Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 238 The Successor’s Clone

Chapter 238 The Successor\'s Clone

Deep within the enigmatic heart of the Witches\' Forest, a secluded haven was nestled amidst the ancient trees.

Within its quiet confines, an unassuming cave served as the abode of an unparalleled triad - the Goddess Alliance, an embodiment of destruction veiled beneath a veneer of enigmatic elegance.

This concealed sanctuary, though modest in its proportions, exuded an aura of serenity that belied its powerful occupants.

Sato, a visionary amidst mortals, reached an astute conclusion borne from a meticulous observation of the villagers\' apprehension.

The mere presence of these once cataclysmic deities weaving through the hamlet had stirred a disquiet amongst the inhabitants.

These celestial beings, once architects of global ruin, now treaded paths of whimsical mirth, a stark juxtaposition that unsettled many a soul.

With a heart burdened by compassion and a spirit fortified by understanding, he forged an enclave worthy of their ethereal grace.

This sanctuary was more than mere architecture; it was a sanctuary of symbiotic coexistence, an oasis of harmony where the divine and mundane harmoniously intermingled.

Sato meticulously handpicked guardians from the village\'s midst, individuals entrusted with the solemn duty of shepherding the divine trio.

These chosen custodians bore witness to the grandeur of goddesses while tending to their own daily affairs. It was a mutually enriching arrangement, a delicate balance wherein the goddesses found solace in proximity to their stalwart protector, Sato, while retaining a semblance of ordinary existence.

Stepping into the cavern\'s depths, Nima found herself bathed in an ethereal glow, emanating from the delicate sapphire crystals intricately embedded into the walls.

Her footsteps reverberated through the expanse, each tap of her heels harmonizing with the enigmatic ambiance that enveloped her.

"Fridina! Fridina!" Nima\'s voice resonated through the cavern, a melody of urgency and familiarity that echoed off the icy contours of the vacant, floating thrones above.

Ascending a majestic staircase that spiraled toward the heavens, Nima\'s determination remained unwavering. Her gaze, steadfast and unwavering, fixated upon the monumental crystal door ahead.

With a seamless fluidity, Nima turned the imposing crystal door, opening the inner sanctum with a reverent hush. Her eyes alighted upon a sight both unexpected and endearing.

Amidst the opulent chamber, Fridina reclined with languid grace, a testament to regal relaxation. Cradling a goblet brimming with wine, the goddess seemed to have drifted into a tranquil slumber, her aura resonating with a timeless tranquility.

"Fridina, by the divine powers, what on earth have you been occupying yourself with?" Nima\'s voice resonated through the chamber, a mixture of exasperation and concern etched into her features.

The languid tranquility that enveloped Fridina\'s form stirred at the intrusion of Nima\'s urgency. "Oh?" she responded, her tone carrying a note of bemusement as her eyes flickered open. The goddess gradually lifted herself from her repose, assuming a more alert posture upon the ornate bed.

Nima\'s footsteps echoed her determination as she strode purposefully into the chamber, her countenance etched with a gravity that mirrored the significance of her quest. Fridina\'s eyes, akin to pools of ice reflecting the mystic light, remained locked on Nima\'s advancing form.

"When did you return?" Fridina inquired, her words a delicate lilt that danced through the air like a whisper carried by the wind. "I had thought you were in pursuit of The Successor\'s clone."

Nima\'s expression remained unmoved, her lips a tight line that hinted at the weight of her mission. "Well yes, I was" she declared, her voice unwavering in its assertion. "And you, my dear Fridina, were meant to lend me your guidance, a compass, you know damn well I\'m not used to the god\'s territory".

Fridina\'s voice held a touch of exasperation as she replied, her eyes narrowing slightly as she sat more upright, "The god realm isn\'t some distant paradise, you imbecile. It\'s akin to any other realm, with its own roads and structures. Dismiss those naive notions of it being a celestial haven. Mortals often misconstrue its true nature."

Nima released a weary sigh, her patience seamlessly interwoven with her resolute purpose. Her gaze shifted momentarily, a fleeting moment seeking solace amidst the crystalline surroundings.

"You\'re really hopeless," she murmured, a blend of affection and exasperation evident in her tone. "Now, if you\'d kindly cease your musings and enlighten me – where might I find Afrina? I need to confirm something from her".

Fridina\'s words flowed forth, a continuation of their discourse painted with clarity and casualness. "Afrina and I communicated through telepathy," she explained, her tone a harmonious duet of clarity and nonchalance.

"She told me that she has information regarding the whereabouts of The Successor\'s clone, she\'s probably on her way to tell The Successor right now".

"What?!" Nima\'s voice reverberated through the chamber, laden with disbelief and frustration. "That imbecile should have traced the clone\'s location rather than returning here!" Her urgency was palpable as she dashed toward the exit, her words punctuated by the echo of her footsteps. "Nima! Transmit her coordinates to me!"

Fridina\'s retort carried a hint of nonchalance, her tone an echo of whimsy. "Honestly, it\'s just a clone. What\'s all the fuss about?" Her languid form reclined upon the bed, her arms enveloping a pillow in a casual embrace.


<<Our destination draws near, the fortress that houses the goddess of death stands within our reach.>>

"Finally, a glimmer of positivity… how much time has passed on this journey?" The man inquired, his careful ascent up the hill aided by a long staff for support.

<<Six and a half months have passed since we embarked on this quest, not counting the time taken to trace the location.>>

"Indeed, I\'m certain Sato must have harbored some concern, though it\'s rather surprising he hasn\'t attempted to establish contact. Well… such matters are inconsequential now," the man remarked, his form a poised silhouette against the crest of the hill, his attention riveted upon the foreboding fortress that loomed in the near distance.

"Rest assured, we have knowledge of Ereshkigal\'s whereabouts. Once we have gathered the souls, we\'ll head back to the forest, hopefully nothing goes wrong," The man stated, his stature, facial features, and even his eyes an uncanny mirror of Sato\'s. "Yet, it\'s important to recognize the constraints of my role as a mere clone."

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