Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 71 You're Definitely Not From This World.

Chapter 45: You\'re definitely not from this world.

Kein\'s POV

Avery Williams, the summoned hero, made me uncomfortable with how she smiled, staring at my eyes. "From the look on your face it\'s all I need for an answer."

I gripped the handle of my sword tightly, brows furrowing trying to find out how she even knew my secret that I\'ve been keeping for almost a decade. "You\'re definitely not from this world are you, Kein Hills? Or perhaps would you prefer me to call you by your real name instead? If you even remember what it was." (Avery)

She seemed confident when she said that and if I play careful with my words I can still lie my way out of it.

I scoffed, walking down the wyvern\'s head doing my best and ignoring her right accusations. "You\'re mistaken, summoned hero. I don\'t know what you mean by \'not from this world\'. Let me assure you I was born and raised here." I replied slowly sliding down and she followed suit.

I finger whistled looking up in the sky for any sign of Vanilla, where did that sassy flying Pegasus go? I need a ride away from this weird woman. "Come on girl, where are you..."

I am uncomfortable that she knows- I\'m really curious on how she found out about it but if I ask her how it would only prove that she\'s right.

What\'s the worst thing that could happen suddenly revealing myself that I borrowed someone else\'s body?

I don\'t know what this summoned hero is capable of. If she started any rumors about me then the others will find out soon. I might be even used for experiments- researches by the church considering they\'re into that transmigration, reincarnation, and soul binding.

If people knew about this... they might even force me to be a hero.

I\'ll be away from my new family and friends.

The life of peace that I built would be stripped away from me.

Avery walks in front of me smiling as she explained, "When I first came into this world many things didn\'t exist. Even if they did exist there was almost a different name. An alternative name to everything."

"Imagine my surprise when I saw something called \'shampoo\' in a store made by a child almost eight years ago." she continued casting [Inventory] taking out some of the bottles I\'ve sold before. "Very nice quality by the way." (Avery)

I gulped, maybe it wasn\'t a good idea to still name it shampoo. If I knew there would be summoned heroes suddenly gaining suspicion on me I would\'ve discontinued it.

I need to think of an excuse fast. "It must\'ve been a funny coincidence then. I\'ve only envisioned it in a dream." I replied knowing well that some other souls were from earth.

Their memories of their past life being formed into dreams. If that\'s not a solid excuse I don\'t know what is.

Avery frowns, storing the bottle back before raising her hand casting a spell, "[Scan]."

A flat floating screen suddenly appeared by her side. Wait aren\'t those- "Is that some sort of window status thing? We had that?!"

I\'ve never seen anything like that. Even in the adventurer\'s guild there\'s no tool or spell that would show what kind of status you had in the first place. They determine ranks by tournaments and seeing who\'s stronger.

Avery looks up to meet my eye before grinning. "Window status thing?" She repeats my words and I feel like dying when I let that one out by accident.

Quick think of another excuse-

"It\'s erm I also saw it in a dream- so yeah that\'s why I knew about it." I almost slapped myself using the same excuse over and over. I\'m sounding suspicious now.

Vanilla what is taking you so long- I swear I won\'t give you carrots for dinner later. "Explain one of your titles then. [Reincarnated One]."

She does a gentle wave-like motion before the screen floats to my direction. "This is my status..?"

My eyes went down to where the Title section was and began reading all of them out loud.

"[Princess Charmer], [Playergirl of Puronia], [Women Charmer], [Commander of the Lion Brigade], [Adventurer\'s Savior], [Pegasus\' Bestfriend]..." The list went on into some of the weirdest titles I\'ve ever heard until I stopped at the one title the summoned hero showed.

"[Reincarnated One]." It ended there. That was my very last title. I looked through my other status having high leveled in everything-

"I think that\'s enough." (Avery) closes the status window before I could read what else was in there. Some other parts had some lock symbols too.

"Hey I was reading that!" I told her and she only continued to grin, placing her hand to her waist.

