Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 70 Get Out Of My Way, Hero.

Chapter 44: Get out of my way, Hero.

Previously after author not updating for a damn while:

Cecilia sleeps quietly on her luxury bed with her lovely maid, Kazari. Having the nicest lone tea parties they could have together. Cecilia tempting her maid into doing things Kazari secretly wanted to do deep in her heart such as being fed by her highness- and being spoiled by the princess despite many protests.

Princess Cecilia was feeling the most relaxed sibling of the three.

The third princess Catherine was on the deadline for her second book. Cooped up all night finishing the drafts and editing the chapters.

Alfred, managed the Hill\'s estate. And Kein\'s adoptive father was on a business trip to where he will return in months time.

Veronica visited her husband often in making the school construction that was instructed by Kein while taking care of her adopted son Matthew. Thanks to magic they\'ll be done by the time Kein arrives back home.

The other side characters minded their life. Valentina the rich merchant and the former sister church believer nun Gisela was planning to have children with Valentina soon using a ritual but that\'s another story someday.

Lenard, Kein\'s older cousin and Ellis, his lover, are having a nice book club reading while doing work together in the gardens being romantic to each other.

Madam Prisha was still at their [Magicare] beauty store still running and now became well known as an underground gay bar. Their Grandma Chio who still gives free fortune card readings to any good soul that passes her way.

Meanwhile Kein- suddenly while going through the only path to the [Winshern Kingdom] to escort the girl she loves to her engaged fiancé a dragon pops up out of nowhere and a stampede is happening.

Safe to say that on her side. It\'s certainly not doing well for our heroine.

Kein\'s POV

I swallowed the lump forming over my throat once the realization of an A rank beast was actually blocking our only path. "What kind of wyvern is it?" one soldier questioned and I clenched my teeth unsheathing both of my swords at the ready.

Vanilla, my Pegasus glared in caution with the wyvern.

As if the soldier was jinxing, the wyvern decided to raise its head a little before it tried to hold down a huge chunk of fire that was being made inside its mouth with its magic. Vincent was the first one to react, commanding the whole army.


Holding both of my swords, I kicked Vanilla\'s torso lightly, "Up."

I needed to get out of there before they enclose the shield. Once you\'re inside you can\'t get out. Vanilla flapped her wings steadily, while I observed and studied the wyvern.

The other soldiers, adventurers, and mages casted [Shield] even adding a protective layering with physical shields inside of it- just to make sure Rose\'s carriages won\'t even get scratched.

Well, they should because if Rose gets hurt there will be hell to pay once they got back home.

It took them a few seconds before successfully casting it, having a big dome that can protect them from the upcoming attack by the wyvern. Without time to waste I made my own moves to go on the offense. "Hyah!"

We flew forward into the wyvern that stood about 50ft just growing past over the trees. Having brown scales, and wings that can spread about to 30ft on each wing. It\'s a male wyvern too. "It\'s weird why he is on the ground and it\'s almost near hibernation season shouldn\'t he be in a cave?"

The breeze as we took flight almost made me eat my own long hair. I swear one of these days I\'ll cut it.

The wyvern was done harvesting its magic and breathed fire into the shield attempting to destroy it. "Look out!"

The wyvern was already taking aim. Tch, If I\'m on the ground I can\'t properly absorb all of its magic. I need to go up to its mouth, enter its stomach alive to find the core, absorb and then kill it there. I don\'t need my swords to be out so I\'ll place them back again.

"Vanilla, I\'ll absorb the attack. You know what to do." I told my Vanilla and she nodded a little, eyes focused on the target glaring at the wyvern. Knowing that I have her on board I stand up on the saddle balancing myself.

I wonder... if Rose is somewhere down there watching me. Is she worried?

Will she worry? Ugh not these thoughts again. I shook my head and focused on the mission.

When Vanilla has us close to the wyvern\'s mouth... I jumped.

"ROARRRR!" The wyvern roared and when he fired his shot I raised my hand and casted one of my spells. I kept my eyes open despite the cold air wanting to pierce through it with pain.

I clenched my teeth and the fire was right in front of me, "[Absorb]!"

The fire went through my hand as I absorbed all of it.

The wyvern looked confused when suddenly I appeared and that his fire was all gone. Hah nice try you lizard. I wrapped my lips around my fingers to create the finger whistle gesture calling out to vanilla.

I whistled.

