The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 182 Orion's Talent

Orion left the school, his mind in a daze. He walked aimlessly through the streets, trying to make sense of the strange experience he had just had. As he walked, he couldn\'t help but think about the unusual sensation that had accompanied his talent awakening.

The bright light, the surge of power, and the strange color of his talent - all of it was overwhelming, to say the least. But then, something even more unexpected happened.

Suddenly, he felt a strange presence inside his mind, and a robotic voice spoke to him in a language he knew, but it was distorted and strange. Orion froze in shock, wondering if he had imagined things.

The voice continued to speak, and Orion could feel a surge of energy coursing through his body. It was as if the voice was unlocking something within him, something he had never known existed. He tried to understand the words, but they were too distorted, and he couldn\'t make sense of them.

Orion stood there, stunned, as the voice continued to speak to him. He didn\'t know what was happening or how to react. All he knew was that something strange and incredible was happening to him, and he had to find out more.

Suddenly, the voice appeared again, clear and distinct.

[Host\'s talent has successfully awakened]

[It is advised for the host to lie down and rest to complete the fusion of the talent]

That was what Orion heard from his head. The words echoed through his mind, and he knew that he had to follow them. He had to go home and rest to complete the fusion of his talent.

Orion slowly made his way back to his small apartment. He was still reeling from the experience he had just had. He felt like he was in a dream, and he couldn\'t quite shake the feeling that something extraordinary had just happened to him.

As he entered his apartment, he collapsed on his bed, exhausted from the overwhelming emotions and sensations he had experienced. He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of everything that had happened to him.

That\'s when he felt it - the energy coursing through his body, pulsing and vibrating with a strange power. It was as if his talent was still awakening, even though the light had faded and the voice had stopped speaking.

He tried to focus on his breathing, but the energy was too strong. It felt like a storm raging inside him, threatening to overwhelm him at any moment.

That\'s when he remembered the voice\'s instructions. He needed to lie down and rest to complete the fusion of his talent. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm his mind and body.

Slowly, he felt the energy begin to subside. It was as if the voice was guiding him, teaching him how to control his talent and harness its power. He also began to doze off.

As Orion slept, the voice continued to work on fusing the talent into his body. It was a delicate process, requiring precise control over the energy that flowed through Orion\'s veins.

The voice carefully monitored Orion\'s breathing, heart rate, and brain waves, making subtle adjustments to ensure that the fusion was successful.

[Begin to fuse the talent into the host body while the host is sleeping]

As the fusion progressed, Orion\'s body began to undergo subtle changes. His muscles grew more toned, and his reflexes became sharper. His eyesight improved, allowing him to see with greater clarity and precision.


[The talent has been successfully fused with the host]

Finally, the fusion was complete. The talent was now a part of Orion\'s body, seamlessly integrated with his physical and spiritual being.

But the voice wasn\'t finished yet. It knew that the talent was a powerful one and that Orion would need more than just physical strength to wield its power.

[Begin to alter the body of the host to be more suitable for the talent]

The voice began to make subtle changes to Orion\'s body, altering his DNA to make him more suited to the talent. His bones grew denser, his muscles more flexible, and his skin tougher and more resilient.

But it wasn\'t just his body that was changing. The voice knew that emotions played a crucial role in the use of talent, and so it began to alter Orion\'s emotional state as well.

[Begin to alter the emotion of the host for the talent]

Orion slept soundly as the voice continued to work on his emotional state. It knew that Orion would need a new mindset to fully harness the power of his talent.

As the voice made subtle adjustments to Orion\'s emotions, he began to dream. In his dream, he saw himself standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out over a vast and endless sea.

He felt a sense of fear and uncertainty but also a strange excitement. It was as if he was on the brink of something incredible, something that would change his life forever.

And then he heard the voice again.

"You are brave, Orion," it said. "You have always been brave, but now you will be even braver. Your talent will give you the courage to face any challenge, to overcome any obstacle."

Orion didn\'t know what to make of the voice\'s words. He had never thought of himself as particularly brave. But as the voice continued to speak, he began to understand.

The voice was altering his emotional state, filling him with a sense of confidence and determination that he had never felt before. It was as if he had been reborn, transformed into a new and more powerful version of himself.

[Finishing the fusion of talent. Stabilizing the soul and the body of the host]

As Orion slept, the voice continued to work on stabilizing the fusion of the talent with his soul and body. It was an essential step in ensuring that he could fully control and use his new abilities.

The voice made final adjustments, carefully monitoring Orion\'s energy levels and the flow of the talent through his body. Orion\'s breathing and heart rate began to stabilize, and his brain waves showed signs of coherence.

[The fusion has been completely finished. Waiting for the host to wake up for further information]

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