"Will you deny everything after all of these evidences I presented?" (Avery) asks and I was speechless. This woman is really cunning, I sighed rubbing both sides of my temples half of my brain cells are wondering should I just confess?

What if I just kill her? No, that will only bring more trouble besides I\'m not even sure if I can win against a summoned hero. "Fine there\'s no use in lying anymore because it\'s only going to make a fool out of myself. I might as well come clean."

It might be even better for... finally have someone to talk to about it. I never even told Rose about the true owner of this body and how old I really was. "I was a former professor back on earth. One day I got hit by a truck and then I woke up in someone else\'s body. I would prefer it if you only called me by this body\'s name."

The memories came flooding in once she recollected me of my past life. My house, my work, my students, and my daughter. "So you\'re from earth too? What time?" (Avery)

Time? Don\'t tell me...

"I was from 2045. How about you?" If my hunch is correct...

Avery sighs, shaking her head awkwardly answering. "I\'m from 2020. You know, totally the best year of all. If it wasn\'t noticeable I was being sarcastic. I got summoned suddenly while I was playing this new trendy game in my room."

I held my chin in deep thought after her answer. So I was right, we all came from different times. If I remember correctly the year 2020 was a harsh one. I waited and listened for Avery to continue her story that turned into a rant. "I was just pulling for some really attractive characters then you know one thing leads to another then suddenly you\'re in an unknown room with fancy chandeliers, some weird people with cloaks, they tell you you\'re a hero and you need to slay the demon lord. Yippie."

I thought \'oof\' in my mind. Unlike me she\'s only here for about a year so I can understand that she might be frustrated and tired with all the sudden expectations that were dumped into her.

Still that doesn\'t concern me. All I want to do is live peacefully doing my best with the new identity that was given to me because I have no choice.

I\'m not a person who yearns for such glory, fame or wealth.

They were given to me instead.

"That\'s rough buddy." is the only thing I could reply. She looks at me excitedly pointing with her finger- "That\'s the really popular quote from the ava-"

I stopped her before this conversation could get any longer. By now everyone should be looking for their summoned hero and I would be called into Vincent\'s presence for not following orders and acting too harshly facing the wyvern head on.

Besides I need to wash off this stinky armor full of wyvern spit.

"Listen I understand you were summoned here by force, by the kingdom I\'m currently serving." The tone of my voice was mixed. I understand but I have my own duties. "I just want to live my life peacefully. Now you know my secret of someone being from another world, let\'s get straight to the point."

I walked closer to her intensely, not showing any fear or weakness. If she knows that I\'m afraid who knows what she\'ll do.

I calmed my thoughts. I asked her, "What do you want from me?"

Now that she knows the secret. I see her as a potential threat if push comes to shove I need to abide with whatever she\'s going to ask of me for the meantime. I continued to press on, "Money? Land? Entertainment? Anything I can give I\'ll provide. Just keep this to yourself."

I need to think of a counter plan. If she does spread that I\'m from another world. Worst case scenario they will threaten everyone that I care about.

Including father and the orphanage.

I must not let that happen.

The atmosphere was thick, waiting impatiently for an answer. Come on, tell me what you want already.

"I want to be your friend." (Avery) replies after more than a minute of waiting.

Eh? Did I hear that correctly? "You- want to be my friend?" I asked, skeptical about her request. I mean come on a normal person would ask for something more right?

"If it\'s alright with you I would really like us to be friends." (Avery)

Her voice didn\'t have any ill intention from what I\'ve heard it seemed genuine. That\'s all? She just wants me to be her friend. "Is that really all?" I ask, double checking.

Avery nods and I take that as her final answer. I sigh, I should be glad of her simple request but I\'m not letting my guard down even if she wants to suddenly be my friend. I have to take measures but for now I\'ll play along. "Fine, we\'re friends now and I need to know. Are you the only hero who used that spell on me to check my status?"

She shrugs. "I\'m not sure. The other heroes have a different personality. The summoned hero from [Sprivanto] whom I\'m close with only checks other people\'s status when they\'re needed because it feels like he\'s invading other people\'s privacy." (Avery)

I see at least that the hero has some manners however... "How about the other hero from [Winshern]?"

