The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 177 Leon's Arrogance

The ceremony continued, and more students made their way to the podium to awaken their talents. The excitement in the air was palpable, and the room was abuzz with anticipation and nervous energy.

Some of the students were lucky enough to awaken impressive B-tier talents. Orion had witnessed two of these already - the Flame Enhancement and Ice Enhancement talents. These talents were rare and powerful, and the students who awakened them were sure to have a bright future ahead of them.

Other students were not so fortunate and only managed to awaken C-tier talents. The Strength Enhancement talent that the previous student had awakened fell into this category. While C-tier talents were not as impressive as B-tier talents, they were still respectable and could lead to a successful career in cultivation.

Unfortunately, there were a few students who awakened D-tier talents. These talents were generally considered weak and unimpressive, and the students who awakened them were often looked down upon by their peers. It was a harsh reality, but the cultivation world was fiercely competitive, and only the strong survived.

As more and more students stepped up to the podium to awaken their talents, the range of emotions in the room became more apparent. Excitement and anticipation mingled with nervousness and anxiety as each student wondered what their future would hold.

For some students, their hopes were dashed as they revealed their D-tier talents. These were generally considered weak and unimpressive talents, and the disappointment was palpable on the faces of those who had awakened them.

One student spoke up, voicing their disappointment, "What do I do now that I\'ve awakened a D-tier talent?" It was a question that many others in the room were likely thinking of as well.

On the other hand, there were those who were thrilled to have awakened B-tier talents. These were impressive and powerful abilities, and the students who had awakened them were filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Another student chimed in with enthusiasm, "I\'m so happy to have awakened a B-tier talent! This is a great start to my journey as a cultivator."

Still, others were content with their C-tier talents. These were respectable abilities, though not as powerful as B-tier talents. Nevertheless, the students who had awakened them were determined to work hard and make the most of what they had been given.

"I may have only awakened a C-tier talent, but I know that with hard work and dedication, I can still become a great cultivator," said one of the students.

There were also those who awakened rare and unique talents, while others awakened more common abilities. But no matter what talent they had awakened, each student felt a sense of pride and determination to make the most of their new abilities.

As the ceremony continued, there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere as a student named Leon Ignatius was called to the podium. He strode up arrogantly, his large build and fierce face causing some of the students to shrink back in fear.

Orion couldn\'t help but feel uneasy as he watched Leon approach the awakening stone. There was something about his demeanor that made him seem dangerous and unpredictable.

As Leon made his way to the podium, his confidence and arrogance filled the room. His towering figure and fierce expression made many of the students feel uneasy, but Leon seemed to relish in the attention.

"You weak people could only awaken weak talent," he sneered at the students who had already undergone their awakening ceremony. "But I, Leon Ignatius, will awaken the strongest talent in this room."

The students shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond to Leon\'s taunting. Some whispered amongst themselves, while others simply looked away. Leon\'s words had struck a nerve, and many of the students felt a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"How dare he say it like that," one of the students muttered under their breath. "Who does he think he is?"

"He\'s from the Ignatius Clan," another student replied, shaking their head. "They\'re known for their arrogance and pride. It\'s no surprise he\'s acting like this."

"Ignatiys clan is really arrogant, but the clan is powerful and even powerful as Winteria Clan." said another student.

As the murmurs and whispers continued, another student spoke up, defending Ignatius Clan. "The Ignatius Clan is known for their arrogance, but they are also one of the most powerful clans in the realm. Their strength and influence rival even that of the Winteria Clan."

Some of the students nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth of the statement. The Ignatius Clan was indeed a formidable force, and their reputation as one of the most powerful clans in the realm was well-known.

However, others were still angry and resentful of Leon\'s taunts. They refused to let his words bring them down and instead focused on their own talents and abilities.

As Leon continued to boast and taunt the other students, a voice spoke up from the other side of the room. It was an attendant of Aurora Winteria, and she spoke with a tone of disapproval.

"What an arrogant person," she muttered under her breath. "He is only a child from the Ignatius Clan and already boasting it like that."

Orion turned to look at her, curious about her opinion. He knew that the Winteria Clan was one of the most powerful and respected clans in the cultivation world, and he wondered what this attendant thought about Leon\'s behavior.

"He\'s just showing off," the attendant continued, her voice laced with disdain. "The Ignatius Clan may be powerful, but they\'re nothing compared to the Winteria Clan."

The words of the attendant of Aurora stirred a feeling of relief and satisfaction in the students\' hearts. Aurora Winteria was one of the most respected students in their school, known for her humble nature and incredible talent. Her mere presence commanded respect, and her opinion held great weight among her peers.

The students looked at each other with knowing smiles, grateful for the reassurance that Leon\'s arrogance was not something to be admired. They whispered amongst themselves, sharing their own thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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