Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 80 Kein! Let's Go Build A Snowman!

Chapter 52: Kein! Let\'s go build a woman!

Kein\'s POV

We managed to escape the castle having a clone of Rose being left in her room. I passed by the halls smoothly thanks to the pass given to me. Rose tried not to sway around excitedly as we found the exit to the outside.

"Snow... snow... snow..." she chants quietly, raising her hands up and down.

"Calm down, the snow is not going anywhere." I told her and she crossed her arms.

"No, the snow won\'t but we will. We only have two days left of stay here before we leave this place and I wouldn\'t have the guts to sneak out of here without you persuading me. I\'ve missed going outside." (Rose) says happily and I felt glad seeing her spirits so high up.

"It\'s understandable you haven\'t left outside a castle just to have fun and stroll for two years already."

Rose smiles sadly placing her hands at the front clasped together, "Two years under many private scholars, governess, and etiquette studies. I\'ve learned how to handle diplomacy at least. May I add, how to politely smile at someone you don\'t like." (Rose)

I chuckled a little and agreed. She really had mastered the art of polite smiling at someone you don\'t like.

We arrived at the gate and I showed the guards my pass. "We will only be out for an hour or three." I told them and they nod scanning the pass before giving it back to me.

I thank them.

They let us out that easily and we began walking to the direction of the city just outside the gates. I held Rose\'s hand in mine, I could feel her warmth over mine and the shaking. "Are you nervous?" I ask her concerned leaning over to look at her eyes searching for her expression.

Rose held her shawl with her other hand. "Y-Yeah it\'s been two years after all. I can\'t believe that trick still works." (Rose)

I smiled and pointed forward to the city. "Last one inside the middle of the city is a rotten egg!" I ran first leaving her to the dust as the snow crunched in our footsteps.

Rose gasps and runs after me. "What the- Hey! Running ahead first is my thing!" (Rose)

We played tag with each other remembering the old times. There weren\'t many shops in the middle of the night but it seemed like it was mostly men accompanied by women walking around in the streets.

Rose catches up with me holding my arm before looking at all the places we can go. "What should we do first?" she says eyes all sparkly and I recall her wanting to go inside a bar with music and alcohol to experience.

"Wanna find a bar we can eat at? I\'m sure the dinner from before wasn\'t appetizing." I suggested and she let out a happy squeal.

"You had me at dinner. Let\'s go!" We walked together trying to find it.

I watched as the people gave us weird looks, especially men but some minded their own business.

Apparently we don\'t know the area well and we can\'t find a bar in sight. "Weird in the middle of the city and there\'s no bar in sight?" I muttered and looked into the busy streets. It was all winter clothing, closed shops and a small store where you can buy vegetables.

Rose tries to help but she can\'t find anything either.

Just when we were losing hope someone called out to me.

"Kein is that you?"

A familiar voice rang with my name. I turned around and saw that it was Natasha holding a bag of apples and carrots in her arms.

Her blonde hair was braided and green eyes staring at Rose who was currently in disguise. "Hey- Natasha, long time no see." I greeted and she nodded in our direction.

"What are you doing alone in the middle of the city? There is a curfew that women should follow, you should be careful." (Natasha) walks towards us and she leans over to look at Rose.

Rose hides behind my back a little and Natasha eyes me suspiciously. "Who is this companion you picked up? Don\'t tell me you picked up a woman of high standing and seduced her. Natasha is certain you\'ll be killed for that." (Natasha) coldly scolds me and I mean.

She\'s not completely wrong.

I need to explain to her what this is quickly before I get slandered some more. "No she\'s a new friend I made along the way who can also speak puronian who just tagged along with me. We\'re trying to look for a bar to eat on you see-" I tried making up an excuse but Natasha sighs looking at me as if she was disappointed.

"Natasha already knows, you cannot lie well." she rolls her eyes while calling out my horrible lying skills. "Greetings to her highness we meet again. I hope you are well. Has Kein been giving you nothing but trouble?" (Natasha) bows a little in greeting turning to the princess and Rose panics, shaking her hand in motion for no.

