Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 69 Side : Her Highness's Temptation

Side Chapter: Her Highness\'s Temptation.

Narrator\'s POV


While Rose and Kein were on their way to the [Winshern Kingdom] to meet the prince, Rose\'s fiance.

The first princess, Cecilia Goldheart.

Was shaking her head in worry while sitting in her wheelchair taking a drink. The tea was warm, sweet, and earthy.

Kazari, her maid, took notice of this and sighed, placing her highness\'s favorite sweet in front of her to maybe calm her nerves. "Your highness, you did your best. I\'m sure her other highness is doing fine." (Kazari) tried reassuring her but it didn\'t work.

She played around with her teacup spinning it around or merely tapping her fingers on its brim. "My heart cannot be at ease. I worry, I have instructed Duke Wolford on what to do. To keep the two together and make sure to never be apart. He has informed me that his son who was in charge of the escort mission will make Kein her personal knight."

Kazari nods in understanding listening to whatever her highness has to say. "What if my plan on reuniting them fails? I want to redeem myself for my little sister. I want her happy, clearly she can\'t be happy being married to a man she\'s only met in mere pictures and letters." (Princess Cecilia)

It\'s true the two have never met. An arranged marriage required no such thing, they only needed to get married for convenience. Princess Cecilia, felt heavy her heart felt like it was suffocating every time she knew.

It was her fault that her little sister was going to be married to someone she didn\'t even love.

While this is common in the royal family to have an arranged marriage.

It felt wrong.

Should she do nothing while her family is pulled into a long game of chess?

Should her sister live her life as a pawn and herself as hostage?

The [Winshern Kingdom] should not be trusted. She needed to do something, anything.

Planning and scheming would take time.

Crinkles in her forehead would start to form, her tapping on the brim hastened with her mind on worry.

Kazari moves over to her side and pushes the plate with her favorite strawberry cake hoping to at least her highness with a nice sweet dessert, "You have done all that you can for your sister, your highness. Leave it all to fate and I\'m sure things will be alright."

"Do eat your sweets, you\'ll need your strength." (Kazari) says sweetly, making the first princess smile.

She always knew what to say, is what Cecilia thought while grabbing the fork, stabbing the cake and plopping a piece in her mouth, eating gracefully.

Kazari felt a wash of relief now that her highness was eating. Now she just needs to pour her another cup of tea.

She curtsies in her uniform before excusing herself to fetch the teapot.

It wasn\'t that far, she takes the teapot heating it with magic before pouring them in the princess\'s cup. The light color of brown was a sight, its faint smell was aromatic and therapeutic for the nerves.

Perhaps this should aid the first princess, anything to make her well Kazari would do.

The sight of the loyal maid was adorable. The way her hands moved with fair grace and pace keeping focused was rather... attractive.

Cecilia hums quietly while staring at Kazari doing her job. Her mind wanders off how Kazari would make a really beautiful and dependable wife. "All this talk of getting people together. It\'s making me envious." (Princess Cecilia) sighs starting off another conversation that would lead off to what she wants.

Kazari almost let go of the handle of the teapot but remained on guard acting like the thought of the first princess loving another didn\'t pain her. "Envious of what specifically, your highness?" (Kazari)

The maid knew of Princess Cecilia\'s preference.

She has been taking care of her since she was just a mere teen after all. "The king has already picked a lot of suitors for her Highness. Perhaps you might take a liking to one of his choices?" (Kazari)

Cecilia smiles coyly, feeling that she hit a nail in her heart. "My father only sent me men of power that were deemed to be fit for a princess, men that would certainly bring prosperity to the kingdom." She takes another piece of cake, her intense stare not leaving her maid\'s eyes. "However, I\'m a selfish princess and I did not like any of them." (Princess Cecilia)

Kazari felt relieved when she said that but- no. She must not feel this way, why would she be happy? Even if she didn\'t pick any of the suitors in line would she even have a chance?


A woman with no power, no land, no fame in her name.

The only thing that made her special was her ancestry to past heroes but that was all it was.

Kazari began comparing herself with Kein Rosenguard.

Not a day that went by did she not compare.

The girl, her highness once liked.

She had money, fame in her name, a rank in knighthood, and heir to the Hill\'s estate lands.

What could she bring to a princess that had everything? The feeling of insecurity was horrible.

She purses her lips deciding to not get further involved with her feelings. All her job required her to do is to take care of the first princess. "Is that so? Perhaps- when you\'ll find the right person, her highness. You only need to wait, finding love takes time after all." (Kazari)

Her smile turned into a sad one stepping off a few distance away from the princess. "Do you need anything else, your highness?"

Princess Cecilia frowned. She was not happy with what her maid answered her.

She expected her maid to be such a slow minded person and perhaps even hesitant, kind, considerate, not selfish- but she missed the part where she was also isolating her feelings.

Does she think of her for a fool?!

The first princess knows the feelings of romantic interest of her maid towards her!

Princess Cecilia knows her maid liked her. For a long time now!

When she moved on from her first love, and when she got sick.

All those times she was in pain.

