Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 124

Her mind had been wrapped around the pain in her scalp where he grabbed her hair tightly and was cursing him mentally only for him to kiss her suddenly.

Clara didn’t react even though her eyes were open and witnessed when Marcel’s eyes shut close. Like magic, the pain in her scalp became numb the same moment the kiss deepened and her lips parted. If anything the pain gave birth to a bliss that made her body shudder.

It was a kiss like never before and had her toes curling even before she could respond to him. Clara couldn’t count the number of times she and Luther kissed but it couldn’t compare to this one right here. This kiss was on a higher level and it made her begin to see Marcel in another light.

Marcel was a damn good kisser and she couldn’t help but wonder if this was what she had been missing out on all this time? If she had been welcoming to Marcel, would their relationship have blossomed into something beautiful? Many questions ran through her mind.

But Luther.....

Clara didn’t have time to think about her other lover because Marcel plunged his tongue into hers, owning her mouth. Because he was a gangster, she always thought Marcel would be brutal and uncultivated in bed but the way his tongue stroked her gently was shocking. Clara didn’t know he was capable of such softness.

He dominated the kiss and Clara could almost say he yawned for her. It was confusing because he never showed her such emotion. Most of the times Marcel was always glaring or scowling at her, he never looked at her with tenderness, or was she mistaken here?

Whatever, Clara pushed the matter to the back of her mind. It was the both of them that matters right now.


Marcel was still kissing her, quite wickedly and she forgot the need for oxygen. His hand traveled down to her butt and squeezed tight causing the moan building in her lungs to be captured in his hungry mouth.

He froze.

But Clara didn’t care about his rigidity and continued to kiss him, she needed more from him. Clara was trembling with a need that made her feel boneless. She did not doubt that she would have taken things further if they were in the confines of privacy.

But Marcel broke his mouth off her, leaving her breathing heavily, as her eyes opened slowly. Her core throbbed and she was needy for another doze of him. However, Clara saw the appalling look on Marcel’s face and the haze cleared away immediately. Yet when she blinked, the look on his face was gone as if it was never there in the first place.

The moan felt different and that was the cue that woke him from the delusion he was into. And the red hair he thought he saw gradually metamorphosed into a brunette; the enchanting green eyes into familiar blues ones.


The memories came back and Marcel realized he had been kissing Clara all along? There was a look of horror on his face, however, when he found out they had company, he quickly hid his emotions.

“Wow,” Arthur whispered, he was the first one to speak, “That was more intense than I thought. The both of you are definitely on fire,”

Clara blushed at that comment and she didn’t even know why. Her heart was beating fast and to her embarrassment, she was aroused.

Almost immediately, someone came out from the crowd clapping and Marcel discovered it was no one but his father. The man’s smile was so broad as if he made him proud. Like a domino effect, the rest of the people began to clap as well like they were congratulating some newlywed.

You gotta be kidding him, right? Really? Kissing Clara was something worthy of praise and not his hard work? Marcel couldn’t help but get offended. He felt very cheap.

“I knew I could count on you to make the right decision,” His father Daniel said, patting him on the shoulder and adding immediately, “You should take her home, we can reschedule the meeting to another day. I’m sure my daughter-in-law is tired already,”

Clara smiled coyly, lifting her hand to her mouth, “You flatter, me,” She added jovially, “Father,”

The both of them laughed without even noticing Marcel whose mind was far away from them.

Marcel was furious. In the end, no matter what he did, his need was not seen, just his worth. He had to swallow down the lump in his throat to be able to breathe.

Why was he even feeling this way? It wasn’t like this was the first time to be disappointed by his father? He just wished.... just wished... who was he kidding? Wishing was a fool’s hope.

“I’m leaving,” Marcel interrupted the father and daughter who had become best buddies while conversing. He didn’t even wait for them to respond and was on his way already.

“Don’t worry, father, I’ll pay you a visit the next time,” Clara assured him, forgetting all about the drama that happened the last time she was there.

“No, I’ll rather you spend time with my son. You see Marcel has nobody except me by his side ever since his mother died, I want you to take over that role,” Daniel told her.

“Sure, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure your son is happy, you can trust me,” Clara promised him. She could feel it, something changed between her and Marcel and it was for good.

Perhaps, she should give him a chance. The both of them together doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

“I’ll see you later, father,” Clara waved at Daniel and had to catch up to Marcel on the lawn where his car was parked. He was opening the door to the driver’s seat when he noticed her and suddenly asked a question that made her halt in her step.

“How many times have you been to my father’s place?”

She frowned, why was he asking her that of all questions? Nonetheless, she answered, “Thrice?”

“In one of your visits, have you ever spotted a young girl with my father?”

“Young girl? What young girl? Who’s the young girl? Is your father getting married to the young girl?” She bombarded Marcel with questions instead.

Marcel gave her a dirty for that last question. He had been meaning to ask if she noticed his sister in his father’s place since she was a frequent visitor. But Clara was obviously dumb.

He simply shook his head and was about to get into his car only to see her reaching for the doorknob on the passenger side.

“What are you doing?” He scowled.

Clara was confused, “Aren’t you taking me home?”

“Why would I? Am I crazy? Was I the one who drove you here? Who made me your driver? Did you ask for a favor?” He peppered her with questions as well.

Clara was struck dumb, he still haven’t forgotten about their quarrel on their way coming? Thus, she forgot that Marcel was as grudgeful as a ten-year-old. She took a taxi to come here for Christ’s sake. It was embarrassing.

She was flustered, “B-but your father said.... and the kiss-?”

“What kiss?!” Marcel didn’t let her finish her question and took it right out of her mind.

He stepped out of the car once more and hovered over Clara as he made it clear to her, “That kiss was a challenge you started and I finished, so don’t even think it changes anything between us,”

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