I certainly haven\'t given her trouble.

"No- she hasn\'t been giving me trouble. In anything she\'s actually been a great company." (Rose) replies and Natasha smiles genuinely before gazing at the both of us, expression a little sad but she quickly hides it and smiles.

"Natasha is glad. The both of you are looking for a bar? Natasha knows a bar where you can rest your worries for a while." (Natasha)


We got our own tour guide!

"Thank you, Natasha. You\'ll be doing us a favor." I tell her and she nods walking with pride.

"No trouble. Natasha has also been hired to protect the princess, perhaps on escort but I\'ll consider this as a side hustle." (Natasha)

Rose looks at me a little happy as we follow Natasha over the farther part of the city. We could hear rowdy people yelling, adventurers hanging around outside and knights in armor patrolling the ground. "It might be unsettling at first but do not be alarmed. It is normal." (Natasha) reassures us and I keep close to Rose.

Rose was still taking in every bit of the city with the buildings, people, and the culture. It was all winter themed, "We just passed by a small little snowman with gloves on a stick!"

My eyes widened at her words and snickered. I covered my mouth. "You\'re so cute. I just can\'t."

Getting excited over a little snowman is too adorable.

Rose ignores me and turns her attention over to Natasha. "How come you don\'t have any male companions with you? I thought all of the women were required to have one." (Rose) asks and now that she mentions it. Natasha was walking around in the city with no one else.

Natasha stares at Rose before gripping the bag on her chest. "Guards fear Natasha. Natasha is one of the few women who they don\'t want to face. Banished in the kingdom, only pardoned to come back for a job." (Natasha)

They fear her? Natasha the girl who can\'t touch a Pegasus without getting nervous and excited? But then again now that I look at her more in this angle I can see why.

I have seen Natasha as the serious, cold, mysterious type with a side of kindness inside.

But I wonder what got her banished from her home.

It seems Rose was also curious from the looks of it. She kept glancing at Natasha who was uncomfortable with the set of distances they were closing. "How did you and Kein meet?" (Rose) asks and I almost stopped my tracks.

"Maybe that story is for another time yeah? You know there\'s probably other more interesting stories that Natasha can tell."

I really can\'t tell Rose that I had a small slime accident when I met Natasha. It was too embarrassing and a bad story to tell Rose when we\'re just patching things up. I looked pleadingly at Natasha who ignored me and answered, "She saved me, we become friends and the rest is history." (Natasha)

Rose blinks three times before taking in her shirt answer. While I\'m here secretly breathing a sigh of relief. "Alright if the two of you are keeping it a secret I can respect that you know." (Rose)

I actually don\'t want to keep it a secret but now is definitely not the time to tell it. "I promise I\'ll tell you about it some other time."

"To reassure her highness, nothing happened." (Natasha) says to Rose and gives her a thankful look for explaining it.

I could feel Rose relaxing a little more with Natasha\'s reassurance and in a few moments she tries holding my hand.

She was swaying hers around as we walked trying to reach for mine. I just got irritated that she was hesitating on holding my hand so... I just held her hand myself. "You can always hold it, you know, we\'re not a princess and a knight right now. We\'re just Kein and Rose. A pair of lovers walking together." I whisper to her and she giggles, Rose looks away holding her shawl before nodding.

Natasha looked behind and saw us holding hands saying nothing before looking seriously straight ahead and stopping at a tavern or bar that was too noisy in this time of night, "We are here."

"Hey! Give me more beer man! We\'re finally leaving this place so let\'s party!!!!"

"Finally this kingdom is suffocating me."

"No kidding, come on let\'s drink till we pass out!"

