The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 176 Talent Awakening

The students lined up eagerly, their hearts beating with anticipation. Orion watched as each one took their turn, stepping forward to touch the small, shimmering stone. Some trembled with nerves, while others stood tall and proud, determined to awaken a powerful talent.

As each student touched the stone, a soft glow emanated from it, enveloping them in a warm, comforting light. They closed their eyes, their faces contorted with concentration, as they focused all their energy on awakening their talent.

Orion watched with bated breath as the first student began to awaken. He held his breath, waiting to see what color of light would emanate from the awakening stone.

As the first student stepped forward, the room fell silent. All eyes were fixed on the small, shimmering stone as the student tentatively reached out and touched it.

At first, nothing seemed to happen, and the room was filled with a tense silence. But then, slowly but surely, a bright blue light began to emanate from the stone.

Excited whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the student\'s talent was revealed to be a B-tier talent. It was a respectable grade, and the student beamed with pride and relief.

The principal watched as the student\'s talent was revealed, a bright blue light indicating a B-tier talent. He congratulated the student and praised his hard work, "Congratulations, you have awakened a B-tier talent. It was good enough, and worked hard to achieve it."

The student beamed with pride and gratitude, "Thank you, principal."

As he made his way back to his group of friends, they eagerly awaited his news. "What kind of talent did you awaken?" they asked.

The student replied, "My talent is Flame Enhancement. I don\'t know much about it yet, but the information was sent directly to my head."

His friends were amazed, "That\'s amazing! What does it do?"

The student smiled, "As far as I understand, it allows me to enhance the power of my fire-element beasts. I can make them burn hotter, last longer, and even control them better."

His friends looked at each other in awe, impressed by the potential of his talent. They knew that with dedication and hard work, he could become a powerful cultivator in the future.

As the group of students discussed their friend\'s newly awakened talent, one of them couldn\'t help but wonder about the higher tiers of talent.

"Wow, the B-tier talent seems to be good enough," the student said with a small smile. "But I can\'t help but wonder how strong the A-tier and S-tier talents are."

The others nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. They had all dreamed of achieving the highest tier of talent, but they knew it was no easy feat.

As the group of students discussed their newly awakened talents, one of them couldn\'t help but wonder about the higher tiers of talent.

"Wow, the B-tier talent seems to be good enough," the student said with a small smile. "But I can\'t help but wonder how strong the A-tier and S-tier talents are."

The others nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. They had all dreamed of achieving the highest tier of talent, but they knew it was no easy feat.

"It\'s said that the S-tier talents are almost unheard of," another student added. "Only a select few have ever been known to awaken them."

The group fell silent for a moment. Each lost in their own thoughts. They knew that the talent they had just awakened was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey.

"I guess we just have to work hard and see where it takes us," one of the students said finally.

The others nodded, their determination renewed. They knew that their talents were just a starting point - it was up to them to develop and refine them in order to reach their full potential.

Excitement filled the air as the next student was called to the podium. The crowd of students watched with bated breath as the student made his way to the front, his heart pounding with anticipation. The principal looked on with keen interest, eager to see what the next talent would be.

"Wish me luck, guys," he said to his friends, who cheered him on with enthusiasm.

As he approached the awakening stone, the student\'s hand trembled slightly with nerves. He took a deep breath and steadied himself before touching the stone. The moment he made contact with the stone, a bright light enveloped him, and the room was filled with a soft humming sound.

There was a moment of silence, and then the room was filled with a bright light, indicating the awakening of the student\'s talent. The light slowly faded, revealing the color of the student\'s talent. It was a deep shade of green, indicating a C-tier talent.

The principal nodded his head in approval, "Congratulations, you have awakened a C-tier talent. It may not be the highest tier, but it is still a respectable talent."

The student smiled with relief, "Thank you, principal."

As he made his way back to his group of friends, they eagerly awaited his news. "What kind of talent did you awaken?" they asked.

The student who had just awakened his talent walked back to his friends, looking slightly disappointed but also relieved to have passed the awakening ceremony.

"It\'s not as strong as Flame Enhancement like you have," he said to his friend who had awakened a B-tier talent. "It\'s called Strength Enhancement, and it just enhances the physical strength of my beasts."

His friends looked at him with interest, "That\'s still pretty cool! You could have some pretty powerful beasts with that talent."

The student smiled, "Yeah, I guess so. I\'m just glad I passed the awakening ceremony."

As they continued to watch their classmates awaken their talents, the students couldn\'t help but wonder what kind of talents the A and S-tier students would awaken.

"I can\'t even imagine how powerful an S-tier talent would be," said one of the students, his eyes wide with excitement.

Another student nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it\'s crazy to think about. I just hope I can at least get an A-tier talent."

As the ceremony continued, the students were filled with a mix of nerves and excitement. They knew that their talents would determine their future, and they were eager to see what kind of path lay ahead for them.

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