Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 79 There's Nothing Stopping You.

Chapter 51: There\'s nothing stopping you.

Kein\'s POV

After the dinner I never left the princess\'s side and even went on to her designated room earlier than expected.

Prince Alexanderk offered escort and by no choice Rose accepted.

Prince Nikolas acted like he didn\'t care but he kept glancing at our way with a smile that felt like she was scheming.

I managed to control my cursed sword from going berserk over at dinner time so that was a plus.

"I bid you farewell and a goodnight, your highness. I uh, apologize for what happened at the dinner. My family is really... not like other royalties." He says apologetically but for me all that insults about Rose being replaceable really stuck out to my mind.

It sure as hell is not a good dinner and if I were sitting at the table I would\'ve thrown your older brother a piece of salad and told him he needs a healthier mind.

He needs all the vegetables he can get.

The King too.

I lost my appetite just looking at all of you eating there.

Rose and Queen Tatinia just got a salad while the other males got protein filled meals. Female royalties, even guests, are not an exemption from that rule.

"You are to leave the day after tomorrow yes?" (Prince Alexanderk) asks, looking a little worried but I couldn\'t tell if it was all genuine or an act.

"Yes, I have to be home and get ready for the Luminaria festival in due time." (Rose) replies sounding a little glad that she\'ll be home soon. In her own bed, castle, and sisters.

Prince Alexanderk smiles, "My father has told me to visit your kingdom and experience the culture there as well as paying visit to your father and bond with him."

Well that doesn\'t sound so much of a good news for me. It means I\'ll have to worry twice now even when I\'m at my own turf and kingdom of service. "I will await your visit and let us talk to my father together." (Rose)

The prince takes Rose\'s hand planning to kiss it at the back of her palm but to my surprise.

"Apologies but I think we need to lay off touching for a while. I-I have forgotten to tell you that I am not comfortable unless we are already wedded." (Rose) takes back her hand quickly but gently leaving the prince confused but somehow not angry or furious at all.

A bit of a shock for me too-!

A happy shock of action that Rose did! Now I won\'t have to wipe of any kisses off her hands!

I was expecting him to throw in how women are automatically to accept a kiss laid upon a gentleman but no!

He\'s still a piece of shit for all that he said about female knights not being able to keep up with others.

Prince Alexanderk stares at Rose before looking away biting his lip, somehow taking a hit in his pride as a man. "I see. I respect your decision. I will... see you another time before you leave."

As the two of them conversed in such a trying hard intimate conversation. I was happy dancing now that he\'ll most likely leave Rose alone with all that kissing the hand shenanigans.

I tried not to smile so widely but I think I\'m doing it now. I can feel my cheeks hardening.

Rose politely bows to the prince instead with a curtsy, "I bid you goodnight, thank you for escorting me your highness."

Prince Alexanderk nods, feeling a little off.

He seems to have gotten softer to Rose, is the theory of him suddenly falling in love right?!

Rose walks away heading for the door and I open it for her, giving the prince a side glance before following inside.

Our eyes meet for a moment, I know we have a certain mutual feeling for each other.

He doesn\'t trust me and I don\'t trust him.

When the door closed and the steps outside began to face I finally felt safe and saw Rose already on the couch slumped looking tired, she groaned. "That was so... horrible. That dinner was not good- all the food there was not filling like the ones back at home." (Rose) complains wrapping her arms around her stomach acting like she was in pain.

My heart felt hurt hearing that. As someone who\'s been almost starved to death, looking at the food that was given I\'m wondering how have the women in this country survived for this long.

"Are you alright? Should I get you anything? I can make you some more sandwiches if I sneak inside the royal kitchen again." I ask, worrying about her health. She shakes her head lifting her knee hiding her face behind it. I walked to her feeling concerned.

To think that she\'s been sitting over these noble dinners, it didn\'t feel like a proper family dinner at all.

"I just want to go home. I want to be away from here, Kein." she turns to me with a tired expression but soon she faintly smiles.

"I want to see the kingdom for its life outside and not here. Think of all the things commoners do that\'s even more interesting than royals!" (Rose) was quick on her feet and began twirling off the sofa and into the window, and left me sitting here wondering how much of an optimist she is.

The ground was covered up in snow in the middle of the night, lights shinned under the castle. "The snow- I\'ve only heard of snow angels, snow ball fights, and have you heard of a snowman? Apparently the children in the city make an adorable man made out of snow, therefore a snowman! What a silly name... how I wish to make one myself."