I heard shouting from the inside, it seemed to be a little rowdy. Natasha looks at the both of us before bowing, "Natasha will be going now-"

Rose lets go of my hand and grabs Natasha\'s. "Please don\'t go yet. Come! Sit with us and eat. The more the merrier is what I would like to say." (Rose) seemed so genuinely nice that you can\'t turn her down.

Natasha didn\'t know what to do and sent a pleading look of help in my direction. I shrugged, "It\'s alright Natasha maybe the both of you can get to know each other more while we\'re together. It\'s no problem." I said and Rose seemed to agree with my suggestion.

Natasha purses her lips, she really looks like she doesn\'t want to be a part of it. I was about to tell her if she\'s uncomfortable with it well- before I could she sighs and nods. "Natasha will grab a drink. Only one, then Natasha will leave." (Natasha)

Rose seemed happy with her answer and held both of our hands leading us inside, she opens the door and we saw a couple of knights from our kingdom raiding their glass- drinking like there\'s no tomorrow.

Hold on... their faces look really familiar.

I felt dreaded realizing that these knights were not just any knights.


"Oh no. I think we should go." I pulled back wanting to leave, Natasha notices and she yanks me back in seeing that she also recognizes my other seniors.

Rose looks at me worriedly to see if I\'m hurt, "Are you okay?!" (Rose)

"Natasha thinks it\'s unwise. The princess invited us out to eat and this is the only bar out open at this time. Your highness, can you please get in first and save us a seat?" she asks seriously and Rose looks even more worried than before.

"The two of you will follow behind right?" (Rose)

Natasha nods and hesitantly follows. "Natasha will just need to chat with Kein, something serious the princess should not concern herself with." she says coldly and Rose asks for my permission and I tell her to do what Natasha says for now, I\'ll hear her out. Rose tries to find a table and Natasha drags me over to the corner before asking me.

"Why is the princess with you? Isn\'t she supposed to be meeting her fiancé right now?" she eyes me suspiciously and I laugh brushing Natasha off.

"What\'s with the serious tone? I just brought her here because we wanted to eat and-" she cuts me off with a glare.

"You brought a princess to the streets of a kingdom you\'re not familiar with. The both of you women, do you not know what the men of this country can do if the both of you get caught?" (Natasha) points her finger at me jabbing it in my chest. "Punishment by hanging, punishment by humiliation, rocks will be thrown and you will be executed."

I move her finger to the side, "In my defense it might be even better in here than in that horrible castle. As long as we don\'t get caught we\'ll be fine." she scoffs and I cross my arms.

"Your other knight friends are here right? Natasha recognizes one right now." (Natasha) points at them and I roll my eyes.

"You know some of my history with them. Their girlfriends slash exes now broke up with them with an excuse- but it\'s all in the past. It doesn\'t matter now." I hissed at Natasha and she grins, if Rose knew the whole thing I would blow everything these past days I\'ve been working on to get in her favor and finally open up to me. "All in the past?" (Natasha) asks sarcastically.

"Natasha knows but if you love the princess. You should come clean, have you told her that even though you have not rejected some other girls but just kept them hanging because you don\'t want to hurt their feelings?" (Natasha) hissed right back and she gave a good point.

I never told her some of the horrible things I\'ve done and if she loved me without knowing the horrible parts of me that would make me... an definite asshole. "Natasha is thankful that you rejected her that day, I\'m not giving up but think about it. Don\'t you think it\'s unfair? Have you also told her about how you really felt-" (Natasha)

"I know I haven\'t told her all about it, just some of it. I never told her that I developed some horrible drinking habits and some other problems I\'ve made that will only make her worried and guilty, she\'s going to blame herself for everything that went wrong." I held my arms protectively and she continued.

"You never told the princess how much you played around with other people. How will I know you won\'t do the same to the princess? I may like you, but even Natasha knows how horrible you are when it comes to feelings." (Natasha)

I clenched my hands and glared at Natasha feeling that she\'s overstepping a little bit. "You don\'t know a thing about me. That was all in the past now that I have her back I won\'t be needing to go back."