Avery rolls her eyes by the mention of the third hero. "He\'s rude and you don\'t need to worry about your status being checked by that guy. He genuinely thinks girls are all automatically weak anyways. He says it\'s not even worth it to check their statuses."

"Oh that type of guy huh." I rubbed the back of my neck remembering that we\'re both covered in wyvern saliva. "Anyways we should get back. I need to find some natural source of water to take a bath in."

"Wait before you go I need to teach you how to open your own status and lock them so the other people like me can\'t see. Uh after we both take a much needed shower of course." (Avery)

I don\'t know if that\'s going to work for me. "I can\'t cast any spells that\'s not related to my magic because it would defeat the purpose of it."

Avery stares at me down before casting [Scan] again on me. "It says here dark magic, what\'s wrong with that? Surely you can cast a spell that most likely everyone could use- I don\'t even think this is a spell but a command like [Inventory]."

"For the [Inventory] I think yours is built in. I can\'t do that and I have to use an enchanted item called the [Storage Ring], because the original owner\'s body and a lot of other people don\'t have that built in [Inventory]." I take a look at my ring that was given to me by my father a little scratched up but it still serves its purpose.

I was about to further explain the roots of my problems but we heard a sudden shouting not too far away. "Avery! Avery! Are you there?! Come on it\'s not funny we went over this don\'t you dare disappear on me for days again!"

Huh, someone\'s looking for her already. How nice and at the right time too. "Looks like you already have someone looking for you, summoned hero."

She laughs before looking into the direction of the voice. "Oh it\'s my hero buddy Haruki you know the one that was summoned from [Sprivanto]?" (Avery)

I remember the first time I saw this camp. "Oh yeah, I wonder what he\'s like."

Avery stifles a laugh waving goodbye heading to the direction of the voice. "Oh, just the most sensitive cry baby you\'ll ever meet."

Crybaby huh.

The image of my older cousin Lenard flashed through my mind. The runny snot on his nose and teary eyes. Is he something like that too?

"Kein! Kein! Where are you? Natasha has Vanilla with me. If you die Natasha will not forgive you!"

"Ah." I accidentally muttered with my face turning a little flushed. It seems that Natasha also came looking for me. She gives me a grin and a once last look before walking away. "Guess we better go. See you around camp. I\'ll calm Haruki down first before I introduce you to him because I don\'t want him to spoil your first impression of him." (Avery)

I coughed and nodded. "Yeah and I have to find Natasha soon before she wrecks the whole forest into finding me."

We said our goodbyes going in different directions.

"Natasha, I\'m here!" I yelled back feeling icky through my armor. All that talking felt like a while I needed to take a shower quickly. Best if I take a bath in some river somewhere here before I come back.

"Natasha can hear her voice right this way, your highness!" (Natasha)

Wait, highness?

There\'s only one royalty in here and it\'s-

Don\'t tell me she brought Rose with her?!

Wait wait wait what do I do?! I\'m still covered in dragon saliva, my hair is a mess, and well I stink! If she meets me in this state what will she think of me?!

My hands quickly moved on the strands of my hair trying to straighten it in place. "Come on at least I have to look cool after defeating that wyvern-"

Is there a mirror? Wait that question was dumb- Where can I find a mirror in a forest?!

I could hear their footsteps getting closer. My heart thumps every second in anticipation. I could see Natasha\'s head poking out one of the branches holding Vanilla\'s leash with someone riding on her saddle.

The usual red shawl that she turned into a scarf being wrapped around her neck, that silver white hair long and a little curled. Her face has always been embedded in my memories.

Natasha smiles seeing my figure, "Kein-" she let go of the reins but someone was fast enough to reach me first.

Thump, thump, thump.

She clumsily goes down the saddle before running through the grass. Spreading her arms out- to hug me.

"You dummy I was worried sick-!" My hands were frozen in place. Do I hug back? I thought she hated me? Did she come looking for me? What should I do?