I could hear her neighing, my back was suddenly met with the hard leather of her saddle. I laughed to myself thinking- I just did that. When do I ever get to jump and absorb a wyvern\'s flame?

Then again just that one breath already took one fourth of my storage compartment for magic.

Of course, I could [Cancel] it instead but I think I can sell this for a really high price for witches and apothecary places. [Wyvern\'s Breath] also known as its fire is really expensive.

I could use this as funds for the school too. It\'s not my first time absorbing one and selling it. When I was just a knight in training we were transported to a place full of low classed dragon types. Usually you place these kinds of fires in a special enchanted jar.

Imagine what a ranked A wyvern\'s breath could do.

I smiled knowing that this trip wasn\'t a waste after all despite all those awkward bits I had with the second princess- at least our school fund problem is now solved with this.

I quickly fixed myself into a riding position holding Vanilla\'s leash focusing on landing on top of the wyvern\'s head next. "Good job girl, remind me to give you more apples when we\'re done." I caressed her mane and I can hear her neighing happily moving closer once again.

I looked down for a bit to see that all the soldiers were cheering on me.

I see Vincent holding up his hand on his forehead trying to block the sun to get a better view. Is he glaring? Oh I think he is.

"I\'ll um... I think I\'ll deal with whatever scolding he\'s going to give me later." I muttered to myself holding the leash tighter.

When we were close to the head. I suddenly saw giant spikes of ice tear into the wyvern\'s wings.

Blood oozed out of its sensitive wing parts and I knew who\'s spell it belonged to. "Nice one Vincent!"

I cheered when the wyvern suddenly screamed from pain. "ROARRR ROARRR GRAHHH!"

It started thrashing around the place, well tried because Vincent summoned another Ice spell that got its feet stuck into the ground. Now that the wyvern has its wings broken it won\'t be flying anywhere.

I grinned knowing that Vincent was giving me a chance to get inside the wyvern. Thanking him in my heart I ordered Vanilla to push through.

"See you when I slit it inside its stomach, Vanilla!" I yell in her ear, getting in position I immediately jump down from her saddle once again and this time I landed right on top of its head.

I could see the top of many trees, leaves and dust in my direction.

I waited for the right time when it opened its mouth to shout another roar. The wyvern must\'ve noticed my presence because its right claw was going towards my direction. "Shit."

I quickly slid down to his nose. Taking out my holy sword to pierce its skin stopping my fall. The blood oozed through and it gave a loud scream. "RAAA RAW RAR!" I had to cover my other ear, wincing from the pain it\'s doing to my eardrums.

I jumped inside its mouth safely leaving the holy sword temporarily there. I\'ll get it after I split this wyvern in half. I should hurry before it decides to manifest magic and burn me to a crisp. I unsheathed my cursed sword [Nirvana] manifesting the [Wyvern\'s Breath] before into the sword.

I\'m only going to use this as my temporary source of light. The flame stuck to the blade and acted out as my flashlight. "Whoa so this is what a dragon\'s mouth feels like huh? It stinks too."

I took a step into its tongue looking down on its throat.

"I know right it definitely stinks a lot. Who knew dragons don\'t know how to brush its teeth then again a toothbrush big enough doesn\'t exist in this world."


I looked beside me to see a random blonde girl smiling by my side. I nodded agreeing with her answer, "Yeah... it doesn\'t exist in this world." I replied looking back into the throat raising my sword with fire a little more.

Wait. Toothbrush? Blonde girl?

My body jerked back feeling uncomfortable with her sudden stare.

I pointed my cursed sword at her, "You\'re one of the heroes." The light from the flame flashes a part of her face. Her expression was grinning while holding her red sword with black stripes.

"Nice cursed sword. Can you place magic on it?" she says admiringly while keeping her hand at the handle of her blade watching the wyvern flame dance in my blade. "Mine is just cursed that when I die the sword will too. What kind of curse does your sword have?"

I blinked a few times before realizing she was trying to start a conversation with me. Is she serious right now? "How did you even get in here that fast..."

The image of Rose suddenly flashed through my mind before I shook my head looking at this stranger I\'ve only seen one or two times. Rose\'s safety comes first; the wyvern is already on the bridge of chaotic destruction outside.

I don\'t have time for a hero to make friends with me. "No offense but I don\'t need to waste my time talking with you. I have to slay the wyvern before anyone gets hurt. If you\'re not here to help the best to get out of my way, hero."