That\'s right I have Rose back.

I don\'t need to go back into my old habits.

I have her in my life and I don\'t need anything else.

"Kein, she\'s an ENGAGED WOMAN. Think of what you\'re doing, how it\'s wrong. She\'s a princess and you\'re her personal knight, nothing more nothing less." (Natasha)

I looked down at the floor, the rowdy crowd of bar customers yelling, Natasha standing here in front of me giving me a reality check and Rose who sits at a table waiting for us patiently.

Her words stuck to my head.

Don\'t you think I don\'t know that?

Don\'t you think I woke up everyday for the past week with her just a few feet away thinking, she\'s going to be married to someone else so I have to let go? For both of our sakes no lines must be crossed?

Haven\'t you seen me doing my best to avoid Rose for the past two years?

How I tried to move on despite it all?

Despite all the people I\'ve hurt trying to get there?

"Don\'t you think I\'m aware of that? I know I\'ll get killed for whatever the princess and I are having, and I\'m a pretty stubborn person. I love her, Natasha. I just can\'t let her go and I know Rose feels the same way." I answered. I know I wanted to tell her more, how much Rose meant to me and how much I\'m willing to give her everything I have.

If she tells me to jump off a bridge I would do it.

If she wants to go to war, I would lead a whole army to fight.

If she tells me to kill an innocent person, I know I would do it.

Natasha shakes her head giving me a sad smile. "You love her, Natasha knows and Natasha is just worried. Loving someone higher than you always comes with a price. It is how Natasha got banished here and only lived at the kindness of others."

"Natasha is sorry if she crossed a line." she sighs tiringly and I felt guilty immediately.

No, Natasha you didn\'t cross a line. "Everything you said was true. I know you\'re only looking out for me after all, I get in a lot of trouble." I reply back scratching my neck and she nods. "The princess is waiting for us. Tell her everything when you\'re ready, tell her everything that she needs to know." (Natasha)

"Alright I will, thank you for talking to me about it." We got out of the corner and went to Rose\'s table where we saw her having some alone time.

Natasha nods, "If General Vincent hears about this though, Natasha won\'t save you."

"Yikes yeah Vincent will really kill me if he knew about this."

Rose was fidgeting and was startled when we finally got to the table to sit. She looks at us both before asking, "Are you two okay?" (Rose)

"Yes, your highness. Have you thought of the food you would want? I would recommend some good things that should be better than what they serve in the castle." (Natasha) offers a friendly smile and Rose was looking nervous but still she managed to compose herself.

"Um I want something filling and good, do you have something like that?" (Rose)

"To her highness, you can have the Vareniki. There\'s also this other meatless soup here?" (Natasha) suggests and bonds with Rose over food.

"Ooo, I think I would go for that." (Rose) says appreciatively looking at Natasha no longer as an enemy but as a friend.

"Natasha likes that her highness is used to this kind of atmosphere. Natasha thought some royalties are just too fancy for a simple rough life like this." (Natasha)

"Just between you and me-" she beckons Natasha to move closer and to which she did Rose whispers, "I lived a double life in the city loving the commoner life more than the royal life. It\'s how I met Kein when we were children actually."

Natasha grins, not expecting the princess\' playfulness. "I bet Kein here was a real annoying one- you on the other hand your highness, you look like someone who would randomly help someone on the street."

I sat around next to Rose watching both of them get friendly with each other and talking together like two old friends.

I\'m actually glad that they\'re getting along. The waitress asks for our order and takes it out, I take out a few Jewel coins and pay her heftily.

"Isn\'t that the commander?!"

My ears perked up by the mention of my title.

The other knights from my school who I got along with noticed me and waved. "HEY HEY HEY! WE GOT THE NEW COMMANDER HERE HAHAHA! EY KEIN HOW YOU BEEN?"

I waved back at them looking at one soldier who I\'ve had problems with, "I\'m alright thank you- how\'s uh how\'s he?"