Rose\'s head was buried in my chest plate. I remembered that I was still covered in filth but can I at least... enjoy this small moment we have?

How long since we\'ve been this close together?

"Rose." My face was flustered when I muttered her name. "Um it might be better for you to let go now I\'m still covered in wyvern saliva."

She shakes her head in stubbornness and I smile. I guess even after two years she\'s still the same worrywart girl I fell in love with.

I noticed that I\'m a lot taller than her now. I remove the gloves from my right hand before patting Rose\'s head gently. "I\'m sorry for worrying you, Rose. I\'m alright." I smiled so widely I felt like my cheeks were going to break.

I can feel Natasha watching over us silently. "Natasha has never seen you... smile like that." (Natasha)

I stop and finally have my mind straight enough to think. "Actually why are the two of you together- Natasha and um..." my sentence stopped for a moment scared to address Rose into her nickname in front of Natasha. I\'m still on duty so I must call Rose by her title- "The second princess."

Rose suddenly retracts her hug around my waist looking up to meet my eyes. "What did you just call me?" (Rose)

"The second... princess." I gulped the tone of her voice getting light but still it sounded like she wanted to do something else to me.

"Oh I see well this second princess will be going back to her carriage now." (Rose) decided to walk back into the direction they came from.

"Wait your highness!" I call out running to her side. "It\'s not safe, let me accompany you." she proceeds to even walk faster than before.

"No, I\'ll be fine with the adventurer escorting me instead thank you. Commander Hills." (Rose)

Hah? Is she literally doing a tantrum for me by calling her by her title? "Your highness don\'t be like that I\'m part of the royal military I should-"

Natasha runs up behind us with Vanilla neighing as she catches her breath. "Ah- give Natasha a break- the two of you run like you\'re being chased by the same dead wyvern." (Natasha) scolds us and I stop for a moment going back to take a look if she\'s alright.

I... almost forgot about her and Vanilla for a moment. "Natasha you have Vanilla with you- are you alright how was the stampede?"

Natasha takes a deep breath before holding Vanilla for support. "Everyone saw your display of stupidity, charging into a dragon\'s mouth like that without care?! Natasha felt like crying!" (Natasha) screamed and I was left trying to calm her down.

"I\'m sorry but the wyvern\'s breath- I can absorb it and save some time- if I was anywhere near you guys I would\'ve accidentally absorbed the shield the other mages casted that was used to protect the princess-" I explained thoroughly.

Natasha shakes her head.

"That\'s not the point! Let Natasha see your whole body!" (Natasha)


"What? I\'m fine! I have my armor on so there\'s no way I would\'ve- oomph-" Natasha cups my cheeks and I feel an uncertain feeling behind us. I\'m digging my hole further and further down the grave.

"You have a cut on your cheek! May Natasha remind you that you don\'t wear a helmet!" (Natasha) scolds me right further while her face is merely inches apart. "I\'m fine, Natasha, really it\'s just a small cut." I moved away from her and she crossed her arms.

"It\'s best if we get back to camp and get it treated then, we can\'t let a valuable asset like a commander die out of infection now do we?" (Rose) mutters coldly and I click my tongue.

We\'re running in circles. I remember now, you left me with no explanation, Rose. Now you have the guts to be sassy and mad? I\'m thankful that you were worried about me but that doesn\'t change what you did in the past. However I won\'t let this get to me, "Fine. Let\'s just hurry up to camp and get her highness to safety."

I asked Rose to ride Vanilla and she didn\'t protest. If anyone has seen us letting the princess walk when there\'s clearly a Pegasus we could use here. "Princess don\'t worry, my steed is really tame and even affectionate."

Vanilla neighs a little in response. Natasha pokes her head around looking up and down at Vanilla. I guess she\'s a little envious, Natasha has never ridden Vanilla before. From that look on her face- geez I\'ll give her a ride after this escort mission.

No wonder it was a high ranking one. A wyvern and a monster stampede literally appeared on us.

I should also start getting used to calling Rose princess but that also won\'t be a problem.