She crosses both of her arms leaning into the wall, opening the window to reveal a wide veranda. "I wonder how it feels to play in the snow."

I chuckle a little amused of her wishful mutterings when obviously she can just sneak out again this time with me tagging along with her.

Her life as a princess these past two years is like a bird in a cage, who has ways to leave but was chained by force. "There\'s nothing stopping you. You can leave if you want to, my only mission that was given was to protect you not keep you out of your fun."

Rose stares at me wide eyed before hesitating to speak. "I-I don\'t know... my silver hair is really attention seeking."

"So wear your shawl. You\'ve always worn it and never taken it off when you visited us before."

"I-I think I should not. Playing around at night? What would Cecilia say? If she saw me playing in the snow I would be scolded for hours-" (Rose)

I sighed, placing my hands on my hips feeling irritated. "Really? Even out miles away from her you\'re scared that she\'ll be scolding you for playing in the snow like that?"

Rose looks away guiltily and I continue. "You\'re different. I knew it from the day we met. You\'re nothing like your sister, to me you\'re one beautiful princess who won\'t let anyone stop you from doing what you want. That includes having some bit of fun so come with me."

I stood my ground not planning to hear any silly excuses come from her mouth.

Rose covers her mouth for a moment looking so flustered before holding her cheek as if the temperature in this room went up, "Ah you\'re still so good with words I can\'t refuse you! I don\'t think I can ever refuse you."

"I-I mean? Thanks?" A little surprised with those words I also flushed a little but only a little when she said she can\'t refuse me- I mean.

"I\'ve been making up excuses for myself, I know what I want so let\'s break some rules to get them. I want to complete my list of things to do before I die." (Rose) pulls out a notebook from her [Storage Ring] shuffling the pages.

It looked so familiar and I just realized that\'s the same notebook I gave her years ago before we separated. "You still have that?" I point at it, the cover of it being a little tattled and old.

"Yes, I still do. Did you think I wouldn\'t?" (Rose) eyes me curiously and I shake my head.

"No, I\'m just surprised you brought it with you on this trip." I eyed the notebook that was almost falling apart and I replied with worry, "Don\'t you think you should get a new one? It\'s about to break."

Rose pouts holding the notebook in front of me. "I can\'t believe you don\'t remember!" she shuffles the pages of the list she wanted to do and it stops on a single page. "Read this you forgetful dummy." (Rose)

My eyes squinted at the paper trying to read, "To whom it may concern, whoever signs their names here has agreed to a marriage contract that will happen in due time- oh that!"

I pointed at the paper in shock, I never forgot about it- it just didn\'t come to my mind. "I know it wasn\'t anything serious back then, I was playing a joke but to think that you\'ve kept it."

"Of course I kept it. I... I was happy that you even thought about us being together." (Rose) holds the notebook pressing it to her chest. "It\'s one of the things that kept me going when I left. The thought of us, the what if\'s that crossed my mind."

"What if I wasn\'t a princess, just a mere commoner? A maid, a florist, an adventurer... Would you still be with me?"

My heart wanted to leap out of its chest and I was speechless with her sudden thoughts that I know she has been wanting to tell me for a long time.

A princess and someone like me, can never be with her.

I say hell to that.

I really couldn\'t take it any longer, that look of hers that was just so adorable that I can\'t help myself. I leaned into her ear, "Can I kiss you, Rose?"

I could hear her voice squeal for a moment before nodding with a flush color red on her face. My hands felt so light when I grabbed her by the waist gently and kissed her.

I could hear her moan for a moment and held me back. Her hand wanders from my back to my hips. "Mm..."

I could feel her warmth going through into me, the panting breaths and our eyes closing the deeper that we kissed. "I would still be with you, whatever your role may be or mine. Even you were a commoner, and even if I was a royal we would have still in some way have met and fallen in love."

She laughs softly, pulling away with her head now buried in my shoulder. "Let\'s go and sneak away from this place then, my sweet."

"I still cannot get used to you calling me that." I couldn\'t help myself from pouting a little as she heard the whining tone of my voice.

"Is the nickname too much for you, my sweet? Should I stop then?" (Rose) she teases me with a kiss on my cheek.

Acting a little furious I kissed her cheeks back then I buried my head into shoulders. "No, it\'s not like- I don\'t like it and I never said to stop you know. I just said I\'m not used to it."

I groaned inside my mind, we\'re technically already hugging and kissing to think I can\'t be honest with myself- I\'m still a tsundere aren\'t I?