The other knights wrapped their arms around the knight and laughed, "This dude already has a new girlfriend and they\'re engaged already he\'s actually happy that he broke up with the other girl! She sucked anyway telling him that and he\'s thankful that she revealed her true colors first Hahaha!"

The knight nodded in my direction, and I nod back. "Happy for the both of you."

"Oy! Who are these pretty ladies at your table though? Which one of them is your fancy? If you don\'t mind, I have a mate who\'s also looking for a date."

Oh good lord they\'re drunk.

I threw a dirty cloth at them that was lying around on the table landing on their faces. "Shut up, both of them are not available, they\'re my friends. Now go back to drinking." I tell them, feeling pissed that they\'re even talking to us about setting up some dates.

The waitress gets us our food and alcohol. I look worriedly at Rose wondering if she can handle her liquor. She noticed me looking at her and pouts, "I\'m fine I\'m a big girl so I can handle my liquor." (Rose)

"A woman like the princess should be able to handle one cup. Rest yourself, Kein." (Natasha) smiles while cheering cups with Rose.

The knight walks up to us and wraps his arms around me, almost spilling my drink, "Oy me and my mates are going to go out for a snowball fight join us! Your friends can go with us."

Well no I think we need to get back to the castle soon- and I need to talk to Rose privately.



There was a sudden sound of a cup being put down into the table. "Kein I want to go play... Can we play snowball together with them?"

She was about to fall off into the chair and I caught her before she could- she kept mumbling how she wants to play outside. "Rose- you\'re drunk." I grab a glass of water and offer it up to her.

Her face was red and kept clinging onto me, "No. I don\'t want... I want to play... please" (Rose) mumbled like a little kid wanting to play.

"Kein she\'s definitely drunk. The both of you should go back." (Natasha) stands up taking her grocery bags. "Natasha has somewhere to go to, Natasha will see you when we meet again." she leaves a share of her money and I sigh holding the drunk princess in my arms.

She leaves and I try to fix Rose\'s position while the other knights watch us like we\'re some show.

I glare at them, "No we\'re not going to your snowball fight. My girlfriend is drunk and she needs to rest."

"Play... play... snow... girlfriend?" (Rose) mutters while she pokes my cheeks. "I\'m your girlfriend?"

Ah- I mean. Did I just say that?!

I could feel my ears turning hot as the knight covered his mouth laughing. "So juicy news you have a girlfriend now?"

"Yes I do, do you have a problem with it?" I asked him, still feeling so flustered, calling Rose my girlfriend in public.

He waves his hands around patting my back. "No! Of course not. My little sister is just like you- so come on treat her well. Give her some water when you get a private room ey?"

I rolled my eyes at his words, the other knights cheered me on. "Shut up nothing like that will happen!" I yelled, feeling a little flustered and they made some \'aw\' sounds.

I will get back at them when I get a high position. I swear, I\'ll remember this.

I hold Rose by her waist leaving the bar, "Rose come on. You could\'ve just told me you can\'t handle your alcohol well..."

Rose looks at me before poking my cheek. "No... Kein might think I\'m not cool... and not mature enough to drink alcohol. What if you like girls who can handle their liquor? I want to drink with you..." she sniffles a little and we walk into the dead streets with barely anyone around.

"I don\'t like any particular girls you know. I just like you." I tell her and she stares at me at first before her eyes tear up.

"I don\'t get what you see in me... I like you and you like me. Sometimes I think that I don\'t deserve you, I know you deserve better- I ran away when we could\'ve found another way but I was just so scared..."

She was crying and that made me feel hurt. I quickly found a bench covered in snow, I wiped it off and placed her there. "I\'m sorry... I\'m really sorry for leaving you like that. I feel like I never say that enough. I\'m so sorry..." she never stopped saying sorry.

"Don\'t cry, don\'t cry Rose. I\'m here with nothing to be scared of. Everything will be fine." I hugged her, holding her back. "You have your reasons and I\'ve forgiven you already. It\'s alright, so there, let\'s stop crying okay?"