I jumped down to the stomach holding the blade in front. I didn\'t realize that she jumped at the same time as me. "My name is Avery Williams, what\'s yours?! I actually know you already but I want to hear your introduction!" she screams without a care while falling into the pits of a disgusting stomach.

I didn\'t respond and when I could see the wyvern\'s stomach acid down I quickly twisted my sword and stabbed its muscle, stopping my fall. She imitates my movements tilting her head waiting for a reply with her body hanging around the blade. "So your name?" (Avery) asks again and I don\'t respond.

I need to find a place where I can-

"Hey I said your name!" she cheerfully waved her arm around looking at me still waiting for an answer.

A vein must\'ve popped on my head because this girl is literally more into conversation than saving the others outside. "Listen, you said you already know my name. I don\'t have time to talk with a wyvern roaming around that could anytime hurt the second princess. I have to kill this first."

She mutters a \'hmm\' before asking again, "So if I kill this wyvern you\'ll talk to me?" (Avery)

I was rendered speechless before I could even answer she took her sword off the flesh falling down into the pits of acid. "[Float]."

She was floating. I felt envious that she can cast spells like that freely rather than just hanging on a sword here. I should help.

"[Hero Art of the Sword: Salvation\'s Swing]." she holds the sword in front of her chest, holding the blade tightly, her other palm facing the back of the blade. Then she swings- cutting the stomach in half like I was intending.

Blood oozed everywhere, even the acid was acting weird. I could hear the wyvern screeching but it\'s not yet over. I looked over to the direction of Avery who was floating happily but enough of that. "Hero it\'s not yet over! The wyvern can regenerate faster than normal monsters because of its core! Help me find it!" I yelled over to her and she took the advice seriously.

"Hold on, let me cast [Float] on you so you can travel easier." (Avery) moves over to my direction but I stop her there. "No need. You won\'t be able to cast it onto me. I\'ll just end up absorbing it."

Avery stares at me curiously. "What weird magic you have. You can absorb it and use it for yourself, yes?"

"Yeah I can use it for my own thing but I can only transfer it into my sword only. It\'s the only compatible weapon I have with me." I replied while hovering my eyes all over the place trying to find the wyvern\'s core. "In short if you casted [Float] on me. I\'ll only absorb the spell and I can make my sword float instead."

Where is it? I was already beading in sweat and saliva, my arm feeling tired the more I hung from the flesh of the wyvern. "Damn do you see it? I can\'t find it everywhere."

"Isn\'t that it?" (Avery) says pointing to where my sword was stabbing.

Wait, it\'s been here this whole time? "Ah. Well um that\'s a little awkward. I didn\'t see that there. I mean it\'s pretty dark in here so..."

We destroyed the wyvern\'s magic core so that it won\'t regenerate anymore. Avery decided to carry me out holding my arms before we floated out of the wyvern\'s body coming right where we entered from. We\'re not taking the other way out- ugh.

I held my sword tightly before Avery asked again. "We killed the wyvern so I think I deserve to know your name?"

I almost forgot about that part, I suppose she did kill the wyvern on her own. That flame... Those sword moves are nothing I\'ve seen before. I will note to myself never mess with the heroes. "Apologies for the late introduction, Hero Avery Williams. My name is Kein Hills, commander of the Lion Brigade."

The moment I finished my introduction we finally got outside of the wyvern\'s stomach. The breath of fresh outside air takes over my body. Wyvern flesh inside did not smell good that\'s for sure.

My armor also smells now, it\'ll be hard to remove the stench and clean off its blood. Avery lets me down on the ground.

I flicked my arm around trying to remove the leftover blood. "Ugh that smells horrible."

I look over the wyvern\'s half cut body. I walked over to its head to get my holy sword, swinging it, cutting the air before I sheathed it back on my waist. I pat it slowly feeling more secure that I have both of my swords back in place.

Now... what to do with that girl.

Avery Williams, I\'ve seen her once or twice by accident on the adventurer\'s guild. She has only been summoned a year before but I think I\'m older than her.

"Kein Hills." The summoned hero calls my name, giving me a faint smile. I give her a fake smile and my stomach feels troubled. "Is there anything else that you might need to summon a hero?"

Slowly she frowned before confronting me. The environment around us seemed to be silent while she kept me in suspense. "You\'re also... not from this world right?"

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