat watched both of them with keen interest and felt threatened, not because the chihuahua was strong enough to beat him, but his position was slowly being taken over by that little pest. He had to show that little thing he was the boss here and the original family of his master. But then, this was not the right time; he had to be patient.

Marcel was in the process of wearing the last of his clothes when a knock came on his door.

“Come in,” He ordered, closing up the rest of his button when Macy walked into his room.

At her appearance, Samson raised his head only to lazily lay down upon noticing that she wasn’t a threat to his master.

“What is it?” Marcel asked, carrying the chihuahua he had taken a sudden liking into his arms.

Macy announced, “I’ve found the clinic that treated Elijah that night,”

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