The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 181 Orion's Awakening

Orion began to make his way to the awakening stone. He could feel his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. He had watched as his peers had awakened their own talents, ranging from weak D-tier abilities to powerful A and even S-tier talents.

Orion had always dreamed of awakening a strong talent, something that would make him stand out among the crowd. But as he reached out to touch the stone, he couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of doubt. What if his talent was weak? What if he was just an average cultivator, destined to live a mediocre life?

However, he quickly pushed those negative thoughts aside. He knew that self-doubt would only hold him back, and he had trained hard for this moment. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and focused on the energy within himself. As he did so, he felt a surge of power flow through his body, and he knew that his talent was about to awaken.

The students watched in anticipation, curious to see what tier of talent Orion would awaken. Many recognized him as one of the best students in the school, and they speculated about the strength of his talent.

"That\'s Orion," whispered one student to another. "I wonder what tier of talent he\'ll awaken."

"I think it\'ll be a B-tier talent," replied the other student. "He\'s a good student but not quite on the same level as Aurora or Leon."

"I don\'t know," chimed in a third student. "Orion\'s always been dedicated to his cultivation. Maybe he\'ll surprise us with an A-tier talent."

As Orion\'s talent began to awaken, the room was filled with a bright light. The students shielded their eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of the color that would determine the tier of his talent.

The principal also watched with bated breath, curious to see what Orion\'s talent would be. He had always been impressed with Orion\'s work ethic and determination, especially considering the challenges he had faced as an orphan with only his younger sister to rely on.

"I wonder what kind of talent Orion will awaken," he murmured to himself, watching as the light from the awakening stone intensified.

Finally, the light faded, revealing the color of Orion\'s talent. The students gasped as they saw that it was a bright color of white.

The room fell silent for a moment as the students tried to process what they were seeing. Confusion and surprise were written on many of their faces.

"Isn\'t grey supposed to be for D-tier talents?" asked one student, breaking the silence. "And there\'s no white color, is there?"

Another student chimed in, "I think it\'s more of a light grey than white. Maybe it\'s a low-level D-tier talent?"

Several other students who heard the conversation began to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I agree. It doesn\'t look like an A, B, or even C-tier talent," said one student.

"Orion\'s a great student, but maybe he just didn\'t have the potential for a higher-tier talent," added another.

The principal could see that Orion was silent and didn\'t respond to the student\'s words. He knew that the comments could be discouraging, especially for a student who had worked hard for this moment. He walked over to Orion and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Orion, don\'t let their words discourage you," he said. "Your talent may not be a high-tier one, but that doesn\'t mean it\'s not valuable. Every talent has its own strengths and uses."

As the principal spoke to Orion, he noticed that the student seemed completely unaware of his presence. Orion\'s eyes were wide open, staring off into the distance as if he were in a trance. The principal realized that Orion was in shock and needed some time to process what had just happened.

"Orion?" the principal said, his voice gentle. "Can you hear me?"

Orion blinked and looked up at the principal. He seemed surprised to see the principal standing there as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"I\'m sorry, sir," Orion said. "I was just..."

"It\'s okay," the principal said, placing a hand on Orion\'s shoulder. "Take a deep breath and try to relax. You\'ve just awakened your talent, and it can be a lot to take in."

Orion took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The principal could see the tension in his shoulders beginning to ease.

"Good," the principal said. "Now, I think it\'s best if you go home and rest. You\'ve had a big day, and you need time to process everything that\'s happened."

Orion nodded and stood up from his seat. As he walked out of the hall, the principal couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pride for the young man. Despite the challenges he had faced in his life, Orion had worked hard to get to where he was today. And even if his talent wasn\'t a high-tier one, the principal knew that Orion had the drive and determination to make the most of it.

Aurora, who was sitting in the crowd, watched Orion with a sense of curiosity. She couldn\'t quite put her finger on it, but there was something about him that seemed different from the other students. She turned to her attendant and voiced her thoughts.

"There\'s something weird about him," she said, her eyes still fixed on Orion.

"What weird about him? He was just awakened D-tier talent," her attendant replied.

Aurora hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe what she was feeling. "Even though that white light may be said to be a D-tier talent, it seems that it was not the case," she said finally. "He wasn\'t down at all, even confused. It seemed like his talent was either weird or powerful."

Her attendant raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Powerful? But his talent was only a white light, which is not a common color for high-tier talents."

"I know," Aurora said, still watching Orion as he made his way out of the hall. "But there was something in the way he awakened his talent. It was like he was tapping into a different kind of power. And he didn\'t seem disappointed or upset at all, which is unusual for someone with a low-tier talent."

Her attendant looked at Orion thoughtfully, trying to see what Aurora saw. "Perhaps you\'re right," she said finally. "There is something intriguing about him. We should keep an eye on him and see how he progresses."

Aurora nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of excitement building inside her. She had always been drawn to unusual and powerful talents, and if Orion had the potential to be one of them, she wanted to be the first to know.

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