Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 237 Unharmed

Chapter 237 Unharmed

The lawyer seated inside the wagon, calmy enjoyed the ride as he waited to reach his destination.

The lawyer reclined comfortably within the confines of the wagon, his demeanor composed as he savored the journey towards his intended destination.

The rugged terrain beneath them imparted an adventurous quality to the ride, causing the wagon to sway and jostle, while the rhythmic cadence of footsteps and the revolving wheels cast reverberations in the air.

However, amidst this tranquility, an abrupt shift in the atmosphere seized the lawyer\'s attention. His gaze fixated upon two other wagons that materialized beside his own, hurtling forward in a synchronized race.

Within one of the adjacent wagons, a figure emerged into view—Tasha—her form partially protruding from the wagon\'s doorway. Solely her hand clung tenaciously to the wagon\'s upper edge, a lifeline preventing her from perilously tumbling into the wake.

"Wait… isn\'t that the…" The lawyer\'s voice murmured softly, only to be abruptly stifled by the unfolding spectacle that held him captive.

Tasha\'s precarious position, her right hand steadfastly gripping the wagon\'s edge for stability, while her other hand poised in front of her blindfold, poised a suspenseful tableau.

With a fluid and deft motion, she liberated the blindfold, revealing an iridescent pair of azure eyes that radiated an uncanny luminescence.

In an ephemeral instant, as those incandescent eyes emerged, the lawyer\'s conveyance was engulfed in an infernal conflagration.

The ensuing explosion rent the air, a cataclysmic release of energy that obliterated his wagon in a blinding crescendo, seemingly ensnaring the adjacent wagon within its devastating embrace.

The whole place was covered in dust and flames as the wagon Tasha was in began to slow down. Suddenly coming to a stop, Tasha jumped down from the wagon and made her way towards the burning flames, her blindfold covering her eyes.

"This task seemed almost trivial," Tasha remarked, her unwavering gaze transfixed upon the inferno consuming the wagon before her.

Stepping out of the engulfed carriage, her two male companions cautiously approached her position, their disciplined strides harmonizing with the gravity of the scene.

"Captain, do you sense an anomaly?" queried the first gentleman, his raven-black hair and impeccable uniform in stark contrast to the chaotic backdrop.

"It is implausible for the legal practitioner to have endured that onslaught," the second man asserted, a touch of salt-and-pepper gracing his brown hair. "The responsibility for this assault was, after all, yours. Few could have withstood such a formidable attack".

"I guess you\'re right, no use worrying about it." Tasha affirmed, her voice resolute. With determination in her eyes, she resolved to ensure the destruction of the documents before their departure.

However, her purposeful stride was abruptly halted by an eerie voice that resonated from within the engulfing flames.

"Lord Sato was right… you guys are not trustworthy," Orland\'s sinister voice sliced through the air, the inferno\'s flickering light casting an ominous glow upon his menacing form.

Clutched within his grasp were two wickedly gleaming short blades, their malevolent aura seemingly intertwining with the shadows that enveloped him.

Tasha\'s gaze fixated upon Orland, her immediate reaction a measured retreat that positioned her at the heart of her loyal subordinates, a strategic maneuver intended to safeguard against any potential threat. The tense atmosphere crackled with uncertainty as their confrontation unfolded amidst the fiery backdrop.

"Who\'s that? Didn\'t think the lawyer would be having a bodyguard... Lawyers usually roll solo, right?" inquired the brown-haired youth.

"Yep, this is clearly an exception," responded the black-haired companion, poised for a potential clash.

Orland\'s voice dripped with scorn as he addressed the trio before him, his gaze fixed upon them. "Your leader\'s stooping low, willing to take out a harmless lawyer just to prevent my lord from cementing his reign. Pathetic, ain\'t it?" He sneered.

\'Just one person, we should be able to kill him off.\' Tasha\'s thoughts raced, grappling with the realization that they might be able to overcome this lone opponent.

Yet, her contemplations were abruptly shattered when two more figures emerged from the flames, making their way into the unfolding confrontation.

"I ain\'t one to chatter much; my focus is on fighting, ending lives, and getting back by my master\'s side," Delta declared, her steps purposeful as she advanced towards the trio, her sharp claws bared and ready for a deadly strike.

Emerging from the inferno on the opposite side, Erilda, a female demon under Orland\'s command, revealed herself. A red gem adorned her forehead, casting an eerie glow. Drawing nearer, she voiced her uncertainty, "I\'m not entirely sure Lord Sato spelled out the command to off anyone, did he? Or am I mistaken?".

Orland\'s response was swift and unwavering, dispelling any lingering doubts. "Doesn\'t really matter; if these Idiots aim to mess with Lord Sato\'s grand scheme, we\'re wiping them out," he asserted, pointing an accusatory finger directly at Tasha with resolute determination.

Tasha\'s demeanor shifted as she took a moment to assess the tense ambiance and the adversaries that confronted her.

After a brief, contemplative exhale, she straightened her posture and addressed her comrades, her tone carrying a hint of finality, "Let us leave. Our purpose here has been fulfilled," her steps guiding her away from the confrontation, leading the way back to the safety of their waiting wagon.

"Seriously? Just like that?" the brown-haired youth queried incredulously, quick to match Tasha\'s stride as he hastened to catch up, his fellow team member close on their heels.

"They are running? Huh?" Delta\'s lips pursed in a dismissive gesture, her gaze casting to the side. "Cowards, that\'s so not fun".

"The audacity to plot the lawyer\'s demise implies that Lord Sato is swiftly amassing foes. A bothersome development," Orland\'s voice resonated, his contemplative tone hinting at the complexities of their situation. He turned his attention to Erilda, his query directed with concern, "Is he unharmed?"

"Oh, yes yes, he\'s right over there." Erilda confirmed, her finger extending to indicate the distant recesses of the conflagration.

Orland\'s gaze followed the gesture, fixing upon the figure of the lawyer who knelt amidst the turmoil, visibly trembling but encased in a protective azure shield, unscathed.

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