Kazari was always there. Every time her sickness returned and she caught a cold for several days, her maid was always there.

Not sleeping until she was well.

When she couldn\'t walk anymore.

Kazari even contacted the hero that was summoned in her kingdom and asked her to make this portable wheelchair her ancestor showed before.

She fed her, bathed her, helped her wear her clothes for her, and even sang her to sleep and didn\'t leave by her side until she was fully asleep.

Actually now that the first princess realized, she\'s been WAY too dependent on her maid.

Kazari was waiting for any more orders but since she only replied in silence, she curtsied and asked to temporarily leave her side. "I will be refilling the tea. It seems that we have run out of water on the pot."

When Kazari was about to cast her teleportation spell into the kitchen the first princess bit her lips before asking in a serious tone, "If I do get married... where will you be?" (Princess Cecilia)

Kazari stops her hand before staring at Princess Cecilia in confusion, where will she be when the princess gets married?

Without even batting an eye she responded confidently, perhaps even letting out a giggle that was pleasant to hear. "I would still be at your side of course." (Kazari)

At that moment Princess Cecilia smiled, now intrigued where this was going. "Even if I told you to get married on your own and leave me? Would you still be at my side?"

Kazari nods. "My duty since coming here is to protect the princess and make her happy. I cannot leave you even if the whole kingdom wanted me dead, your highness." (Kazari)

For my heart only belonged to you. Even if you get married, have beautiful children, and love another.

I would still be by your side. As a maid or a friend. As long I am a part of your life.

This maid will be forever satisfied.

It was Kazari\'s thoughts at that moment.

She takes the princess\'s cup in her hands.

Princess Cecilia laughed and her maid\'s answer was just too precious. "Wouldn\'t it be easy if you could just marry me instead then?" she muttered casually that Kazari broke the cup, her hands slipping from the handle due to the shock.

Kazari felt her heart pace, face flustered and hot.

Marry?! The princess?

Wedding bells music was playing in her mind.

Princess Cecilia\'s smile grew even wider. Even if Kazari broke her favorite spivanian cup piece... Her reaction towards her proposal was adorable so she couldn\'t get mad.

The maid quickly bent down to pick up the broken shards of glass, trying to dismiss the utterly ridiculous thing her highness has said today.

"You don\'t need to pick it up. You might hurt yourself, let another maid handle it." (Princess Cecilia) instructed.

Let another maid handle it? For her own mistake? No, she didn\'t listen and continued to pick up the shards of glass.

Kazari\'s face was still red and hot as she slowly picked the shards one by one, the intricate designs of the cup was beautiful. "Your highness should not say things like that to a mere maid like me." (Kazari)

Even if she said those words.

She was in denial.

Her mind still wandered on what life would\'ve been if she married her highness.

Kazari knew the first princess didn\'t like children. Perhaps they would\'ve gotten a pet instead.

Her highness does not like stairs because the wheels of her wheelchair cannot support it.

She would\'ve carried her in her arms while they held each other tightly.

She would build her a better home where she can roam around freely with no rules.

If... If only it was possible-

"Ow." (Kazari) whispered, realizing that a shard of the broken cup had cut her thumb.

She stares at it in shock, these few seconds of fantasizing herself with the perfect life she wanted distracts her.

She hisses quickly wiping the blood with her napkin where the first princess can\'t see. The cut was deep so it might take a few minutes before it would stop bleeding.

Princess Cecilia noticed the silence from her maid and was now worried, "Is everything alright?"

Kazari, for once, felt weak. "Yes. I am fine. However please do not say things like that out of the blue. It\'s... not right."

Princess Cecilia now didn\'t like that answer very much. Not right?

In terms of rank, she was correct.

If ever a love like theirs bloomed.

A maid and a princess being together will be the scandal of the century.

However, Kazari must\'ve forgotten something important. "Come here for a moment." (Princess Cecilia) commanded that the tone in her voice was light.

Something didn\'t feel right.

She took the shards and kept them in a safe corner for now. Kazari went over to the princess, keeping her posture straight.

Princess Cecilia was too frustrated at this point. She pulls over her wrist so suddenly but not too tight that it would hurt. "You cut yourself." (Princess Cecilia) glares at the wound. "Take care of yourself better this is why I told you to wait for another maid to clean it up instead. I would heal it now if I only had the strength to-"

"You\'re highness please I would like it if you stop playing around- I am only a maid!" (Kazari) stopped her sentence when the princess leaned in closer, making the young maid stricken and at a fluster.

Their faces were inches from each other before Princess Cecilia decided that she was going to make the first move first then. "Did you really think I was playing with my words?" (Princess Cecilia)

The princess\'s voice almost cracked but... she managed to finally say it after all these months.

"What if you married me instead, Kazari. I know how you feel towards me and... the feeling is mutual." (Princess Cecilia) whispered the last part into Kazari\'s ear, eyes dilating.

Kazari felt like her heart was going to escape from her chest, like a beating drum that was excited and didn\'t know what to do. "I... Your highness- this is-"

"Improper?" (Princess Cecilia) finishes her words. "I know. May I be the first one to say that I do not care if it is."