"Then it looks like someone\'s going to have to get used to it." she kissed my forehead and I buried my head deeper refusing to look at Rose because I know I\'ll just get flustered again.

This is so unfair.


I managed to talk to one of the maids and ask for commoner clothes, anything that they could have. They were charmed by my charisma and were nodding to every request I would ask for. I removed my armor and was walking in my inner black fishnet clothing and they were ogling on me.

One maid that helped me sneak into the royal kitchen before seemed so happy to see me. I couldn\'t understand half of what she said but I explained my problem hoping that she would understand. "I need some commoner clothes because I have spilled tea all over my armor. Do you have some clothes I can borrow?"

The maid was beet red when I scratched my neck, "C-Clothes. Yes. I-I can have- grab-" she looks at me before shaking her head. "Clothes I come back!" she elegantly walks so fast going to wherever she was going to get those commoner clothes.

So... all those military training on making my body rather ripped was worth it?

I do feel a little guilty asking her for it, I only packed clothes from home and it\'s very different from what they have here. I\'m afraid we\'ll stick out like sore thumbs if we used that instead.

In a matter of a few minutes the maid came back with a pair of simple dark blue winter clothing with fur on the hood. "Thank you so much." I gave the maid a smile and she bows before running.

I went back into Rose\'s room who was waiting patiently for me. She notices me when I open the door and offers her the clothing, "I can\'t believe you actually got them. How did you do it?" she eyes the clothes, taking them and flipping them from side to side.

"I can\'t believe how pretty the winter clothes are here!" she yells and I chuckle.

"The maid, well let\'s just say she couldn\'t say no to whatever I requested. Shall we go and leave now?" I ask her while she puts on the clothes taking off her current ones.

I looked away into the wall quickly because my heart wasn\'t ready to see her out of her clothes... naked.

I await her answer patiently instead, "No, we can\'t leave yet. I still have to do one more spell just in case." she says and wonders what kind of spell it was.

Then it hit me.

"Of course, when you leave-"

"Yes. I can make and leave my body double but I don\'t know about yours if I can generate one."

I wave my hand motioning that I don\'t really need one. "I can have a silly excuse that I was going out to have a late night drink or something like that." I told her and her silver eyes lights up shining full of curiosity.

"Drinking?! Can we go to a bar too?" (Rose) exclaims excitedly and I imagined Rose holding a beer of rum chugging it.

"Well- actually are you alright with drinking alcohol and a rowdy bar full of people?" I am a little worried because it might not be suitable for her. If some drunks started bashing each other on the head it might ruin her first experience- wait this isn\'t her first time at a bar. "Then again technically it won\'t be the first time you\'re going to visit a bar. Remember that one time we had VIP tickets to see Veronica\'s concert that was held on an underground gay bar?"

She snaps her fingers remembering it. "I don\'t think I could ever forget. I had so much fun in my life and I still have the tickets in my room for safekeeping of that memory."

"Oh? Other than the tickets, what else do you have?" I asked.

She smiles, taking her red shawl and putting it over her head hiding her beautiful silver hair. "Everything you have ever given me. I kept it, I know I\'ve told you to forget about me but I never did apply those words for me. I never forgot, never moved on and I.... everyday I thought about you and the others." (Rose)


"Even the portraits and drawings that I made for you?"

"From the letters, sketches, and simple flowers. I had them dried up and pressed in a book. Cecilia has always made comments about how... attached I am to you." she mutters guiltily. "Especially when we were children, I definitely couldn\'t stop clinging on to you."

"I\'m not exactly innocent myself, there were times I wanted you for myself and refused for no one else to have you." I told her, a little self-conscious about myself and my temper.

Those times the orphan children confessed to her that was about the same age as us. I would get mad and run to the color changing tree to cool my head.

"Oh don\'t worry, I noticed." (Rose) says casually that made me give her a questioning look.

"When we were kids?"

She snickers as if finding my whole ordeal funny, "Why, yes you weren\'t really good at hiding your feelings either. I know you always vent up your anger at the color changing tree. I\'ve always noticed but I was waiting for you to tell me yourself." she says, nudging my shoulder. "You were so jealous I found it really cute so I couldn\'t help myself you know?"

"I hate you." I told her, crossing my arms wearing back my chest plate and cape for the cold. I really don\'t like her sometimes when she teases me and I\'m at a disadvantage.

She kisses my cheeks before running to the direction of the door. "I love you too."

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