The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 234 Forth-Stage Warrior Realm Beast

Orion rode atop his beast, Atlas, as they explored the depths of the forest. The trees towered above them, their branches reaching toward the sky like skeletal fingers. Orion was lost in thought as he considered the events of the previous battle with the three disciples.

"It seems that people like those three will appear more frequently now," he said to himself, his voice barely above a whisper.

Atlas grunted in agreement, his massive paws crunching the fallen leaves underfoot as they moved deeper into the forest. The beast was powerful and loyal, and Orion knew that he could always count on him in times of need.

As they continued on their journey, Orion\'s thoughts turned to the question of whether or not he had done the right thing by sparing the three disciples. He turned to the system, seeking its counsel.

"System, do you think that what I did was right? I spared them, but I don\'t know if I should have crushed them," he asked.

[The host is advised to do what he believes. Sometimes, violence is needed, and sometimes it is not. It depends on the situation.]

Orion considered the system\'s words carefully. He knew that he was a skilled warrior, but he also knew that his actions could have far-reaching consequences. He didn\'t want to be seen as a tyrant or a bully, but he also didn\'t want to appear weak in front of his peers.

He looked out over the forest, his gaze sweeping over the towering trees and the wildlife that lived within. The system was right, he realized. Violence was sometimes necessary, but it was not always the answer. He needed to strike a balance between showing mercy and being firm.

As he rode deeper into the forest, Orion made a decision. He would continue to hone his skills and strength, but he would also strive to be a fair and just leader. He would not shy away from violence when it was necessary, but he would also not use it as a crutch.

Orion and Atlas continued their journey through the forest, venturing deeper and deeper into the unknown. The air grew colder and the trees thicker as they went further into the wilderness. It was a serene and peaceful place, but Orion couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease.

As they walked, Orion kept a sharp eye out for any signs of danger. He was always on high alert, ready to defend himself and Atlas if needed. Suddenly, a low growling sound caught his attention. He looked around, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.

Then, out of nowhere, a massive beast appeared in front of them. It was a hulking, muscular creature covered in fur that shimmered in the sunlight. Its eyes glinted with an otherworldly intelligence, and its jaws were lined with sharp, gleaming teeth. Orion directly scanned the beast that he had just met.


[Beast Race: Silverback Gorilla]

[Elements: None]

[Realm: Forth-Stage Warrior]

[Tier: D]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Powerful Muscles:] The Silverback Gorilla possesses powerful muscles that enable it to move quickly and deliver devastating blows to its enemies.

[Sharp Teeth and Claws:] The Silverback Gorilla has sharp teeth and claws that it can use to defend itself or attack its enemies.

[Agility:] Despite its size and strength, the Silverback Gorilla is surprisingly agile, able to climb trees and move quickly across uneven terrain.

[Enhanced Senses:] The Silverback Gorilla has highly advanced senses, including acute hearing, sight, and smell. This allows it to detect danger from far away and evade potential threats.

[Territorial Roar:] The Silverback Gorilla can let out a deafening roar that can intimidate and scare off potential threats. This skill is especially useful when the gorilla is protecting its territory or asserting dominance over other gorillas.


Orion\'s heart raced with excitement as he looked at the powerful beast in front of him. A Forth-Stage Warrior Realm Silverback Gorilla was a rare and valuable find, and he knew that it could earn him a significant amount of points.

Orion grinned as he examined the gorilla\'s powerful muscles, sharp teeth and claws, and incredible agility. He knew that this would not be an easy fight, but he was eager for the challenge.

"Atlas, let\'s do this," he said to his loyal beast. Atlas let out a low growl, indicating his readiness for the battle ahead.

The Silverback Gorilla let out a deafening roar, warning Orion and Atlas to stay back. But Orion was not deterred. He urged Atlas forward, and the two charged at the beast with all their might.

Orion\'s eyes were fixed on the Silverback Gorilla as he prepared for battle. He knew that this was not going to be an easy fight, but he was determined to emerge victorious. With a quick nod to his beast, Atlas, he signaled that it was time to attack.

"Atlas used Brutal Charge and Horn Thrust," Orion ordered, his voice filled with excitement and determination.

Without hesitation, Atlas lowered his head and charged forward, his massive body hurtling toward the gorilla with incredible force. The gorilla tried to dodge out of the way, but Atlas was too quick. He slammed into the gorilla with a deafening crash, sending it tumbling backward.

As the gorilla struggled to regain its footing, Atlas followed up his attack with a sharp Horn Thrust. The gorilla roared in pain as the sharp horn pierced its thick hide, drawing blood. But even as the gorilla stumbled backward, it refused to give up the fight.

Orion could see the determination in the gorilla\'s eyes, and he knew that he was facing a worthy opponent. He urged Atlas forward, signaling for him to use his Trample attack. With a powerful stomp of his massive hooves, Atlas slammed into the ground, sending tremors through the forest.

The gorilla tried to evade the attack, but Atlas was too quick. He caught the gorilla with a glancing blow, knocking it off balance and leaving it vulnerable to another attack. Orion saw his chance and signaled for Atlas to use his powerful muscles to deliver a devastating blow.

Atlas charged forward again, using his brute strength to slam into the gorilla with incredible force. The gorilla roared in pain as its bones cracked and its body crumpled to the ground. But even as it lay there, battered and broken, it refused to give up.

Orion could see that the gorilla was on its last legs, but he didn\'t want to take any chances. He signaled for Atlas to finish the job, and the loyal beast obeyed. With a sharp, precise blow, Atlas delivered a fatal Horn Thrust that pierced the gorilla\'s heart, ending the battle once and for all.


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