Rose doesn\'t even look my way and just stares at the road. "Let\'s get going please. Lord Wolford must have noticed I snuck out of the carriage... by now." (Rose)

I widened my eyes in surprise.

So she snuck out... to try and find me? Yeah actually that would explain why there were no guards accompanying her but how did she end up with Natasha of all people?

"Right away your highness." (Natasha) answered in my stead because at this point I needed to process all this information that was going through my head.

"R-Right away."

The trip back to where the battle started wasn\'t far. My brigade soldiers that I was supposed to be leading also had their own fair share of worries and complimented me for I looked awesome when I fought the dragon going on top of its head and all.

"Oh it was nothing the summoned hero was with me inside the wyvern\'s mouth actually." I told them and they were full of woe and whoa after that. Except for the drunk guy, Bancho though. He didn\'t seem impressed but still.

Natasha and Rose went to their respective parties and I was summoned by Vincent who had already started setting up the tent. "You-! Do you have any idea how worried I was when you charged into that dragon?! If your cousin knew you did that he\'d kill me!" (Vincent)

I groaned. This is the second scolding today I swear. "Stop dragging my cousin into this! Even though you\'re right I had to do something! I had to get away because I know I can beat that dragon without even doing much, General Vincent. If I got too close to the barrier you guys made I would\'ve absorbed it and then the others will be left with no protection." I talked back at Vincent who has been another big brother figure in my life. I understand that but I do wish he also stopped treating me like I\'m helpless. "You know I did the right thing and I am not ashamed of what I did."

He sighs, rubbing the dark circles around his eyes.

It was a sign that he didn\'t get any sleep for the past few days. I actually never got to check up on him ever since the start of this escort mission since the both of us have gotten so busy. "I know you\'re not weak, Commander. It was just too sudden. It made me worry what if you got hurt badly in this mission? We\'re close to the [Winshern Kingdom] borders anyways please don\'t do something this reckless again. If you weren\'t a close friend of mine I would have you punished severely."

I cross my arms but I nod reluctantly. I bite my lip in frustration, I guess what I did was a bit too unprofessional. "Yes, General. I\'ll... behave." I replied having no choice in the matter.

Vincent smiles faintly under his dark eyebags. "Good. Within the next day we will have reached our destination." he mutters a little tired yet the tone seemed like he was glad. The sooner the mission is over the sooner he\'ll have some sleep.

He turned to me for a moment and the expression on his face seemed like he was in sorrow. The knot in my stomach started to churn. "My father has told me to set you as the princess\'s knight, you alone. Now you are excused-" (Vincent) suddenly dropped a new mission on me and it was to guard Rose?!

"Your father ordered you to do that- why?!" I began to panic. Vincent, come on, you both knew what we had! I still have some feelings for her, if I get close to her now how can I ever move on?!

"I demand an explanation! You know what happened to us Vincent leaving me alone with her is-" I yelled. I know I might sound overly overdramatic, childish and again unprofessional but I just- my heart can\'t stand the sight of that woman!

Vincent clenches his teeth, smashing his hand on the table.


"Will you disobey your superior\'s order commander?!" he said, raising his voice. It made me jump.

He... was angry. I\'ve never seen him angry. "Vincent are you-"

I look at his hands and the table that had been stabbed with ice spikes. "I\'m sorry today has been a rough day. I... Lady Kein I apologize for raising my voice. I don\'t have the mental state to explain right now. I promise that\'s for another day. You are excused." (Vincent) turns around and I salute, deciding to follow his order not wanting to burden my friend.

"Thank you, General." and with that I left hurriedly walking up to a mage asking for her to check up on Vincent\'s hand.

Becoming the Princess\'s Knight.

Why would Vincent\'s father... order such a thing?

I found a natural river and decided to clean and dry my armor there. I need some time alone. I gathered up my tent materials with Vanilla and built it with how Natasha taught me a few days ago.

Vanilla snuggled up next to me and I sigh while watching the stars who were just sitting there in the night sky, "Vanilla it must be nice not having love problems huh." I muttered and used her as a pillow when it was time to sleep.

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