She hugs my waist burying her face to my stomach acting like a little kid. I\'ve never seen this side of her that much before but... it\'s not that bad. "Kein, I know we can\'t have a snowball fight but can we build a snowman before we leave?" (Rose)

I giggled a little nodding, I cup her cheek seeing her face that was covered with a shawl but her eyes were not covered.

Tears streamed down out of those pairs of silver eyes and she sniffed.

"You\'re a real dummy too sometimes. We\'re such an idiot couple." I leaned a little and I kissed her forehead holding her hands, supporting her a bit as we walked into a patch of thick snow. "We can make a snowman if you stop crying, okay? Here I have gloves in my [Storage Ring] that Alfred packed for me." I took out the gloves and wore it onto her hands as she swayed less, sobering up.

"Thank you..." she sniffs looking at the gloves and smiles widely. "Hehe another gift... can I keep it?"

I nod, "Of course anything for you, now wanna go build a snowman?"

We gathered up the snow, rolling it down like a ball. We build a small little snowman with sticks poking out on its side, patting down the patch of snow trying to make it round as possible. I walked around and saw some stones that would make a good pair of eyes.

"We have Mr. Snowman. Isn\'t he cute?" (Rose) stands behind the snowman and does some silly poses with him. I laugh watching her little antics like this, "Yes. Yes, you are."



Natasha walks around holding apples and carrots by her hand.

A couple of Pegasus neigh and she smiles feeling relaxed in their presence. She looks around the place knowing that the staff is asleep, but she knows one Pegasus is not. "Vanilla. I have brought you treats." She leans over the corner and sees the Pegasus standing and neighs.

"Your master has not been visiting you. Natasha is here to tell you she\'s currently busy with a job but she\'ll be with you when you leave." (Natasha) offers the Pegasus an apple looking a little sad whenever she thinks about the owner of this Pegasus.

They held hands together.

The princess leaned to her shoulders, Kein does that to her but... she never blushed or looked flustered whenever they did it.

While she was lost in thought, Vanilla eats the apple, chomping down its juices before looking at Natasha affectionately. In return, she brushes Vanilla\'s mane softly.

Natasha was no longer afraid of her, but instead was excitedly and got attached to the big sweet sassy Pegasus. She licks Natasha\'s face before looking for more apples sniffing around, Natasha grabs another one and hands it over to her.

"Natasha. I should have expected that I would see you here."

She turns around to see someone she was not expecting to see in the stables of this time of the night. "General Vincent. Natasha was just feeding Kein\'s Pegasus. Why are you here?"

Vincent, who was holding a bottle of wine, sits down into one of the hays. "Just having a rough night while thinking about my family. How about you? Let me guess... it\'s definitely Kein right?" (Vincent)

"Perhaps, but I am not giving up on her." (Natasha) says confidently and the other party just laughs.

"I suggest you give up on her. No offense, but once she has her mind set on something it\'s almost impossible to convince her." (Vincent) shakes the bottle of wine before taking a sip of it from the mouth of the bottle. "She still likes Rose, let\'s admit it."

Natasha was unsure to tell him that she met them a few hours ago in a bar and made the princess so drunk that she can\'t even walk right.

However, she decided to keep it a secret.

"Indeed. I envy her, she seems like an interesting woman. A kind one as well." (Natasha) compliments Rose, the other party was not expecting for her answer to be so kind-

"Hahaha! And I thought you\'d call her something like a vixen and a fox." Vincent could be heard laughing giving the wine bottle to Natasha who shakes her head, rejecting the offer.

"Natasha has her own drink." she takes a flask out of her pockets.

"You always have that on hand?" (Vincent) asks eyeing the flask.

"It is vodka. Your puronian taste of wine is too weak for me." (Natasha)

"Hahaha! Cheers to our problems then."


They both drank and only Vincent got drunk.

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