Hold on. She doesn\'t care? The princess who has always told others not to run because it\'s unladylike behavior has no problems flirting with a maid like her?!

Is the world ending?! Has she gone mad?! "This isn\'t like you." (Kazari)

"Oh. It had always been like this. I just had better control of it before but all this love talk made me feel a little... giddy of sorts." (Princess Cecilia) replied but seeing the look of shock and panic on her face she couldn\'t help it.

Seeing her maid being taken over by silence and awkwardness.

She takes her fork in her hands with a piece of cake on it and offers it to Kazari who was just eye wide in surprise. "Now say ah~?"

"What... Um... This is... How should I say..." (Kazari) looked like a poor deer being cornered by a hunter.

She cannot disobey so she did what she was told. She opened her mouth letting the princess feed her, making Princess Cecilia happy. "Our first indirect kiss. What a happy memory."

Kazari almost choked. An indirect kiss with the first princess- well it was sort of enjoyable.

Oh my lord she should be in jail right now for even thinking like that to a royal family!- "Your highness I think we should stop." (Kazari) begged but it was no use.

"Did you not like it?" (Princess Cecilia) asked playfully, somehow if she said no.

She\'ll ignore her for days on end.

The maid sighs with her heart not calming down she replied, "No, your highness. I liked it."

What was she even saying right now?! If anyone has seen or even heard of this scandalous act of theirs!

She\'ll be fired!

Kazari sighed a breath of relief though, finally it was over- "Kazari I think I have some cream left over on my face. Would you mind wiping it off for me?" (Princess Cecilia)

"Of course you\'re high- ngh?!" (Kazari) saw the princess pointing at her lips.

"I want you to wipe it off for me." (Princess Cecilia) boldly ordered her maid.

Kazari stood silently for a moment feeling both in heaven but she didn\'t forget her duty- focus, focus, focus, don\'t be tempted.

Don\'t be... tempted.

Another look at the princess\'s pink plump lips got her swallowing the lump in her throat.

When did she get this cheeky?!

Kazari lifted the princess\'s chin up. Princess Cecilia closed her eyes in expectancy, hoping for a kiss but the girl ain\'t getting that one easily.

Kazari took her handkerchief and wiped off the smeared cream off her face. "There, all better." (Kazari) mutters in satisfaction.

Princess Cecilia opened her eyes once she realized what she did. "Did you just-" she glares at her before crossing her arms. "I gave you a chance to kiss me and you just did nothing?! Are you daft?!" (Princess Cecilia)

"I... Um... Yes?"

Kazari just wanted to teleport somewhere else at that point.

"You\'re unbelievable." (Princess Cecilia) really didn\'t believe this maid of hers, ignoring the chance to kiss her first.

"Yes. I am, now let\'s get you back to your room and some well deserved rest." (Kazari) takes in her wheelchair and pushed it.

Princess Cecilia felt dejected. Why won\'t she kiss her?! Doesn\'t Kazari like her? "Why didn\'t you make a move on me." She complains like a little toddler, her arms still crossed together.

Kazari saw this and thought her other childish side was really cute when she didn\'t get what she wanted. "Because her highness is not ready for such things yet. Perhaps when you get better then... maybe?" (Kazari) didn\'t make any promises.

The King would soon betrothed her to another suitor and they would live happily ever after.

"Then let\'s go to my room and rest. You need to rest with me. You didn\'t give me a kiss so read a book for me as your punishment for disobeying my orders." (Princess Cecilia)

"Yes, yes. I wonder what kind of book you would like me to read." (Kazari) felt like she was coaxing a child to stop making her angry.

Princess Cecilia\'s face lit up with delight. "Why the book that my little sister wrote of course."

Oh boy was she in for a ride.

And so, the two spent their time together reading the book the third princess had made. Cecilia of course has not forgotten the cut Kazari made on her thumb, they decided to disinfect it instead and wrapped it around with clean bandages. "I cannot make the woman I love left untreated now could I?" (Cecilia) says to her affectionately.

Kazari held her hand placing it into her chest feeling Princess Cecilia\'s warmth on it.

Their feelings for each other are growing slowly.

Especially Cecilia who only became aware of it in the past few months.

She liked moving on. Hopefully her dearest twin is having a nice time like her.


Somewhere over on the road to the [Winshern Kingdom]...

Vincent clenches his teeth stopping the carriage and everyone that was marching. "A monster stampede! Protect the princess!"

Kein held tightly to her pegasus\'s reins watching the whole stampede just ran towards them- no- "They went right over to the side?!" (Vincent)

"Vincent, they\'re running away from something! We should go if it\'s a dangerous monster!" (Kein) shouted but Vincent didn\'t hear her because of the sudden roar.

"A wyvern!"

Its claws and wings were blowing dust everywhere. "Protect the princess!"

The heroes cracked their necks sighing lazily. "We got this huge lizard. You guys protect the princess from the stampede."

Princess Rosarie\'s carriage shook a little, making her panic.

Things are not looking so great for her actually.

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