The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 235 Forth-Stage Warrior Realm Beast Core

Orion stood in awe as the Silverback Gorilla fell to the ground, a look of surprise frozen on its face. He watched as the massive beast took its final breaths, its chest heaving as it struggled for air. The sight of the once-proud creature now lying motionless on the forest floor was both impressive and humbling.

Atlas let out a victorious roar, his eyes shining with pride as he surveyed the scene. The rhinoceros had emerged victorious from the battle, and his master could not have been more pleased. Orion approached the fallen gorilla, his mind still reeling from the intensity of the fight.

As he drew closer to the gorilla\'s body, he could see the massive hole in its chest where Atlas\' horn had pierced the beast\'s heart. The impact had been so great that it had killed the Silverback Gorilla instantly, leaving it with a look of surprise frozen on its face.

Orion\'s heart was still racing with excitement from the fight. He had never faced a Forth-Stage Warrior Realm beast before, and the experience had been both exhilarating and terrifying. He couldn\'t help but marvel at the power and strength of the gorilla, even in its final moments.

As he stood there, studying the gorilla\'s body, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer size and strength of the beast. The Silverback Gorilla was truly a force to be reckoned with.

Orion turned to Atlas, patting him on the side with a smile of pride. "You did well, my friend," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "That was an incredible fight."

Atlas grunted in response, his massive head turning to nuzzle Orion\'s hand. The rhinoceros was tired but happy, and he knew that his master was pleased with his performance.

Orion continued to study the gorilla\'s body, running his hands over its thick hide and powerful muscles. He marveled at the sheer size and strength of the beast, which had proven to be a worthy opponent for Atlas.

As he examined the gorilla, Orion knew that this beast would earn him a significant amount of points. He also knew that he needed to extract the core, the source of the beast\'s power, in order to claim those points.

With practiced skill, Orion began to carefully cut into the gorilla\'s body, slicing through its flesh and muscle to reveal the glowing core within. The core pulsed with otherworldly energy, its vibrant colors shifting and changing as if alive.

Orion reached in with gloved hands, carefully prying the core from the gorilla\'s body. It was warm to the touch, and he could feel its energy pulsing through his fingertips.

As he held the core in his hand, Orion felt a surge of excitement. This was what he had been searching for. This core would be worth so many points. He carefully placed the core in a small pouch on his belt, securing it tightly.

As he turned to leave, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of gratitude toward Atlas, his loyal and powerful beast. Without him, this victory would not have been possible. He patted Atlas on the side, thanking him for his support and companionship.

Orion and Atlas ventured deeper into the forest, their eyes scanning the surrounding trees for any sign of danger. The dense foliage made it difficult to see more than a few meters ahead, and they had to rely on their instincts to navigate through the wilderness.

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes watched their every move from the safety of the treetops. Two figures, cloaked in darkness, crouched among the branches, studying Orion and Atlas with interest.

"Look at this guy," one of them whispered. "He\'s defeated that Silverback Gorilla. I bet he has a lot of points that we could steal."

The other figure nodded in agreement. "But can we defeat him? We don\'t know anything about his skills or abilities."

"Don\'t be stupid," the first figure scoffed. "We\'re two Third-Stage Warriors. He\'s only one person. We could take him down if we worked together."

The second figure still looked uncertain. "But we don\'t know anything about him. What if he\'s stronger than we think?"

"We\'ll figure it out," the first figure replied. "For now, let\'s just follow him and wait for the right moment to strike."

The two figures remained hidden in the trees, their eyes locked on Orion and Atlas. They watched as the duo continued to make their way deeper into the forest, their movements slow and deliberate.

Orion and Atlas moved through the dense forest. Their footsteps were quiet and careful as they navigated the uneven terrain. The trees towered above them, their branches reaching out to each other in a natural canopy overhead. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground below.

As they walked, Orion couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease. He had noticed the two figures following him earlier, and while he remained calm and focused, he couldn\'t shake the feeling that they were up to no good.

The forest was alive with activity, with the sounds of birds and small animals filling the air. Orion\'s senses were on high alert, and he kept a sharp eye out for any signs of danger.

As they moved deeper into the forest, Orion became increasingly aware of the presence of the two figures. They were skilled at staying hidden, but he could sense their presence just the same.

He glanced up at the trees, scanning the branches for any signs of movement. His keen eyesight picked out a flash of movement, and he realized that the two figures were hiding in the trees above.

Orion remained calm and alert, knowing that he needed to stay focused if he was going to protect himself and Atlas. He kept a tight grip on his weapon and prepared for whatever might come his way.

The forest was quiet now. The only sound was the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. Orion could feel the tension in the air, and he knew that the two figures were waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

He glanced up again, studying the branches of the trees above. He could see the outlines of the two figures, their cloaks blending in with the dark foliage.

Despite the potential danger, Orion felt a sense of excitement building within him. He was a skilled warrior, and he knew that he could handle whatever came his way.

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